世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/03 02:00
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  • Have you done the laundry?

  • Did you wash the clothes?

  • Has the laundry been done?

If you want to ask your roommate if they have washed the clothes, you can use the word: Laundry - This is the same as dirty clothes. Have you done the laundry? 'done the laundry' would mean has the laundry been completed. You can also simply say: Did you wash the clothes? One way to ask indirectly is to say: Has the laundry been done? This is a polite way of asking someone indirectly if they have done it without placing blame on the person if they haven't done it. I hope that helps!
同居人に服を洗ったかどうかを聞くには、この単語を使うことができます。 laundry - これは汚い衣服のことを意味します。 Have you done the laundry? done the laundry は、洗濯物を終わらせたという意味です。 またシンプルに Did you wash the clothes? (洗濯物洗った?) と言うこともできます。 間接的に聞くなら、 Has the laundry been done? これは、たとえ相手が洗濯物をまだ終えていなかったとしても責めているように聞こえない、丁寧な聞き方です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Did you do the laundry?

「洗濯をする」にはdo the laundryという表現があります。 Did you do the laundry this morning? 「今朝選択した?」 No, I didn't have time. 「いや、時間がなくて」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Did you take care of the wash?

  • Did you do the clothes?

You can use "the wash" and "clothes" to mean laundry. Also, using the expression "take care of" is the same as asking if someone "did" something. You can use it in other ways like this: - Did you take care of the dishes? (Did you wash the dishes?) - Did you take care of the shopping? (Did you go to the grocery store?) - Could you take care of dinner? (Could you cook dinner?)
洗濯をする事をあらわすためにthe washとclothesを使えます。 また、"take care of"は誰かがあ何かをする"did"と同じ意味です。 このように使います: - Did you take care of the dishes? (Did you wash the dishes?) (あなたは食器を洗った?) - Did you take care of the shopping? (Did you go to the grocery store?) (あなたはスーパーへ行った?) - Could you take care of dinner? (Could you cook dinner?) (あなたは晩御飯作れる?)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. Have you finished doing the laundry yet?

  • 2. Did you do the laundry?

  • 3. How's the laundry going?

1. Here it seems you believe your friend has started to do the laundry. This adds a little pressure for your friend. 2. You ask if the laundry work is complete 3. You want an update on the laundry situation.
1. 友人がしっかり洗濯をしたと思っているようですね。これはあなたの友人に少しのプレッシャーを与える表現ですね。 2.洗濯作業が完了したかどうかを尋ねる表現です。 3.洗濯の状況を教えて欲しいという表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you do the laundry?

  • Did you wash the clothes?

Laundry = clothes that need to be washed or have just been washed --------------------------------------------- She did the laundry and hung it out to dry. Ben was folding laundry. I do at least one or two loads of laundry every day. I cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry. -------------------------------------------- "Did you do the laundry yesterday?" "Did you wash the clothes this morning?"
Laundry = 洗う必要がある服または洗った服 --------------------------------------------- She did the laundry and hung it out to dry.(彼女は洗濯をして干して乾かしている) Ben was folding laundry.(ベンは洗濯物をたたんでいる) I do at least one or two loads of laundry every day.(私は毎日少なくとも1回か2回洗濯します) I cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry.(キッチンを掃除して洗濯をしました) -------------------------------------------- "Did you do the laundry yesterday?"(昨日洗濯しましたか?) "Did you wash the clothes this morning?"(今朝洗濯しましたか?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Did you do the laundry?

  • Have you washed the clothes?

  • Have you finished doing the laundry?

Did you do the laundry? - This is the most simple and direct way to ask this question. Have you washed the clothes? - Washing the clothes is another way to say doing laundry, this question is also very simple and straightforward. Have you finished doing the laundry? - This questions assumes that the listener has started doing the laundry, they are in the process and you want to know where they are with it. You could also say something like 'where is the laundry you did?'. If they haven't done the laundry they will have some explaining to do.
Did you do the laundry? - 一番簡単な質問の仕方です。 Have you washed the clothes? - 洗濯をしたかどうか聞くときの他の聞き方です。 Have you finished doing the laundry? - 洗濯をしているのを知っている状況で進捗を聞きたいときの言い方です。 他にも「where is the laundry you did?」という聞き方もあります。 まだ、洗濯をしていない場合、理由を聞くことができるでしょう。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Have you washed this?

  • Did you do laundry?

Have you washed this? :これ洗った? 何かバスケットに入っている洗濯物等をさして使える表現です? Have youを使うことによって~を完了したか聞く表現となります。こちらは洗うという言い方なので、洗濯だけでなく食器洗ったという質問でも使うことが可能です。 Did you do laundry? :洗濯した?  Did you do laundry today? 今日洗濯した? 
  • Did you do your laundry?

  • Have you done your laundry?

Laundry Clothes and linen that need to be washed __________________________________________________________ Example A: Did you do your laundry? B: No, I am going to do my laundry later.
Laundry 洗濯が必要な衣服やリネン __________________________________________________________ 例 A: Did you do your laundry?(洗濯した?) B: No, I am going to do my laundry later.(洗濯はあとでするよ)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Did you do the laundry?

  • Did you do the washing?I would like to finish off the ironing/sort the clothes.

"Did you do the laundry?" You want to find out if they had a chance to do the laundry. "Did you do the washing?I would like to finish off the ironing/sort the clothes." You are asking if the did the washing and letting them know that you want to iron the clothes or sort them. Framing a question in this way is useful if you have a very lazy roommate because it would put pressure on them to finish doing the laundry
"Did you do the laundry?" ①「洗濯した?」洗濯出来たかどうか聞き出している。 "Did you do the washing?I would like to finish off the ironing/sort the clothes." ②「洗濯はしましたか?アイロンがけを終わらせたい/服を仕分けたいのですが。」 アイロンがけ又は服の仕分けをしたいので、洗濯をしたかどうか聞き出している。 怠慢なルームメイトには、このようにプレッシャーをかける質問の仕方が役立ちます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • "Did you do the laundry?"

  • "How is the laundry doing?"

  • "Have you washed the clothes yet?"

If you wanted to ask a roommate is they did the laundry you could ask any of the following: "Did you do the laundry?", "How is the laundry doing?" or "Have you washed the clothes yet?". Any of these questions directly ask your roommate if they have done the laundry.
ルームメートに洗濯をしたかどうか聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Did you do the laundry?"(洗濯はしましたか) "How is the laundry doing?"(洗濯はどうしましたか) "Have you washed the clothes yet?"(もう洗濯はしましたか) どれも、洗濯をしたかどうか単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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