世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/03 12:53
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  • Did I say it right?

  • Did I say it correctly?

それぞれ、『[正しく](言えていましたか?』の意味。 Was my English correct? でもよいですが、上記の方がよりスマートな感じに聞こえます。 英語に限らず、いろんな場合で『[今](の、合ってた?』と使えるので、カバー範囲も広いです。
  • Did I say it right?

  • Do you understand?

  • Are my sentences correct?

Did I say it right/correctly - both have the same meaning. Do you understand? - you are asking if they understand the words or sentences you have just said. You may not have said them 100% perfectly but a lot of people will still understand even if there are a few mistakes. Are my sentences correct? - you are asking if they understand and asking them to correct your sentences - just in case you said it slightly wrong. Hope this helps Jane :)
Did I say it right/correctly どちらも同じ意味です。 Do you understand? 今言った言葉を確実に[理解](しているかどうかを尋ねる表現です。 100%とは言わないまでも大体の意味はつかめているものです。 Are my sentences correct? 自分の文章を理解できるか、かつ[修正](をお願いする文言です。間違っている場合を考えた表現ですね。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say it correctly?

  • Was that correct?

You can ask : Did I say it correctly? Was that correct? Was I right? Did I make a mistake?
次のように質問できます : Did I say it correctly? 正しく言えましたか? Was that correct? 正しかったですか? Was I right? あってましたか? Did I make a mistake? 間違いましたか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say it right?

  • Was this the correct way to say it.

The above sentences can be used to check if what you said was correct.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

You can say the above sentence, after saying something that you aren't sure about being correct or not.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Was that right what I said?

  • Did that sound alright? Did I make a mistake?

  • Did that come across OK, without any mistakes?

Any of these phrases is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Did i say it correctly ?

  • B) Am i saying it correctly ?

Examples : Did i pronounce this word correctly ? Is this the right way to say it ? Am i saying it correctly? Did i say it correctly ? Was that the correct way to say it? Was i right? I hope this helps! :-)
例 : Did i pronounce this word correctly ?  →正しい発音で言えましたか? Is this the right way to say it ?  →これは正しい表現ですか? Am i saying it correctly?  →私は正しく話していますか? Did i say it correctly ?  →今の表現は正しかったですか? Was that the correct way to say it?  →正しい表現でしたか? Was i right?  →正しかったでしょうか? 参考になれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Was that how I should say it?

  • Did I say that right?

  • Did that sound okay?

Any of these three sentences would be appropriate for this situation, but if you want to ask them about how to say something more naturally as opposed to grammatically correct you could say "was that a natural way to say it?" or "how would you say this?"
この3つの文章のいずれも、こういった状況にはふさわしい表現です。 しかしながら、文法の正誤を聞くのではなく、自然な表現を聞きたいときは、 このように聞けばよいでしょう。 "was that a natural way to say it?" →これは自然な表現ですか? "how would you say this?"  →どのように言えば良いですか?
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • "Did I say that correctly?"

  • "Was what I just said correct?"

  • "Did you understand what I just said?"

If you just tried to say something in English but you are not sure that you said it correctly, and want to ask someone if you said it right, you could ask any of the following: "Did I say that correctly?", "Was what I just said correct?" or "Did you understand what I just said?".
英語で話したことが間違ってなかったかどうか確認したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Did I say that correctly?"(正しく言えていましたか) "Was what I just said correct?"(今言ったことは正しかったですか) "Did you understand what I just said?"(私が今言ったことは理解できましたか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

  • Do you understand?

Hi There, Here is a detailed explanation of both of those phrases; "Did I say that correctly?" asks the person you spoke to if what you said was good english. It can relate to form, pronunciation or correct use of words and grammar. It looks specifically at the sentence. "Do you understand?" is more broad. It asks if you got your message across rather than specifically referencing use of language. If they say "yes" it means that although they understood what you meant, it may not have been exactly the correct use of english. I hope this helps. :)
こんにちは! ご紹介したフレーズの詳細になります。 "Did I say that correctly?" こちらは相手が自分の言ったことが正しい英語だったかどうかを尋ねる質問です。 文の形だったり、発音だったり、単語や文法が正しく使われているかについてを聞いています。 とくに文を言っているときに使われるでしょう。 "Do you understand?" こちらはより広い意味になります。 こう聞くと、文の正しさよりも、相手に自分の言いたいことが伝わったかどうかを尋ねることできます。 相手が yes と言ってくれたら、自分の言いたい意味が伝わったこをがわかります。 正しい英語にこだわっているわけではありません。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

  • Is that correct way to say it?

  • Did I pronounce that correctly?

These are different ways to ask if you said something correctly or if you pronounced something correctly. Below are a few more examples on how to ask if something was pronounce correctly and how to use it in a sentence. Was that said correctly? Did I pronounce that right? Do you know if that was correctly said? Am I saying it the right way?
自分の言ったこと、あるいは発音に間違いがなかったかを尋ねる言い方です。 「発音は間違っていませんでしたか」は、次のように言うこともできます。 Was that said correctly?(発音は正しかったですか) Did I pronounce that right?(発音は正しかったですか) Do you know if that was correctly said?(発音は正しかったですか) Am I saying it the right way?(発音に間違いはないですか)
Berta DMM英会話講師
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