世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/10 23:35
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  • Can I reenter?

"Can I reenter with this ticket?" このチケットで再入場できますか? reenter: 再入場する reentry: 再入場 他にも、recall, recall, replayなどreが前につけば再度~するという意味になります。
Shana JnD Education留学センター専属英語講師
  • If I go out can I come back in?

  • If I go out can I re-enter?

"If I go out" means if you leave. "Can I come back in?" Asks if you are able to re-enter.
"If I go out" もし一回でたらという意味。 "Can I come back in?"また入れますか? 再入場が可能か聞いています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Am I able to re-enter once I leave?

  • Can I enter once I leave?

Am I able to re-enter once I leave? This allows you to make the situation clear to avoid any confusion. Can I enter again once I leave? This can be used when you are trying to confirm that if there is free movement or if it is a once off entry.
Am I able to re-enter once I leave? このフレーズを使えば誤解を防ぐ事ができます。 Can I enter again once I leave? 退出した後に再入場できるか確認をする時に使えます。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Can I reenter?

Reenter means 再入する. 出来る means can.
Reenter もう一度入る、再入場
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • May I re-enter later?

  • Is it OK to go out and then come back in again?

Some venues may have strict rules about re-entry and even have signs stating: 'No re-entry!" Others however may be more flexible and bit may be down to the individual doormen to make a decision about that: "Is it OK to go out and then come back in again? "Why do you want to go outside?" "My father is here and he wants to give me some money." "OK, but come back within 30 minutes." "Thank you!"
ある場所では"No re-entry"など再入場に関して厳しいルールが設けられています。その他の場所ではドアマン次第もときもありますが、かなりフレキシブルに対応してくれるところもあります。 "Is it OK to go out and then come back in again?:一回でてまた入ってきてもいいですか? "Why do you want to go outside?" 何故外にでたいんですか? "My father is here and he wants to give me some money." 父がきていてお金をくれるみたいなんです。 "OK, but come back within 30 minutes." わかりました。30分以内に帰ってきてくださいね。 "Thank you!" ありがとう
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May I re-enter?

If you re-enter a place, organization, or area of activity that you have left, you return to it. 'May I re-enter?' Ten minutes later he re-entered the hotel.
場所、団体、活動に再入場すること、つまりそこに戻ることです May I re-enter? (再入場していいですか?) Ten minutes later he re-entered the hotel. (彼は10分後にホテルに再度入館した。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Will I be able to get back in if I leave for a moment?

  • Will you grant me access if I leave the premises for a bit?I need to fetch my phone in my car.

Will I be able to get back in if I leave for a moment? This is simplest way to frame the question.You are inquiring about the possibility of being allowed back inside the premises, Will you grant me access if I leave the premises for a bit?I need to fetch my phone in my car. To grant access is to let someone in.It is also a good idea to give them a reason as to why you need to leave and come back.
Will I be able to get back in if I leave for a moment? This is simplest way to frame the question.You are inquiring about the possibility of being allowed back inside the premises, 「少しの間この場から離れても、再入場できますか?」一番シンプルな質問の仕方です。 Will you grant me access if I leave the premises for a bit?I need to fetch my phone in my car. To grant access is to let someone in.It is also a good idea to give them a reason as to why you need to leave and come back. 「少しの間外に出ても、再入場させてもらえますか?車に置き忘れた携帯を取って来るので。」 Grant accessは、人に入場許可する、という意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Will you allow me to re-enter if I go out?

  • Are there rules regarding re-entry if one goes out?

If in order to gain entry to a particular place you have to pay an entrance fee, you are given a ticket or some other proof of payment, such as a stamp. You can show this proof of payment when you re-enter. However, if entrance is free, there may be some rules regarding re-entry when one goes out of the place and that is why you would have to ask if you would be allowed to re-enter if you went out. So, you may ask: Will you allow me to re-enter if I go out? or Are there rules regarding re-entry if one goes out?
あなたがある特定の場所への入場するために、入場料を払わなければならないとき、チケットやスタンプのような支払いをした証拠をもらうでしょう。再入場する際には、この支払の証拠を見せれば良いでしょう。 しかしながら、入場が無料の際、一度その場所から出てしまったときの再入場に関して、いくつかのルールがあるかもしれません。だから、もし外に出る際には、再入場が可能かどうか尋ねる必要があります。 このように尋ねると良いでしょう。 例文 Will you allow me to re-enter if I go out? 外に出ても再入場できますか? Are there rules regarding re-entry if one goes out? 外に出たときの歳入所に関して、決まりはありますか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Will I be able to come in again after leaving ?

  • Once I leave, can I come in again?

  • Will I be permitted to re-enter once I leave?

A lot of people live to visit museums or amusement parks, sometimes when they do, the may have to leave temporarily. Sometimes they can be re-admitted and sometimes once someone leaves they cannt re-enter. If you want to ask if you will be allowed to re-enter after exiting the mseum or amusement park, you can ask any of the following questions:- 1.Will I be able to come in again after leaving ? 出て行ってからまた入っていけますか 2.Once I leave, can I come in again? 私が去ったら、もう一度入ってもいいですか 3.Will I be permitted to re-enter once I leave? 退去後、再入国は許可されますか?
美術館やテーマパークによく行くという人は多いと思います。その際、一時的に施設を離れないといけなくなる場合があるかもしれません。 離れた場合に、再入場が認められるのか、認められないのか。これについて確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 1.Will I be able to come in again after leaving ? 一度出てまた入ることは可能ですか。 2.Once I leave, can I come in again? 一度出てまた入ることは可能ですか。 3.Will I be permitted to re-enter once I leave? 一度出てまた入ることは可能ですか。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can I re-enter?

  • Am I allowed to re-enter later?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Can I re-enter? 再入場できますか? ・Am I allowed to re-enter later? あとで再入場することはできますか? re-enter は「再入場」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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