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2017/07/06 21:06
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  • low voice

  • low tone

声が低い low voice low tone 声が高い high voice high tone ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I have a quiet voice.

  • I have a deep voice.

  • Baritone

A voice that is high pitched (perhaps squeaky or sharp in tone) can be referred to as a high voice. The opposite can be a 'quiet voice' which means that it is quiet in sound, difficult to hear or like a whisper. In terms of singing, a low voice is someone with a deep or baritone voice. It means they are not able to reach high pitched notes but specialize in the lower end of the musical scale. I hope that helps!
高い声(キーキーしていたり鋭いトーンの声など)は、a high voice と表すことができます。 その反対は a quiet voice です。これは静かな音で、ささやいているような聞き取りにくい声のことです。 歌に関しましては、低いバリトンの音程の場合は a low voice といいます。これは高いピッチを出すことができず、低いキーを専門に歌う方のことを言います。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • A deep voice

  • A bass voice

A bass voice: the lowest adult male singing voice. "John's a singer with a bass voice." When describing such a person you could say, "Paul has a deep, resonating voice. I love it because it seems so manly!"
A bass voice: 男性の一番低音の歌声 "John's a singer with a bass voice." ジョンは低音の歌手だ。 そういう人のことを表現する場合は以下のように言えます。 "Paul has a deep, resonating voice. I love it because it seems so manly!" ポールは低くて響く声をもってる。男らしくていい声だ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have a low voice.

  • My voice is low.

I have a low voice. My voice is low. 声が低い。 It is a little hard for people to hear me because I have a low voice. 声が低いので、周りの人がよく聞きづらい。
  • soft voice

  • gentle voice

You can say someone is soft spoken. This an adjective that means someone who speaks quietly. An example of soft spoken is someone who always speaks in a calm and even tone.
"・soft voice柔和なこえ、小さな声 ・gentle voice物静かな声 物静かな話し方をする人に使う事が出来ます。 この形容詞は静かに話をする人の事です。 例えば、soft spoken物静かに、穏やかに静かな声のトーンで話す人の事です。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Low voice.

  • Deep voice.

  • Bass voice.

A low voice is the opposite of a high voice. We can also express this as a deep voice. All low sounds can be described as deep sounds. We also use the phrase bass voice sometimes, i think this comes from music terminology.
低い声は高い声の逆の意味です。 また、低い声は、深い音とも言い換えられるので、「deep voice」とと表現することもできます。 他にも音楽用語で「bass voice」ということもできます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I have a low voice.

「低い声」は、英語でそのまま low voiceと言います(*^_^*) 例) I have a low voice. 「私は声が低いです」 「高い声」はhigh voice 「鼻声」はnasal voice と言います♪ 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Low pitched voice!

  • I have a hushed tone voice!

Having a low pitched voice, sometimes makes it difficult for people to hear you when you speak. People will ask you "Can you speak louder, please?"
"低い声だと、時として何を言っているのか相手には聞き取りにくいことがあります。 そんな時は話している相手から、 ""Can you speak louder, please?"" 「もっと大きい声で話していただけますか?」 と言われるでしょう。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • A low voice

  • A quite voice

To express the opposite to high voice, feel free to use any of these two expressions. Both of them mean absolutely the same and do not hesitate to use them.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • A low voice

  • A soft tone

  • A quiet voice

A low voice example sentence: The boy in my class always speaks in a low voice because he likes to talk to his friends during class time. A soft tone example sentence: Please speak in a soft tone because the patients are trying to sleep in the next room. A quiet voice example sentence: The old woman spoke in a quiet voice over the phone because she was not feeling well.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • low voice

  • quiet voice.

  • deep voice.

We can use these three different adjectives: low, quiet or deep to express a voice that is the opposite of a high voice. Example sentences : He spoke to me in a low voice. She had a very quiet voice. He responded to me in a very deep voice.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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