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2017/07/10 18:58
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  • I can't get enough of ○○!

○○のところに"High School Musical"を入れるとそのまま通じます! ニュアンスは「何度見ても[足りません](」です。 I can't get enough of High School Musical! =High School Musical は何度見ても足りません!
Bret Mayer 漢字教育士、言語文化スペシャリスト
  • This movie never gets old.

  • I could watch this movie forever.

  • I have watched this movie many times but it never gets boring.

"This movie never gets old." This means that even though its not a new movie and you are not watching it for the first time,it is still interesting for you. "I could watch this movie forever." This means that you could watch the movie over and over and never get tired of it. "I have watched this movie many times but it never gets boring." This means that even though you have seen the movie on several occasions it is still entertaining for you.
"This movie never gets old." This means that even though its not a new movie and you are not watching it for the first time,it is still interesting for you. 「この[映画](は何度見ても飽きない。」 新しい映画でもなければ、[初めて](観る映画でもないが、今でも面白い。 "I could watch this movie forever." This means that you could watch the movie over and over and never get tired of it. 「この映画はずっと観ていられる。」 何度も観ても飽きない。 "I have watched this movie many times but it never gets boring." This means that even though you have seen the movie on several occasions it is still entertaining for you. 「この映画は何回も観たけど、全然飽きない。」 何回も観ている映画だが、いつ観ても面白い。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • That movie never bores me.

  • I can watch that movie a million times over.

1. That movie never bores me. You can simply express simply that the movie never bores you. 2. I can watch that movie a million times over. If you say you can watch a movie a million times over, it means that you never get tired of watching it.
"1.That movie never bores me. 簡単にこの表現を使ってこの映画は飽きが来ないという事が出来ます。 2.I can watch that movie a million times over. もしyou can watch a movie a million times overとは、この映画を観ることに全然飽きがこない、何万回だって見ることが出来る、という意味になります。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I will never get tired of watching this movie!

  • I can watch this movie many times without getting sick of it!

飽きる means get tired of or get bored of.
飽きる =get tired of または、 get bored of.です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • I never cease to enjoy watching that one!

  • Every time I watch that film, it's as enjoyable as the first time!

"I/it/he/she/etc never cease(s)to +VERB..." We use this construction to add emphasis to a sentence where you are surprised or astounded by something. "It never ceases to amaze me that John always gets Saturdays off work and we don't! How does he manage that?" Alternatively, you could just make a simple statement: "Every time I watch that film, it's as enjoyable as the first time!"
"I/it/he/she/etc never cease(s)to +動詞..."で、何か感動したことや驚いたことを強調することができます。 "It never ceases to amaze me that John always gets Saturdays off work and we don't! How does he manage that?" 意訳:ジョンだけいつも土曜日に休めるのに俺たちが休めないなんて一体全体なぜだ!どうやっているんだ! また、シンプルに作ることもできます。 "Every time I watch that film, it's as enjoyable as the first time!":この映画はいつ見ても、初めてみるように楽しい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'll never get sick of watching High School Musical.

  • I could watch High School Musical forever.

The phrase ''sick of'' is used to express getting tired of something done again and again. However, adding'' never before it suggests the opposite. Therefore, saying: ''I'll never get sick of watching High School Musical.'' means you will never get tired of watching this movie. > I could watch High School Musical forever. - this means that you will never get bored of watching this movie.
''sick of''は何かが何度も何度も起きて嫌になる様子。 'never before を付け加えると反対の意味になります。 だから、 ''I'll never get sick of watching High School Musical.'' ハイスクールミュージカルを何度観ても飽きない。 とは、この映画を何度観ても疲れることはないという意味です。 > I could watch High School Musical forever - ハイスクールミュージカルを永遠に見ることができる。 この映画を観て退屈することはないという意味です。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • I will never get bored of watching this movie

  • I can watch this movie over and over again

I will never get bored of watching this movie.' means you like the movie so much that you cannot get bored of it. 'I can watch this movie over and over again' means you can watch this movie repeatedly.
I will never get bored of watching this movie. これはあなたがその映画をとても好きで、全然飽きることがないという意味です。 I can watch this movie over and over again. これはあなたがその映画を繰り返し観ることが出来るという意味です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I never get enough of this movie.

1)I never get enough of this movie.- This means to like something very much and want a lot of it For example: "Fans of horror movies just can’t get enough of this sort of stuff."
"1) I never get enough of this movie. こちらは、何かがとっても大好きで、いくらあっても十分ではない、もっと、もっと観たいという意味です。 例えば: ""Fans of horror movies just can't get enouhg of this sort of stuff."" ホラー映画ファンはこの手の物をもっと観たがる。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This movie never gets old.

  • I can watch this movie over and over again

It depends on the context but "this movie never gets old" means that people keep watching it but it doesn't mean you personally like it. The second sentence is suitable if you want to describe how much YOU like it.
これは文脈によります。 "this movie never gets old"(この映画は決して色あせない)は、いつまでも人気が衰えないという意味で、話し手が個人的に好きという意味ではありません。 個人的に好きであることを表すなら、二つ目の文が使えます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I never get tired of this movie.

  • I could watch this movie forever.

I never get tired of this movie. この映画は本当に飽きません。 I could watch this movie forever. この映画なら一生見てられます。 watch forever は「一生見る」という意味の英語表現です。 日本語でも「一生〜できる」のような言い回しをすることがありますね。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
  • I'll never get tired of watching this movie.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I'll never get tired of watching this movie.」 =この映画は何度見ても飽きない。 (例文)I'll never get tired of watching this movie. I love it too much. (訳)この映画は何度見ても飽きない。好きすぎる。 (例文)I'll never get tired of watching this movie. I think it's my 10th time watching it. (訳)この映画は何度見ても飽きない。もう見るの10回目だと思う。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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