世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/13 06:00
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  • I was almost late because of oversleeping

  • I was on the verge of being late because of oversleeping

以下のような言い方はいかがでしょうか。微妙にニューアンスが違います。 I was almost late because of oversleeping = 寝坊したから遅刻しそうだった I was on the verge of being late because of oversleeping = 寝坊したから遅刻寸前だった 「〜寸前」は英語で「on the verge of ~」といいます。
  • I was almost late for class because I overslept this morning.

寝坊は、oversleepという動詞を使います。 過去形は、oversleptですね。 遅れそうになった、つまり遅れはしなかったけど、危ないところだった、 というニュアンスを出すのに、almostという副詞が便利です。 almostは、もう少しでそうなる、という意味があります。 almost lateで、もう少しで遅刻、となります。 Almost! 惜しい!(もうちょっとだったのに) なんていう使い方もするので、便利な単語ですよ。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • I made it just in time my lesson, I overslept.

▪I made it just in time my lesson, I overslept. Made it just in time= you were almost late but made you lucky made it for the lesson. Overslept=sleep longer or later than one intended. Example Teacher: I thought you are not going to make it for the lesson. You:I made it just in time my lesson, I overslept.
▪I made it just in time my lesson, I overslept. Made it just in time= 遅れそうだったけれど、運よくレッスンに間に合った Overslept=予定より長く寝た、寝過ごした 【例文】 先生: I thought you are not going to make it for the lesson.(レッスンに来ないかと思ったよ) あなた:I made it just in time my lesson, I overslept.(ギリギリ間に合いました。寝坊しました)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I just woke a moment before this lesson!

  • I was asleep five minutes ago!

"Good morning Yoko! Nice to see you again. how are you?" "Yes, very well thank you. Could you just give me a minute to make a cup of coffee please?" "Sure!" ........ "Sorry about that. It's OK, I've got the coffee now. I really need it!" "Why, did you have a late night last night?" "Not so late, but I overslept. I just woke a moment before this lesson!" "OK, no seem fine now anyway!"
【例文】 "Good morning Yoko! Nice to see you again. how are you?" (Yokoさん、おはようございます!また会えてうれしいです。元気ですか?) "Yes, very well thank you. Could you just give me a minute to make a cup of coffee please?" (はい、とても元気です。ちょっとコーヒーを入れる時間をもらってもいいですか?) "Sure!" ........ (もちろん!) "Sorry about that. It's OK, I've got the coffee now. I really need it!" (ごめんなさい、大丈夫です。コーヒーができました。コーヒーが必要なんです) "Why, did you have a late night last night?" (なぜですか?昨日寝たのが遅かったんですか?) "Not so late, but I overslept. I just woke a moment before this lesson!" (そんなに遅くなかったですが、寝坊しました。このレッスンぎりぎりに起きたので) "OK, no seem fine now anyway!" (わかりました。大丈夫です。もう大丈夫そうですね!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I slept way too long and almost didn't make it in time.

  • I was so sleepy that I didn't wake up and almost missed the lesson.

  • I was so tired that I almost missed this class.

It's not uncommon to oversleep every once in a while. When trying to rely this message to someone, you can tell them how tired you were and this was the reason for your tardiness. Tell them that you were super sleepy which is why you were a tad bit late.
時々寝過ごしてしまう事はよくあることですよね。 この表現に頼ってみると、 あなたがとても疲れていたので遅れたという理由を伝えることが出来ます。 あなたがすごく眠くて、ちょっとだけ遅れてしまったことを伝えてみてください。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • I almost missed our lesson because I overslept.

  • I didn't wake up on time so I almost missed our lesson.

Both of these sentences are great way to explain that you almost missed your lesson because you overslept. The phrase on time is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation. Below is a quick dialogue to help you use the phrase on time. Penny- Where's Amy? Bernadette- I don't know, she's always on time.
どちらの表現も、あなたが寝坊してレッスンに遅れそうになったことを説明する素晴らしい表現です。 この"on time"(時間通り)という表現は日常的な会話でよく使われる表現です。 次は、"on time"を使ったショットした会話です。 【例】 Penny- Where's Amy? (ペニー:エイミーは何処?) Bernadette- I don't know, she's always on time. (バーナデット:知らないわ、彼女はいつも時間通りだから)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I slept more than I expected and just about missed my lesson.

  • I must have been worn out I nearly missed my lesson today.

"Slept more than expected" is a way you can say you woke up later than you planned to. "Just about" is another expression you can use to say almost. "Worn out" is saying that you are really tired and that caused you to "Nearly" or come close to missing your lesson.
"Slept more than expected" (思ったより寝過ごす) これは、自分が考えていたより長く寝てしまった、と言う事を表現しています。 "Just about"(ほとんど)とは"almost"の代わりに使うことが出来ます。 "Worn out"(疲れ切って) これは、あなたが本当に疲れていて 、その疲れによって "Nearly"(もう少しで)レッスンに遅れてしまいそうだった、 という様な意味になります。
Stephen C DMM英会話講師
  • close shave

  • slept in

  • i overslept

examples "i was nearly late this morning, i accidentally overslept". or "that was a close shave, i overslept was nearly late to class". or "i slept in and nearly missed the lesson, luckily i got there just in time".
例文: "i was nearly late this morning, i accidentally overslept". 今朝遅刻しそうになりました。寝坊してしまったのです。 "that was a close shave, i overslept was nearly late to class". 危機一髪でした。寝坊してあやうく授業に遅刻するところでした。 "i slept in and nearly missed the lesson, luckily i got there just in time". 眠ってしまい授業を逃しかけましたがラッキーなことに間に合いました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I overslept and was almost late to class!

  • I overslept and was almost late to the lesson!

  • I was almost late to class because I overslept.

In the first two examples we can either use the nouns, "class," and, "lesson," interchangeably to mean the same thing in regards to our English class. We can also move around the phrases to explain why we were almost late with, "I overslept," and, "to be almost late to class."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I was almost late for class because I overslept.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I was almost late for class because I overslept.」 =寝坊したので遅刻寸前でした。 (例文)I was almost late for class because I overslept. I was studying until 2 am. (訳)寝坊したので遅刻寸前でした。朝2時まで勉強していました。 単語: late 遅刻 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • I was almost late to class because I overslept.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I was almost late to class because I overslept.」 (意味)寝坊したので遅刻寸前でした。 <例文>I was almost late to class because I overslept. I only got 3 hours of sleep. <訳>寝坊したので遅刻寸前でした。3時間しか寝ていません。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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