世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/14 19:22
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  • I often go on a trip with a camera.

  • I often go on a trip with my favorite camera.

I often go on a trip with a camera.と言った後に、 I love going on a trip with taking pictures.と言えば、 そのものスバリ、「写真を撮りながら旅をするのが大好きなんです」と 言えますが、2つ目の訳のように、 I often go on a trip with my favorite camera.と言えば、 「お気に入りのカメラを持ってよく旅行に行きます」となるので、 「ああ、この人は写真を撮るのが好きなんだな」ということと、 わざわざ旅行に行って写真を撮るのですから、「旅行に行くのも好きなのだろう」 という印象も同時に与えることができるでしょう。
Ryosuke Shirai プレゼン英語講師
  • I often travel with my camera.

  • I often take pictures of my travels.

  • I love to travel and take pictures.

These are very simple ways to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I enjoy taking photographs of scenic views while traveling .

  • I always bring my camera while traveling so I can capture some of the beauty I see .

  • I take my camera with me on my travels so I can take photos of landscapes and animals.

"I enjoy taking photographs of scenic views while traveling ." scenic = This refers to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery I always bring my camera while traveling so I can capture some of the beauty I see . to capture beauty = to take a photograph and to keep it for your own enjoyment. I take my camera with me on my travels so I can take photos of landscapes and animals. This is a good way to explain your preferences,
"I enjoy taking photographs of scenic views while traveling ." scenic = This refers to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery Scenic=景色の良い。「旅行中、眺めの良い景色を撮るのが好きです。」 I always bring my camera while traveling so I can capture some of the beauty I see . to capture beauty = to take a photograph and to keep it for your own enjoyment. Capture beauty=美しいもの(景色)をカメラでとらえらる。「旅行中は、目に映る美しい景色を撮れるように、いつもカメラを持っていきます。」 I take my camera with me on my travels so I can take photos of landscapes and animals. This is a good way to explain your preferences, 「景色や動物の写真を撮れるように、旅行中はカメラを持っていきます。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I love travelling and taking photos of wildlife and countryside

In the UK if you do something regularly that you enjoy, we would normally be quite enthused by our hobby and use more extreme adjectives than usual. For example, if you go ice-skating three times a week, we would not say that we 'like' this activity, we would say that we 'love' it.
英国では、通常は趣味に熱狂するなど、定期的に何かを楽しむ場合、いつもよりも極端な形容詞を使用します。例えば、週に3回アイススケートをする場合、このアクティビティが'like'(好き)とは言わず、'love it'(それが大好き)と言うでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I never go away without my camera.

  • I always take my camera with me because I love taking photos.

"Go away." Is a term used in English and it means the same as traveling or going on holiday. "I never go away without my camera." Explains to the person that you always take your camera with you. "I always take my camera with me." Explains to the person you always have your camera. "Because" Is used before you give your reason. "I love taking photos." This is your reason and it explains why you always take your camera.
"Go away." 英語では、旅行、ホリデーに行く、小旅行に出かけるという意味。 "I never go away without my camera." カメラなしでは出かけない。いつもカメラを持って出かけることを意味します。 "I always take my camera with me." いつもカメラを持って出かけます。 いつもカメラを持って出かけていることを意味します。 "Because" 理由を述べるという意味です。 "I love taking photos." 写真を撮ることが好き。これは、いつもカメラを持っていく理由です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I always carry my camera when I go for trips so that I take photos of landscapes and animals.

*I always carry my camera when I go for trips so that I take photos of landscapes and animals. This means that you enjoy taking pictures of landscapes and animals when you visit new places. For example: A: Travel safely and send me some pictures. B:Yes I will. I always carry my camera when I go for trips so that I take photos of landscapes and animals.
*I always carry my camera when I go for trips so that I take photos of landscapes and animals. 新しい場所を訪れる際には風景や動物の写真を撮ることを楽しむという意味です。 【例文】 A: Travel safely and send me some pictures.(無事に旅行して、写真を送ってね) B:Yes I will. I always carry my camera when I go for trips so that I take photos of landscapes and animals.(そうするよ。風景や動物の写真が撮れるように旅行のときはいつもカメラを持って行くから)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I always take my camera when i do travelling

  • I always take my camera when i go on trips

  • I enjoy taking photos with my camera when i'm travelling

These sentences would all explain that when you go travelling or on trips that you take your camera with you. So you could say 'I always take my camera when i go travelling/on trips'. To say 'I enjoy taking photos with my camera when i'm travelling' this explains what you use the camera for.
3例とも、旅行に行く(go travelling/on trips)ときにはカメラを持っていくことを伝える言い方です。 ですから、 'I always take my camera when i go travelling/on trips'. (旅行に行くときはいつもカメラを持っていきます) と言うことが出来ます。 'I enjoy taking photos with my camera when I'm travelling' (旅行に行くときは写真を撮ることを楽しんでいます) この文では、カメラを何のために使うかを説明しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever I travel/go on trips; I take my camera with me because I love taking pictures of landscapes, animals, etc.

  • I never go on a trip without my camera because I like taking pictures of things like landscape, animals and so on

When you want to explain that you often go on trips with your camera because you like traveling and taking photos of landscapes, animals, etc; then you may say it in the following ways: -Whenever I travel/go on trips; I take my camera with me because I love taking pictures of landscapes, animals, etc. -I never go on a trip without my camera because I like taking pictures of things like landscape, animals and so on
旅行と、景色や動物などの写真を撮るのが好きなので、よくカメラを持って旅行に行くことを伝えるフレーズです。 -Whenever I travel/go on trips; I take my camera with me because I love taking pictures of landscapes, animals, etc. 旅行に行くときはいつもカメラを持っていきます。景色や動物などの写真を撮るのが好きなんです。 -I never go on a trip without my camera because I like taking pictures of things like landscape, animals and so on 景色や動物などの写真を撮るのが好きなので、旅行に行くときは必ずカメラを持っていきます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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