世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/11 00:24
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  • There is no rush.You can do it when you have some time later.

  • I don't have a problem with you doing it later when you're not busy.

"There is no rush.You can do it when you have some time later." You are giving them an option to perform the task later because it is not an urgent matter. rush = something that is an emergency and needs to be done immediately. "I don't have a problem with you doing it later when you're not busy." You can say this to reassure someone that you don't need the task to performed and completed at that particular moment.
"There is no rush.You can do it when you have some time later." 緊急の用件でないので、あとで行ってもいいと選択肢を与えている状況です。 rush = すぐに行わなければならない緊急の用件 "I don't have a problem with you doing it later when you're not busy." これは今すぐやる必要はない、と相手に念を押すときに使える表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • If you're busy right now, you can do that later.

  • I don't mind if you do that later.

  • It doesn't matter when you do that.

「忙しい」は "be busy" "have a lot to do" "be pressed for time" などと表現することができます。 "right now" は「現在、今は」ということを表します。"now" や "at this moment" と言うこともできます。 "later" は「後で」という表現です。 "mind 〜" は「〜を嫌だと思う、〜を気にする、〜が気に触る」ということを表します。 よって、「もしあなたがそれを後でやっても気にしない」となります。 "matter" は「重要/問題である」という表現です。ここでは"when"以下が主語になり、「あなたがいつそれをやるかは問題ではない」となります。
  • If you are busy, you can do it later.

If you are busy, you can do it later. もし忙しければ、後でやってもらって大丈夫です。 You don't have to do it right away. 今すぐやってもらう必要はないですよ。 Please let us know when it's done. 終わったら教えてくださいね。
DMM Eikaiwa H DMM英会話
  • If you're busy, later will be fine!

  • There's no hurry - in your own time!

  • Just fit it into any convenient part of you daily routine

It may be in a business situation where you have asked a colleague to carryu out a task for you; or it may be in a social setting where a family member has volunteered their services to do something for you. You may impress upon the person concerned that time is not the governing factor in this case: "Just fit it into any convenient part of you daily routine," or, "There's no hurry - in your own time!"
これは、同僚にあなたの仕事を請け負って貰うように頼む時のようなビジネスのシチュエーションでありうるでしょう。 もしくは、家族の誰かがあなたのために何かをしてくれる時のような社交の場でありうるでしょう。 その人に時間が主な要因ではないということを印象づけるでしょう。 "Just fit it into any convenient part of you daily routine," または "There's no hurry - in your own time!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If your busy now, it can wait till later.

  • It can be done when your finished.

"If your busy now, it can wait till later." Explains that it can be done later if they are busy. "It can be done when your finish." Explains you can finish what they are doing before doing what you want.
"If your busy now, it can wait till later." もし今お忙しければあとでも構いません。 もし忙しいならあとでもいいという説明。 "It can be done when your finish." あ奈多の仕事が片付いたらで結構です。あなたがやりたいことをする前に終えることができますよという説明。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • If you’re busy now, I can catch you later.

  • Don’t worry if you are busy now, we can do it another time.

If you’re busy now, I can catch you later – catch you later is an idiom we use for see you again later, we will meet again later. “We can catch up another time”. Don’t worry if you are busy now, we can do it another time – a polite way to explain it isn’t a problem if they are busy. “Don’t worry” shows it is not so important to do right now.
If you’re busy now, I can catch you later – catch you later また後で会いましょうという意味のイディオムです。 “We can catch up another time”. 「他の機会に会いましょう」 Don’t worry if you are busy now, we can do it another time – 相手が忙しい場合、礼儀正しく「大丈夫です。」と言いたい時の表現です。 “Don’t worry” 「心配しないでください」ということで、今すぐにしなくても良いことを示しています。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Feel free to do it later if you are busy.

  • You can do it later if you are busy right now.

  • You may choose to do this later if you do not have the time right now.

Also, You may do it later on if you don't have time on your hands right now. Explanation: Feel free (idiom) = you are permitted to do something or take something. It is similar to saying 'you may choose to do it or not'. Have time on your hands = have time to do something.
また、以下のようにも言えます。: You may do it later on if you don't have time on your hands right now. 説明: Feel free (idiom) = 何かをしたり何かを取ったりするのを許可されていること。 'you may choose to do it or not'(するかしないか選んでいいよ)というのと似ています。 Have time on your hands = 何かをする時間があること。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • There is no rush.You can do it when you can

  • Don’t worry if you are busy now, we can do it another time

To be in a rush means to go or do something very quickly (you could say quickly, rapid, etc.). I would recommend the second one because you underline there is no need to worry.
to be in a rush' は「大急ぎで行く[行う]という意味です('quickly' 'rapid' などと言うこともできます)。 おすすめは二つ目の言い方です。ここでは、はっきりと「心配は要らない」と伝えています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • You can do it later if you busy.

  • You can always make some time later if you busy now.

This means that if you are busy now you can do the task later. If you do something in a hurry you may not do the right thing.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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