I heard there's a place where I can recharge. Where is it?
- "I heard there's a place where I can recharge. Where is it?"
例: "I heard there's a place where I can recharge my bus card. Where is it?"
- "I was told I can top up somewhere. Do you know where?"
「どこかでチャージできると聞いたんだけど、どこか知ってる?」という意味です。「top up」はチャージするのと同じ意味です。
例: "I was told I can top up my bus card somewhere. Do you know where?"
- "Someone said there's a spot to add balance. Where can I find it?"
「誰かが残高を追加できる場所があると言ってたんだけど、どこにあるか知ってる?」という意味です。「add balance」はチャージの一種の言い方です。
例: "Someone said there's a spot to add balance to my bus card. Where can I find it?"