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2017/07/07 10:27
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2017/07/08 01:22
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  • 100% made in Japan

「100%日本で作られている」と表現できます。 This product is 100% made in Japan.(この製品は純国(日本)産です)
  • It is entirely domestically produced.

  • It is purely domestic.

「純国産」は「完全に国内で製造された」と 考えるとentirely domestically producedと 表現できます。 purely domesticは文字通り「純国産」です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
  • Made in Japan

  • An authentic Japanese product

Made in Japan - When phrased this way, it is understood that the entire product was made in Japan. If you would like, you can also say, "100% made in Japan." "One hundred percent of this product was made in Japan." "This product was made in Japan." Authentic - original, genuine, not a copy "This is an authentic Japanese product."
Made in Japan - 日本製。このように表現するときは、まるごとの製品が日本で作られたものだと認識されます。 "100% made in Japan." 100%日本製という言い方もできます。 "One hundred percent of this product was made in Japan." この商品は100%日本製です。 "This product was made in Japan." この製品は日本製です。 Authentic - original, genuine, not a copy. オリジナル、純粋な、模倣品でない。 "This is an authentic Japanese product." これは純日本製品です。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Domestic product.

  • Local product.

純 means pure, and 国産 means domestic product. But saying "pure domestic product" sounds redundant (and unnatural), so you're better off just saying "local product" or "domestic product."
純 =pure, 国産 =domestic product.ですが、 "pure domestic product" はちょっと長すぎて不自然な表現です。" local product" や "domestic product."がいいでしょう。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • This was wholly made in Japan

  • This item was entirely manufactured in Japan

Of course, it depends what the product or item is. Most saleable items are made in factories or by hand and so we may talk about the manufacturing process with regard to many items: "These cars are manufactured entirely in Japan." Entirely = totally in this case. "That car was wholly made in Japan. No parts were imported."
もちろん、どんな商品かアイテムなのかにもよります。商品というのは普通向上で作られるか、ハンドメイドですよね。そのため、生産過程に関しては色んな言いかたができます。 "These cars are manufactured entirely in Japan." Entirely = この場合は、完全に、という意味 これらの車は完全に日本で生産されているんだ。 "That car was wholly made in Japan. No parts were imported." この車は、最初から最後まで日本で生産されていて、ひとつの部品も輸入じゃないんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 100% made in

「純国産」は100% made in...と言うことができます。 例文 This sweater is 100% made in Japan. このセーターは純国産です。 % percent の発音記号は pərsént のようになり、日本語のカタカナとはアクセントの位置が異なる点に注意してスピーキングで使っていきましょう。 Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • A 100% Japanese product.

  • Made in Japan.

  • an authentic Japanese product

A 100% Japanese product. This means that none of the raw material has been sourced from other countries.This has the same meaning as " Made in Japan". Made in Japan This implies that all the materials to make it are from Japan. "an authentic Japanese product" If something is authentic it is of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.
A 100% Japanese product. This means that none of the raw material has been sourced from other countries.This has the same meaning as " Made in Japan". 100%Japanese Product=100%日本産=純国産。 Made in Japan This implies that all the materials to make it are from Japan. Made in Japan=日本産=国産  "an authentic Japanese product" If something is authentic it is of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine. An authentic Japanese product=本物の日本産=純国産。Authentic=真の、正真正銘の。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Authentic Japanese products..

  • I can guarantee these are all authentic Japanese products...100%

Authentic: Of undisputed origin/not a copy; absolutely genuine;-D And in this case; Authentic is the best word to describe goods " wholly made in Japan!" "I can guarantee these are all authentic Japanese products...100%"
Authentic: 疑う余地もなくオリジナル/コピー品じゃない/間違いなく本物 という意味です;-D そして、この場合"Authentic"(本物)が "wholly made in Japan!"(純日本産)を表現するには一番いい言葉です! 【例】 "I can guarantee these are all authentic Japanese products...100%" (私が保証します、これは100%純日本産です)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • made 100% in Japan

  • A domestic product.

First we can talk about that something is made, "100%," in Japan as this explains that everything inside and the manufacturing comes from within the country. We can also say that the product is, "domestic," means that it is produced or made within the country.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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