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旅行に持って行く物のことです。 旅行は「travel」と言いますが、 この単語を使うのでしょうか?
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2018/01/24 12:02
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  • Belongings

  • Travel items

  • Vacation items

When going away on vacation, you are going to want to bring a few useful items with you. These items which you take with you on a vacation are called 'belongings' 'travel items' 'vacation items' For example: A: "I decided that over the winter break I want to go on vacation to Florida." B: "Wow! That sounds lovely. What vacation item will you bring with you?" A: "Since I will be going to the beach, I'll bring my towel, swim clothes, and a beach ball." B: "Sounds great! But don't forget to also bring along some sunscreen!" A: "You're right. I almost forgot about that. Thank you!"
旅行に行く時はいくつかの便利なものを一緒に持て行きたいですよね。 これらの旅行に持っていくものの事を、次のように呼びます。 'belongings'(持ち物/所持品) 'travel items'(旅行用品) 'vacation items'(バケーション用品) 【例】 A: "I decided that over the winter break I want to go on vacation to Florida." (冬休み中フロリダにバケーションに行くことにしました) B: "Wow! That sounds lovely. What vacation item will you bring with you?" (わお!素敵ね。何を旅行に持っていくの?) A: "Since I will be going to the beach, I'll bring my towel, swim clothes, and a beach ball." (ビーチに行く予定だから、タオル、水着そしてビーチボール) B: "Sounds great! But don't forget to also bring along some sunscreen!" (いい感じね。でも、日焼け止めを持っていくのを忘れないでね) A: "You're right. I almost forgot about that. Thank you!" (そうね!忘れてたわ。ありがとう)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • belongings

  • things

  • stuff

"Things" and "stuff" are general terms that can be used to talk about items. "I packed my stuff for my trip to Hawaii." "Did you pack all your things in your suitcase?"
「things」「stuff」は、品物を表す一般語です。 "I packed my stuff for my trip to Hawaii." 〔訳〕ハワイ旅行の荷造りをした "Did you pack all your things in your suitcase?" 〔訳〕スーツケースに荷物全部入れた?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My personal belongings

  • My luggage

  • My suitcases

You can use any of the expressions above to refer to the things you take with you while on a trip or vacation. The term "suitcases" is a bit more specific and it refers to the actual suitcases. Another term you could use is "my bags". To use this last expression your personal belongings don't have to be actual bags. Anyone in the United States would understand that you are referring to the items you brought with you while traveling.
「旅行の持ち物」を表すには、上記の三つどれを使っても適切です。 "Suitcases"という言葉を使うと、持ち物がボストンバッグなどではなく「スーツケースである」というようにより細かく説明することができます。 逆に"my bags"というと、持ち物がスーツケースではなく「バッグ」であることが分かります。 "personal belongings"は持ち物がバッグか、スーツケースかということではなく、「旅行の持ち物」ということを表していてます。アメリカに住む人(英語話者)には通じるでしょう。
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • Personal belongings

  • Holiday baggage

People take their things in bags (baggage) when they go on holiday. This is sometimes known as personal belongings, which mean, all the personal things you have with you. "Would you please place your personal belongings by the check in desk?"
ホリデーに出かけるときは、かばんにものを入れて持っていきます。これを、personal belongingsと言い、身の回りの物という意味です。 "Would you please place your personal belongings by the check in desk?" チェックインデスクのそばに、荷物を置いてもらえますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Possessions

  • Personal belongings for travel.

"I packed my possessions into my suitcase" Possessions is a useful term for any personal items that you own, including those that you take with you on vacation. "When I arrived at the hotel I unpacked my personal belongings." You can also refer to your vacation items as your personal belongings. "Belongings" meaning things that belong to you. Either of these words is perfectly acceptable for this situation.
"I packed my possessions into my suitcase" (スーツケースに荷物を詰めた) 「possessions」は、個人の所有物(旅行(vacation)に持っていくものも含め)を表します。便利な言葉です。 --------- "When I arrived at the hotel I unpacked my personal belongings." (ホテルに着いて、荷物をほどいた) 旅行の荷物は「personal belongings」と言うこともできます。「belongings」は「所有物(things that belong to you)」という意味です。どちらも言葉もこの場面で全く問題なく使えます。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Personal belongings

