Let’s = [しましょう](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/60641/)
take/have a break =[休憩](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32160/)する
「take a break」と「have a break」の違い
Give me a break! = やめろ!
ちなみに、take a breakとhave a breakの違いですが、アメリカ人はtakeを、イギリス人はhaveを使う傾向が強いです。
お風呂に入る、という表現もアメリカ人はtake a bathと言い、イギリスではhave a bathと言います。
休憩をとる、休憩する=have (take) a break
~しよう、しましょうはLet's を使えば良いですし
Shall we ~?(~しましょうか)でも良いですね。
Let's have a cup of coffee (tea).などでもコーヒー休憩しましょうか、という意は伝わると思います。
Having completed this part of the discussion, shall we take a break?
To adjourn means to break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later.
Take a break = stop the meeting and relax for a short time - usually having coffee or tea or a meal. Lunch break, coffee break etc.
" To adjourn"=一時休憩する、中断する。ミーティングや法廷、試合などで用いられ、後から再び始まるますが一旦休憩するという意味があります。
"Take a break"=ミーティングの休憩など、少しの息抜きに使います。ランチブレイクやコーヒーブレイクなどがあります。
Taking a break is the phrase used to infer that you want to pause something and come back to it later. In a meeting suggesting that you take a break or an interval would mean that you would like to stop and restart shortly. On short breaks people usually go to the toilet or have some light refreshments. Sometimes breaks are used so that someone else can prepare for the next part of the meeting.
A common slang term is 'let's take 5' this is a shorter way of suggesting a break and is often used amongst friendly colleauges in a meeting
"take a break" は「一度止めてまた戻る」ことを表すフレーズです。会議では「一度休んでまたすぐに始めたい」という時に "break" や "interval" を提案します。
"short break" では普通トイレに行ったり、お茶菓子を食べたりします。
会議では、次にすることの準備のために、"break" を入れることもあります。
"Let's take 5" はよく使われるスラングです。「休憩を取りましょう」を短く言ったものです。会議では仲の良い同僚の間でよく使われます。
The meeting was going on for over an hour so I said ...let's have a quick break!
Often meetings can be protracted and and may go on for long periods of time!
It might be wise to take a break and refresh ourselves...More work will get done in the long run!
"The meeting was going on for over an hour so I said..let's have a quick break!"
"The meeting was going on for over an hour so I said..let's have a quick break!"
A common expressional phrase would be, "let's take 5," which refers to having a 5 minute break before continuing back with our work. In the 2nd and 3rd phrases we can see that we can use the verbs, "to take," and, "to have," interchangeably here to still have the same meaning.