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2017/06/17 02:05
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  • the rower of a boat or gondola

漕ぎ手 = rower, oarsman (row = 漕ぐ)
Tim Young 主催
  • A oarsman.

  • A gondolier.

>A oarsman. *a rower, especially as a member of a racing team .......................... >A gondolier. *a person who propels and steers a gondola. #propels=drive or push something forwards .............***..............***................***.............
>A oarsman. 漕ぎ手、特にレーシングチームの漕ぎ手を指す。 *a rower, especially as a member of a racing team .......................... >A gondolier. ゴンドラを運転、操作する人。 #propels=何かを前に進める、推進する。 .............***..............***................***.............
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • an oarsman

An oarsman is a person who rows a boat, especially in competitions.If it more than one person rowing the boat we say "oarsmen".
An oarsman とは、特に何かしらの大会で、ボートをこぐ人のことです。一人以上なら、oarsmenとなります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • a gondolier

  • a punter

  • an oarsman

A person rowing a boat is called an 'oarsman' and this seems to be regardless of gender. Someone punting a boat - which means pushing the boat along with a long pole pushing on the river bed - is called 'a punter.' In Venice the people controlling the gondolas are called 'gondoliers.' If you have a rowing boat or moror bot, the person controlling the rudder of the boat (if there is one) is called the 'helmsman.'
ボートを漕いでいる人のことを、性別に関係なくoarsmanと呼びます。 puting a boatとは、長いポールで川底を押してボートを進めることです。 その舟を押す人のことをpunterと言います。ゴンドラのような乗り物であれば、Gondoliersと呼ばれます。 モーターボートなどで舵をとる人を、helmsmanと呼ばれます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • gondolier

  • oarsman

When talking about rowing a boat the term is an oarsman but when talking about the person who rows a gondola this is called a 'gondolier'
ボートの漕ぎ手は 'oarsman' といいます。 ただ、ゴンドラの漕ぎ手は 'gondolier' と呼ばれます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sculler

  • Oarswoman

  • Oarsman

A sculler is a person who rows a boat by moving one or two oars either over the back end of the boat or over the sides of the boat. An oarswoman is the woman who is rowing the boat, normally with one or two oars and the oars are placed on one or both sides of the boat. The plural is oarswomen. An oarsman is the man who is rowing the boat. The plural is oarsmen.
"sculler"(スカラー)は、ボートの後ろかあるいは横で1本または2本のオールを動かしてボートを漕ぐ人をいいます。 "oarswoman"(女性の漕ぎ手)は普通1本か2本のオールを使ってボートをボートを漕ぐ女性をいいます。オールはボートの片側かあるいは両側に付いています。複数形は "oarswomen" です。 "oarsman"(男性の漕ぎ手)はボートを漕ぐ男性をいいます。複数形は "oarsmen" です。
Lizzy S DMM英会話講師
  • The oarsman is the one who propels the boat through the water using a paddle or paddles.

  • The oarsman may refer to anyone who does this, be it in sport, for recreation, or as a profession.

For example, native speakers might say "the oarsman pulled hard to gain the lead over his opponent toward the end of the race and win the Olympic gold medal for France" when referring to the person who rows in sport, or "the oarsman gently rowed his boat around the coastline while admiring the cliffs from a distance" when referring to the person who rows for recreational purposes, or "the oarsman rowed the boat down through the canals of Venice much to the pleasure of the tourists who were on vacation in Italy" when referring to the person who rows as a profession.
例えばスポーツでボートを漕ぐ人について、ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言うことがあるかもしれません。 "The oarsman pulled hard to gain the lead over his opponent toward the end of the race and win the Olympic gold medal for France" (その漕ぎ手はレース終盤相手を引き離すため必死でオールを漕ぎ、フランスにオリンピック金メダルをもたらした) あるいは、レクリエーションでボートを漕ぐ人については: "The oarsman gently rowed his boat around the coastline while admiring the cliffs from a distance" (その漕ぎ手は遠目で崖を眺めながら、ゆっくりと岸に沿ってボートを漕いだ) あるいは、仕事でボートを漕ぐ人については: "The oarsman rowed the boat down through the canals of Venice much to the pleasure of the tourists who were on vacation in Italy" (その漕ぎ手はベネチアの運河をボートで巡り、休暇でイタリアを訪れていた観光客を大いに楽しませた)
Ross OC DMM英会話講師
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