  • Baggage

  • Luggage

Individual items that you are taking with you on your vacation but have not yet packed into your bags are called 'personal belongings'. However, after you have packed them into your bags and suitcases, you may call them your baggage or luggage. Only luggage or baggage can be transported by an airplane for you and not loose items. So, all your loose personal belongings must be packed into bags before you board an airplane. You may say: Everything I need on this vacation is in my luggage. or Please collect your baggage before leaving the airport.
旅行に持っていく、荷造り前の荷物は「personal belongings」と言います。荷造り後(かばん・スーツケースに入れた後)は「baggage」「luggage」になります。 飛行機で運ぶことができるのは「luggage」「baggage」だけです。ですから、荷物は飛行機に乗る前にかばんに詰めておかないといけません。 以下のように言えます: Everything I need on this vacation is in my luggage. (旅行に必要なものはすべてかばんにの中に入っています) Please collect your baggage before leaving the airport. (荷物をお忘れなく)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • These are the things that I am taking with me

  • My baggage

  • My luggage

"These are the things that I am taking with me" includes everything that I am going to be travelling with. These can include clothing, gadgets and travel accessories. Basically everything that I am leaving my home with to begin my journey. "My baggage" and "my luggage" are terms used to describe the suitcases and travelling bags or backpacks and the all of the items that are in them. These can be used interchangeably.
"These are the things that I am taking with me"(これが持っていく物です) ↑旅行に持っていく物すべてを含みます、例えば、衣類、携帯機器、トラベルアクセサリー。旅行に行く時に、家を出た時点で持っている物すべてです。 「my baggage」「my luggage」は、スーツケース、旅行かばん(バックパック)、またそこに入っている物すべてを表す言葉です。意味は変わりません。
Dawei DMM英会話講師
  • My things

  • Travel items

“Things” or “items” are your personal things. Ex: -I packed my things for the trip. -I have gathered all of my travel items for vacation.
“things” または “items” は「私物」を指します。 例: -I packed my things for the trip.(旅行の荷造りをしました) -I have gathered all of my travel items for vacation.(旅行の荷造りはもう終わりました)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • Holiday packing list.

  • Personal items

  • Travel things.

There are many different ways to express this. You can talk about belongings, this word talks about things that are yours, things that belong to you. Personal items are things are personal to you, for example, your clothes, toothbrush, shoes, anything that belongs to you. 'Travel things' is a broader term, this can be anything ranging from maps for traveling, tickets, hairbrush, train ticket, etc. "When we travel we always make sure we have packed enough personal items for the duration of the trip."
これはいろいろな言い方があります。 'belongings' も使えます。これは所有物を指します。 'personal items' は私物品をいいます。例えば、洋服、歯ブラシ、靴など。 'travel things' はより広い言葉です。旅行に使う地図から切符、ヘアブラスまでさまざまなものを指します。 "When we travel we always make sure we have packed enough personal items for the duration of the trip." (旅行に行くときは、必ず必要な私物を持って行くようにしています)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • belongings

  • travel possessions

"belongings" are items that belong to you. You can use it in the singular form as well, for example, 'That is my belonging.' "possessions" are the physical objects you possess. To further specify that these are the items you take on holiday, you can say "travel possessions".
"belongings" は所有物を指します。これは単数形でも使えます。 例えば: 'That is my belonging.'(それは私のです) "possessions" は、所有している物品を指します。「旅行に持っていく物」と明確に伝えるなら、"travel possessions" と言えます。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • Things

  • Luggage

  • Bags

Things Luggage Bags All I would say are pretty casual, but from my experience I don't think you need to really worry about what to call the bags you take with you on holiday, nothing specific anyway, 'I have my bags, I have my luggage,' is good.
Things Luggage Bags (荷物) これらはどれもカジュアルな言い方です。私の経験上、旅行の荷物を何と言うかはあまり気にする必要ないと思います。 具体的に言う必要はありません、'I have my bags' 'I have my luggage' などで大丈夫です。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Vacation items

  • Personal belongings

When you plan to go on your trip or vacation you always take something with you. Usually, people refer to these things as "personal belongings" but it quite a British way to say it. The simplest way would be to say just things, items or vacation items.
旅行に行くときは荷物を持っていきますね。これは "personal belongings" と呼ばれることが多いですが、かなりイギリス的な言い方です。最もシンプルな言い方は"things" "items" あるいは "vacation items" です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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