We ask our customers to pack their own shopping bags.
Customers have to pack their own shopping bags.
「We ask our customers to pack their own shopping bags」です。これが長くて覚えにくいなら、「Customers have to pack their own shopping bags」や「Sorry, please pack your own shopping」という風にもっとダイレクトに言える事が出来ます。しかし、「We ask our customers to pack their own shopping bags」という言い方が一番丁寧です。紙に書いてレジの近くに置くといいと思います^^
If it's not too much trouble, we ask our customers to bag their items.
1. "If it's not too much trouble, we ask our customers to bag their items."
"If it's not too much trouble" is not necessary, you should include it if you want to be as polite as possible.
"Bag" is used as a verb, and it means to place the customers' purchased items in grocery bags.
I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
1. ""If it's not too much trouble, we ask our customers to bag their items.""
「If it's not too much trouble」は必要ありません。
Self-service means we do it ourselves and it is not done by a member of staff.
As long as you smile and say please and thank you then all of these phrases are not offensive and customers will gladly pack their own bags.
According to company policy, you pack your own bags as a customer.
It is extremely important to be polite to customers. So, if it is company policy that customers should pack their own bags, express your extreme politeness when informing them by using the adverb 'please'.
So, you may say:
Please pack your own bags, its company policy.
In the second line, you have started by stating the company policy:
You may say:
According to company policy, you pack your own bags as a customer.
お客さんに丁寧に対応することは、極めて重要なことです。そのため、お客さん自身で袋詰めをしてもらうというのが会社の方針だとしたら、今回の件を伝えるときに副詞の 'please'を使って、とても丁寧に表現するといいです。
Please pack your own bags, its company policy.
According to company policy, you pack your own bags as a customer.