A: "Will you promise me something?"
B: "Yes"
A: "Will you pinky swear it?"
B: "Yes"
A "Cross your heart and hope to die?"
B: "Yes"
Pinky swear = interlock small fingers together to confirm the promise
Cross your heart and hope to die? = Confirmation that you will keep the promise
To keep a promise = not to tell anyone about this
A: 約束できる?
B: "うん。
A: 絶対に誓う?
B: うん。
A 神に誓って?
B: うん。
Pinky swear = ゆびきり
Cross your heart and hope to die? = 約束を守ってくれるかの確認。
To keep a promise = 誰にも言わないこと
1. This is asking to make a promise together
2. Pinky promise- this is an action used (commonly with with children) where you hook your pinky fingers together with the other person to show that you have made a solid promise.
3. Pinky promise and pinky swear are the same things.
So you can ask:
"Do you pinky promise/pinky swear?"
I hope this helps :)
Pinky promise' and 'pinky swear' can be used interchangeably
These are common when making promises to children
Pinkie is a variant spelling of pinky
* Pinky swear
* Pinkie swear
A pinky promise is done by entwining two persons pinky fingers
This action signifies a bond/promise that should not be broken
A: If I tell you what happened you have to promise me you won't say anything about this to mom
B: I pinky swear
A: I will take you to the movies tomorrow
B: You have to pinky promise that you will do it.
Pinky promiseとPinky Swearは、同じ意味なので置き換えて使えます。
(Pinky Swear, Pinkie Swear)。
Pinky Promiseは、自分の小指と相手の小指を絡ませます。
A: If I tell you what happened you have to promise me you won't say anything about this to mom
B: I pinky swear
B Pinky Swearするよ(小指と小指の誓い)。
A: I will take you to the movies tomorrow
B: You have to pinky promise that you will do it.
B Pinky Promiseして、必ず連れて行くと約束して。
"Can you promise something." means that you want their word for them to do something or their assurance
Assurance a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.
For example "He gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday"
”Can you promise me something"は、約束をきちんと守って欲しいこと、または、(約束を守る)保証を意味します。
"He gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday"
DO you understand what a promise is? it is when you give your word as a bond....and nothing should make you break your word.
Do you pinky swear?
Keeping a promise can be very difficult without great strength of will...
A child would of course need to be developed enough to understand the term
So a simplification should do the trick.
IE Do you pinky swear?
(and take the explanation from there!.
PS I would really never ask a child to keep a promise...
I feel that perhaps it's too great a responsibility for a kid
"Would you be able to promise me that you will do what I ask you to?"
"Can we make a pinky promise about this?"
"Can you promise me something?"
If you wanted to ask a child if they can promise something, you could ask any of the following questions: "Would you be able to promise me that you will do what I ask you to?", "Can we make a pinky promise about this?" or "Can you promise me something?".
"Would you be able to promise me that you will do what I ask you to?"(言うこと聞くって約束できる?)
"Can we make a pinky promise about this?"(指切りできる?)
"Can you promise me something?"(約束してほしいことがある)