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学校の個人面談で、家での子供の様子を先生に伝える場面です。 学校であった事は過去、話してくれるのは習慣的な事なので、時制の使い方が難しいです。
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2017/06/05 09:39
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  • She always tells me what happened at school on that day.

"always" は「いつも、常にいつでも」と、習慣的に常に行っていることについて使います。"usually" も同じ意味ですが、こちらは80%くらいの頻度での行いについて言う時に使われます。 "tell 人 〜" は「人に〜と話す、言う」という表現です。「一方的に伝える」といったニュアンスですが、同じ意味の "talk to/with 人" は「人と会話する」といった意味合いがあります。 "what happened at school" は「学校で起こったこと、学校で何が起きたのか」ということを表します。 "on that day" は「その日に」という表現で、"on the day" と言うこともできます。
  • My daughter always tells me what happens at school.

  • My daughter always tells me what happens to her at school.

If you want to explain to your daughter's teacher that you have a good relationship with your daughter, you can tell her that you and your daughter talk everyday after school and she speaks freely with you about her day.
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter always relates details of her day to me

  • My daughter gives me a blow by blow account of her day

If you relate something to someone, you tell them all about something - perhaps a day out, a holiday, a boring day. Relate means "to give an account of something verbally: "John related details of his trip to Sweden. " A blow-by-blow description contains every detail and action of an event: "You'll have to tell me about your night out with Sam - I want a blow-by-blow account!"
何かについて relate しているのであれば、何かについて全て話します。 外出した一日について、休日、退屈な日々についてなど。 「relate」とは、口頭で話しをすることを意味します。 John related details of his trip to Sweden. ジョンはスウェーデンの旅の詳細について話しをしました。 「blow-by-blow」とは、イベント反応やそれぞれの詳細を含みます。 You'll have to tell me about your night out with Sam - I want a blow-by-blow account! サムと出かけた夜について教えてよ。詳しくね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She always comes home and tells me what happened at school that day

  • My daughter always tells me what happens at school

  • My daughter always tells me what happened at school

If the person knows who you are talking about you could use 'she' if not then you would use 'my daughter' to explain who you mean. Happened is the past tense and it has already taken place
相手が誰のことを言っているのか分かる場合は、'she'が使えます。そうでない場合は、'my daughter'を使います。 'happened'は過去形で、すでに起こったことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter tells me every day what she did at school.

  • My daughter informs me of what she did at school every day.

The responses are similar and can be structured either way. The major difference is between using "tells" and "informs". Tells means she relates to me what is going on in a narrative format. More or less she tells me a story of what went on that day. Informs means she relates me certain facts of what went on. Not necessarily a narrative, but a list of events that went on. Again, either one can be used, but it depends more upon her style: some people tell stories, others just list off things that went on.
二つの回答はよく似ていて、どちらの言い方でも大丈夫です。主な違いは"tell"と"inform"です。 "tell"を使うと、何があったか物語として伝えるという意味になります。その日あったことをストーリーとして伝えるということです。 "inform"を使うと、何があったか伝えるという意味になります。必ずしも物語ではなく、出来事のリストを伝えるということです。 どちらも使えます。娘さんの言い方によります(物語を伝える人もいれば、出来事のリストを伝えるだけの人もいます)。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • Each day, my daughter tells me how things went at school.

  • Every day, my daughter talks about what she did in class.

  • I hear each day from my daughter about what happened at school.

My mother would ask me, "How did it go?" if we were talking about school. So I would tell her "how things went." Also, we can refer to school as "class" even though there were multiple classes in one day. We also say "what happened" to describe what what events took place. In each instance, I used "each day" or "every day" because the parent is hearing about each individual school day.
私の母はよく私に学校について「How did it go?(どうだった)」と聞いてきました。それに対して私はどうだったか(how things went)伝えました。学校のことは「class」とも言えます。一日に授業は複数ありますが「classes」でなく「class」と言います。 何があったか使えるときには「what happened(何があったか)」も使われます。 毎日その日あったことを話してくれるわけなので、各文で「each day」または「every day」を使いました。
Amy H English teacher
  • My daughter always give me an account of what happened at school each day

  • My daughter gives me a word for word explanation of her school day

My daughter always give me an account of what happened at school each day. To give an account is to provide a report or description of an experience. By saying this is something my daughter 'always' does, I imply that it takes place daily or often. My daughter gives me a word for word explanation of her school day The phrase 'word for word' suggests that my daughter describes her school day in excessive detail. Due to this, there is likely to be nothing missing, for she will say every single thing that took place in the day. This can even include describing what people were wearing, what they said, how it was said, what the effect of what they said was and even the time of day it was!
My daughter always give me an account of what happened at school each day. (娘はいつも、学校であったことを私に話してくれます。) 「To give an account」は「話す、報告する」という意味です。「always(いつも)」を使って、毎日していることだと伝えています。 ------- My daughter gives me a word for word explanation of her school day. (娘は学校であったことを詳しく話してくれます。) 「word for word」は、学校での出来事を詳しく伝えることを表します。その日の出来事を余すことなく伝えるという感じです。例えば、周りの人の服装だったり、言ったこと、どのように言ったか、いつ言ったか、それによって何が起きたか。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • She always tells me what happened at school

  • She always informs me about what she does at school everyday

When you want to explain to your daughter's teacher that she tells you about what she does at school everyday, then you may say it in the following ways: -She always tells me what happened at school -She always informs me about what she does at school every day
娘の先生に、娘が毎日学校であったことを話してくれると伝えたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -She always tells me what happened at school (娘はいつも学校であったことを話してくれます) -She always informs me about what she does at school every day (娘は毎日学校で何をしたか私に教えてくれます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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