[健康祈願](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/81811/)お守り=charm for good health / good health charm
長寿祈願お守り=charm for longevity / longevity charm
恋愛[成就](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/76737/)お守り=charm for (romantic) relationships
旅行安全お守り= charm for safe travel
These are great options, and I like charm the best of all, because it's more special than a trinket, but not quite as magical as an amulet. You could also call it a good luck charm or a lucky charm!
Have a great day!
Omamori (御守 or お守り omamori) are Japanese amulets commonly sold at religious sites and dedicated to particular Shinto deities as well as Buddhist figures, and are said to provide various forms of luck or protection.
Omamori (御守 or お守り omamori)とは、さまざまな御利益があるといわれているもので、日本の宗教的な場所で売られている仏教や特に神道の神様に捧げられたアミュレットのことを指します。
A charm, pendant or amulet is something that hangs from a rope or chain and is worn around the neck or wrist.
A good luck charm is worn in other areas too and may be on a key ring or on your handbag etc.
There is not one word for this kind of item
Hope this helps :)
talisman- that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
lucky charm - something that could bring you luck
Many people like to keep a lucky charm close by as jewellery, a key ring or in their car etc.
Omamori - Japanese
Japanese amulet - English
These provide luck and protection
Amulet (noun)
an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease
Japanese amulet
These provide luck and protection.
----> An amulet is a small object that you wear or carry because you think it will bring you good luck and protect you from evil or injury.
----> A charm is a small ornament that is fixed to a bracelet or necklace.
----> An amuletはそれがあなたに幸運をもたらしたり、邪悪なものや怪我から守ってくれると考えているので身につけたり持ち運んだりしている小さなものです。
----> A charmはブレスレットやネックレスについている小さな装飾品です。
"Charm" is a small ornament is worn on a necklace or bracelet often associated with luck or love.
"Amulet," is an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.
"Pendant" is a small thing that hangs on a necklace.
Something like this is most commonly known as a "charm". Depending on it's use, we call it a "good luck charm," "protection charm" or "study charm" etc.
Amulet can be used as well, but often an amulet refers to something magical, as opposed to something lucky.
A charm is a a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet.
For example: "He took the charms from his wife's bracelet."
A trinket is also a small ornament, piece of jewelry, etc. usually of little value.
A charm とはネックレスやブレスレットにつける飾りです。
"He took the charms from his wife's bracelet."
A trinket も飾りで、特にジュエリーなどに使われ、基本的に安価なものです。