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2017/06/22 08:10
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  • It's unusually sunny today!

It's unusually sunny today! 今日は珍しく晴れてる! "unusually" は「珍しく、いつになく」ということを表します。 天気を言う時は "It's 〜" と表現します。この時、主語の "It" は訳されません。 "sunny" は「日のよく照る、明るく日が照る」という様子を表します。 他に "fine"(晴天の、晴れた) "shiny"(晴れた) "sunshiny"(日当たりの良い) "bright"(晴れた、うららかな) "clear"(晴れ渡った) などの表現があります。
  • Today is abnormally sunny for a rainy season.

  • It's odd for it to be sunny during a rainy season.

both words ''abnormal'' and ''odd'' mean the same thing - it's not common. You can use the following sentences in a conversation as follows. A: Today is abnormally sunny for a rainy season. B: I know ey! I wonder why this is happening. A: Wow! It's going to be a sunny today. B: It is a relief but it's odd for it to be sunny during a rainy season.
''abnormal'' や''odd'' は同意語で、一般的でないという意味。 こういう場合で使えます。 A: Today is abnormally sunny for a rainy season. 梅雨の季節にしては今日は異常なほど晴れている。 B: I know ey! I wonder why this is happening. そうだよね!なんだろうね! A: Wow! It's going to be a sunny today. やった! 今日は晴れるみたいだ。 B: It is a relief but it's odd for it to be sunny during a rainy season. 梅雨の季節なのに晴れるのは変だけどよかったね!
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • What a coincidence! It's sunny today.

During the rainy season, we expect it to be rainy on most days, however, if there is a sunny day during the rainy season, we can call this a COINCIDENCE. A coincidence is something that happens by chance or accident.
"梅雨の時期、ほとんどが雨の日だと思いますが、この梅雨の時期に晴れの日があるとこれをCOINCIDENCEと呼びます。 Coincidenceとは偶然にも何かうれしいことなどがあった時などに使います。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's quite sunny today considering it is still rainy season.

This is an appropriate to say that they day is unusually sunny. "It's quite sunny today considering it is still rainy season." considering =in view of the fact that still rainy season = rainy season has not ended yet.
晴れるのはまずらしいと言いたいときに適切な表現です。 "It's quite sunny today considering it is still rainy season."梅雨なのに今日はすごく晴れているね。 considering =事実を考慮すると still rainy season = rainy season has not ended yet.梅雨は終わっれないけれど
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • This weather makes a change!

  • I'd almost forgotten what the sun was!

If something 'makes a change' then it is quite different from the norm or typical behaviour that would be expected. "Makes a change that Victor has stopped smoking! I hardly recognize him without a cloud of smoke around his head!" To almost forget something = we use this phrase when talking about something that you have difficulty remembering. "I almost forgot to tell you, my brother is coming to visit me next week."
makes a changeとは、あらかた予想される行動や状態などと全く違う時に使われます。 "Makes a change that Victor has stopped smoking! I hardly recognize him without a cloud of smoke around his head!"  ビクターはタバコやめたんだってさ!煙のないあいつなんて想像できないよ。 To almost forget something = 覚えているの難しい事柄を話すときに使われます。 "I almost forgot to tell you, my brother is coming to visit me next week." 危うく忘れるところだった。兄貴が来週くるんだよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is very sunny today considering it is the rainy season.

  • It is abnormally sunny today.

"It is very sunny today." Explains that it is sunny. "Considering it is the rainy season." Means that even though it is the rainy season. "It is abnormally sunny today." Means it is odd or very strange that it is so sunny today. "Abnormally or Abnormal." Means that something is not normal, It is odd or strange.
"It is very sunny today." 今日はとても暑い日です。 天気がいいという説明です。 "Considering it is the rainy season." 梅雨の季節だけれどもという意味です。 たとえ雨の季節であってもという意味です。 "It is abnormally sunny today." 今日は異常なほど晴れています。 今日がこんなに晴れであることが不思議、異常という意味。 "Abnormally or Abnormal." 何かが通常でない、異常、不気味、不思議であること
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • In this time of year, its usual for the day to be this sunny.

  • It's uncommonly sunny for this time of year.

"It's uncommonly sunny for this time of year." means it is not normally sunny during a particular time of year.
"It's uncommonly sunny for this time of year."(この時期には珍しく晴れている。) 一年の中であまり晴れることがない時期があることを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's unusually sunny today!

If something is 'unusual' it can be described as something that is not the normal pattern of behaviour.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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