Sometimes I think I understand what the teacher is saying, but I'm usually off base.
I understand a few words and I try to respond, but my answers are often unrelated.
I tried to answer what he/she said from the few words I understood, but I was completely off the mark.
英訳① off base は「全く的外れで」という意味です。ちなみに off topic とも言い換えられます。
英訳② unrelated は「関係のない」、つまり「的外れ」に近いニュアンスになります。
これもまた、irrelevant や way off base などと言い換えOKです。
英訳③ answer は respond to とも言い換えられます。
off the mark もoff base や off topic とほぼ同じで「間違った」という意味です。
- My answers are usually a miss.
"I heard some words and tried to respond appropriately, but I often miss the mark."