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2017/07/01 23:50
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  • I want to keep my distance from him for a while.

★【日本語変換術】“関わりたくない”→近くにいると関わってしまう→距離を置いて関わらないようにしたい→ I want to keep my distance from him for a while. 参考にしていただけますと幸いです☺
  • I'm keeping my distance from him.

  • I'm staying away from him for a while

If you are unhappy with someone and want to maintain some distance from the person either physically or by not communicating with them, you can say: I'm keeping my distance from him/her. This means that you are putting space between yourself and the person. I'm staying away from him for a while. 'To stay away' also means to keep away from someone, to avoid them physically and also to not reply to their messages or phone calls. 'For a while' means for a short amount of time. I hope that helps!
もしもある人に対して不満があり、物質的に離れたりコミュニケーションを取らないようにしたりしたいなら、 I'm keeping my distance from him/her. と言えます。 その人と自分の間に距離を置くことを意味します。 I'm staying away from his for a while. stay away は、その人から距離をとったり、身体的に避けたり、メッセージや電話に反応しないことも意味します。 for a while は、しばらくの間という意味です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I want to a keep a distance from.........

  • I don't want to be in contact with him for a while.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1)I want to a keep a distance from......... 2)I don't want to be in contact with him for a while.
"下記の表現を使って気持ちを言い表すことが出来ます。 1) I want to keep a distance from… 2) I don't want to be in contact with him for a while."
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to avoid him for a while.

  • I prefer not to get in touch with him for a while.

preferはwould likeと同じ意味なのですが、「選択肢を考えてそれにした」という意味があります。 特に言いたいことがネガティヴな場合に使うと、重みがあります。 avoidは直訳が「避ける」が一般的ですが、人に関して言うと「かかわらない」意味になります。
preferはwould likeと同じ意味なのですが、「選択肢を考えてそれにした」という意味があります。 特に言いたいことがネガティヴな場合に使うと、どっちかしか選べないならこっちかなというニュアンスになります。 avoidは直訳が「避ける」が一般的ですが、人に関して言うと「かかわらない」意味になります。
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • I don't want to be anywhere near(NAME)

  • I want to stay away from him/her.

  • I want to keep my distance from him/her.It would be best for both of us.

"I don't want to be anywhere near(NAME)" This means that for reasons known to yourself you would like to be as far away from that person as possible. "I want to stay away from him/her." You can say this when you strongly feel that being away from someone is what you need to do. "I want to keep my distance from him/her.It would be best for both of us." You want to maintain your distance from someone as it would benefit both of you.I want to keep my distance from him/her.It would be best for both of us.
"I don't want to be anywhere near(NAME)"~のそばにはいたくない できるだけその人から遠くに行きたいという意味 "I want to stay away from him/her."彼、彼女から離れていたい その誰かから離れていることがあなたが強く望むことと言いたいときに使う。 "I want to keep my distance from him/her.It would be best for both of us."彼、彼女から距離を取りたいの。それがお互いの幸せのためだから。 相手と離れていることがお互いの利益になるという意味。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'll keep them at arm's length for the time being

  • I'll give them a wide berth

  • I'll steer clear of them for a while

To keep someone at arm's length = keep somebody/something at arm's length to avoid becoming connected with someone or something. "We proposed a tax break for companies that treat their workers well, but lawmakers are keeping the idea at arm's length for now." To give someone a wide berth = to keep a reasonable distance from someone or something. To steer clear of someone =take care to avoid or keep away from. "Steer clear of fatty food"
To keep someone at arm's length = その人と関わりたくないから、一定の距離を置く、という場合に使われる表現です。 :"We proposed a tax break for companies that treat their workers well, but lawmakers are keeping the idea at arm's length for now." 被雇用者への保障の整っている会社に対して減税の申請をしたけど、国はそういう意見には一定の距離を置いている。 To give someone a wide berth = 誰かや何かと妥当な距離を置く To steer clear of someone =何かを避ける、遠ざける "Steer clear of fatty food":脂肪の多い食べ物は避けなさい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Avoid (name) at all costs...

  • After the way he treated his friends, i will avoid him at all costs for the time being!

We may be shocked or disappointed by someone else from time ot time...Hey that's life:-D "Ups and downs swings and roundabouts..." (idiom) At times like this we may want "to avoid them at all costs". "After the way he treated his friends, I will avoid him at all costs for the time being!"
時に誰かにショックを受けたり、がっかりさせられることはあります。それが人生というものです。 "Ups and downs swings and roundabouts..." (浮き沈み、利点欠点があるものだ) このようなときは、"to avoid them at all costs"(何としてもその人を避けたい)したいものです。 "After the way he treated his friends, I will avoid him at all costs for the time being!" 彼が友達をそのように扱うと、私は彼を何としても避けるだろう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • To keep a distance.

  • To stay out of contact.

  • To take a break

We can use these three phrases to explain that we need to keep our distance from someone in the relationship for awhile or maybe even permanently. Examples : I think we should keep our distance for awhile. I think we should stay out of contact for a few months. I think we need to take a break from talking for awhile.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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