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2017/07/08 11:53
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  • I help my grandmother to eat by using a spoon

  • I use a spoon to assist my grandmother in eating

I help my grandmother to eat by using a spoon=スプーンを使って祖母が食べるのを手伝う I use a spoon to assist my grandmother in eating=スプーンを使って祖母が食べるのを手伝う assist=手伝う 「アシスタント」と言う言葉もここから来ています。
  • I spoon-feed my grandma.

  • I feed my grandma puree meals.

When you feed someone with a spoon it is called: Spoon-feeding. This verb is also used as a phrasal verb to describe when you make something very simple for someone to understand. But the literal meaning still holds true. I feed my grandma puree meals. Puree meals are blended meals that are soft and do not require chewing. It would be automatically assumed that a spoon would be used for this type of feeding. Grandma can also be: Grandmother Granny Gran I hope that helps!
スプーンを使ってだれかにご飯を与えることを spoon-feeding と言います。 相手にわかりやすく伝えるために、spoon と feeding をセットで使って表します。でも実際の意味は「スプーンで食べさせる」という意味で、その通りですよ。 I feed my grandma puree meals. puree meal は、噛む必要が無いようにやわらかくミックスされている食べ物です。 この表現を使えば、そいういったタイプの食べ物を食べさせるにはスプーンを使うだろうと想像してもらえます。 祖母は、grandmaのほかにも Grandmother Granny Gran ということもできます。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I use a spoon to help my grandmother eat.

  • To help my grandmother eat I use a spoon.

These are all appropriate when describing the act of feeding your grandmother with a spoon.You could also say: "I assist my grandmother by spoon-feeding her." spoon-feed = to feed (someone) with a spoon
これからは祖母にスプーンで食べさせていることを表現しています。このようにいうこともできます。 "I assist my grandmother by spoon-feeding her."祖母にスプーンで食べさせることで補佐しています。 spoon-feed = to feed (someone) with a spoon誰かにスプーンで食べさせること。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I spoon feed my grandmother.

  • I help my grandmother by spoon feeding her.

"I spoon feed my grandmother." "spoon feed" means to feed someone with a spoon. "I help my grandmother by spoon feeding her." This explains that you help look after your grandmother by feeding her with a spoon.
"I spoon feed my grandmother." スプーンで祖母に食事を食べさせています。 "spoon feed" スプーンで食事を食べさせるという意味です。 "I help my grandmother by spoon feeding her." スプーンで食事を食べさせることで祖母を手助けしています。 というフレーズはスプーンをつかって食事を食べさせることで祖母の世話をしているという説明です
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I give my grandmother a hand at mealtimes by using a spoon

  • I have to feed grandmother with a spoon these days

It may be that your grandmother can partially eat alone but needs just a little help with holding her spoon? In that case you could say that you give her a 'hand.' To give someone a hand = To help, aid, or assist. "Could you please give me a hand carrying this mattress?" If your mother is unable to use a utensil herself and you actually use a spoon to feed her, then youmay mention that detail only if you wish, of course.
あなたのおばあさんは、一人で食べる時もあれば、スプーンを持つのを少し手伝わないといけないことがあるということでしょうか? このような場合は、you give her a 'hand.'と言うことができます。 To give someone a hand = 助ける、援助する 例文 "Could you please give me a hand carrying this mattress?" このマットレスを運ぶのを手伝って頂けますか? おばあさんが、自分で食器を使うことができず、おばあさんに食事をあげるためにあなたが実際にスプーンを使っているのなら、もし言ったほうが良いのであれば、どのように手伝っているかを詳しく言うこともちろんできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I use a spoon to support my grandmother with her eating.

  • I assist my grandma with her eating by using a spoon.

  • I use a spoon to help my grandma eat.

Also, I aid my grandma with her eating by encouraging her to use a spoon. I encourage my grandma to eat by helping her use a spoon. I guide my grandma with her eating by showing her how to use a spoon. I use a spoon to feed my grandma. I support my grandma with using a spoon so she can eat. I assist my grandma with her eating and help her practice using a spoon.
又は 例文 I aid my grandma with her eating by encouraging her to use a spoon. 祖母にスプーンを使うようにして、食事をするのを手伝っている。 I encourage my grandma to eat by helping her use a spoon. 祖母がスプーンを使うのを手伝って、食事のサポートをしている。 I guide my grandma with her eating by showing her how to use a spoon. スプーンの使い方を教えて、祖母の食事を手伝っている。 I use a spoon to feed my grandma. スプーンを使って祖母に食事を食べさせている。 I support my grandma with using a spoon so she can eat. 祖母が食事ができるようにスプーンを使って、食事のサポートをしている。 I assist my grandma with her eating and help her practice using a spoon. 祖母の食事とスプーンを使う練習を手伝っている。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Spoon-feed /spoon-fed

  • My poor gran is losing mobility in her arms...I now spoon feed her at meal times.

We have all been spoon fed when we were babies...This means someone else fed us with a spoon! Sadly as we age our bodies can let us down to the point where we need assistance once again!. (There may also be a simple physical reason) I have to spoon-feed my friend... she has got 2 broken arms!
We have all been spoon fed when we were babies. 私たちはみんな、赤ちゃんのころはご飯を食べさせてもらっていた。 これは、誰かがスプーンでご飯を食べさせてくれるという意味です。仕方のないことですが、歳をとるともう一度、子供のころのように手助けが必要になってくることがあります。(単に体の都合によることもあります。)  I have to spoon-feed my friend... she has got 2 broken arms! 友達にスプーンでご飯を食べさせてあげないといけないの。両腕を骨折してしまったから。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "I help my grandmother to eat by using a spoon to feed her"

  • "I assist my grandmother when she eats by feeding her with a spoon"

If you wanted to explain that you helped your grandmother eat by using a spoon, you could say either of the following to express this: "I help my grandmother to eat by using a spoon to feed her" or "I assist my grandmother when she eats by feeding her with a spoon".
「祖母にスプーンで食事を食べさせている」は次のように言えます。 "I help my grandmother to eat by using a spoon to feed her"(祖母にスプーンで食事を食べさせています) "I assist my grandmother when she eats by feeding her with a spoon"(祖母にスプーンで食事を食べさせています)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • My grandma is spoon-fed.

  • I spoon food into my grandmother's mouth.

1.My grandma is spoon-fed. Grandma is another term for your grandmother. Spoon-fed means spooning food into someone's mouth. Spoon-fed has another meaning too - it means assisting someone to the extent that they have no need to make an effort themselves. Example:Many high school students are spoon-fed therefore they struggle to cope at college and university. 2. I spoon food into my grandmother's mouth. Spooning food into someone's mouth means that you feed them with a spoon.Usually this would be soft, mashed food because the person is unable to eat solid foods.
1. My grandma is spoon-fed.(祖母にはスプーンで食事を食べさせています) "Grandma" は "Grandmother"(祖母)の別の言い方です。 "Spoon-fed" は「さじで食事を食べさせる」という意味です。 "Spoon-fed" にはもう一つ、「人を甘やかす」という意味もあります。 例: Many high school students are spoon-fed therefore they struggle to cope at college and university.(高校時代は甘やかされている人が多いので、大学に入って苦労することがある) 2. I spoon food into my grandmother's mouth.(祖母にスプーンで食事を食べさせています) "Spooning food into someone's mouth" は「さじで食事を食べさせる」という意味です。これは、固形食が食べられない人に柔らかいすりつぶした食べ物を与えることを指すことが多いです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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