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例えば戦いのゲームなどで、すごく弱いので いつもすぐ死にます。
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2017/07/11 00:25
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  • to die quickly

  • to die soon

戦いのゲームをする時、英語では、日本語のように to die quickly か to die soon になります。生き物の「死ぬ」も「to die」になりますけど、ゲームの「死ぬ」も「to die」と言います。 例文 A: Are you still playing your video game? A: まだゲームやっているの? B: No, I just died. B: いいえ、さっき死んじゃったよ。 A: You're so weak! A: 弱いな! ご参考までに。
  • I'm a disaster at this game!

  • I am awful at this game!

  • I'm terrible at this game

Explanation: 'I'm a disaster at something' means that I am just so unsuccessful or very, very bad at something. 'I'm awful at something' means I really do something badly. 'I'm terrible at something' again means I amreally bad at doing something.
説明: 'I'm a disaster at something' は、何かを上手くできない、または非常に苦手であるという意味です。 'I'm awful at something' とは、何かをするのがとても下手であることを意味します。 'I'm terrible at something' も上記のフレーズを同様に下手・苦手であることを表す文です。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I am always the first to go/go down

  • I always cnk out first,

This is a casual way of saying you always die first while playing a game. to go/to go down/to conk is to die. A:Hey !I can't see you anymore! B: I know,I just conked. A: Too bad but you're always the first to go everytime we play together,
これは、ゲームをしているとすぐに死んでしまう人をさすカジュアルな言い方です。 A:Hey !I can't see you anymore! おいおいお前もういなくなっちまったのかよ B: I know,I just conked. ああもうダメみたいだ。 A: Too bad but you're always the first to go every time we play together, 残念だな。お前いっつも先に死ぬよな。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I suck at this game, I don’t last long.

I suck at this game, I don’t last long. – “I suck” - slang for something or someone being really bad. “It sucks here”, “the party sucks”, “I suck at tennis”. “I don’t last long” – the game is not long lasting when you play, implying you lose the game very quickly. “I’m terrible at this game/I am a terrible player”.
I suck at this game, I don’t last long. – “I suck” - 非常に悪い状態のものまたは人のスラング。 “It sucks here”「ここ最悪」, “the party sucks”「このパーティー、つまんない」 “I suck at tennis”. 「テニスが下手くそ」 “I don’t last long” – あなたがゲームをしても長く続かず、すぐ負けてしまうことを意味します。 “I’m terrible at this game/I am a terrible player”. 「私はこのゲームが苦手です/全然上手くゲームできないです」
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I never last long!

  • I'll be finished in about one second!

  • I have a death wish in these games

Death wish - an unconscious desire for one's own death. "Did you see that pedestrian jump out into the road? I think he's got a death wish!" If you say, "I never last long," it means that you think your virtual life in the game will usually end quickly. This means that you cannot play the game well, so that does not need to be said. Similarly, "I'll be finished in about one second," indicates you do not rate yourself highly as a game player.
Death wish - 無意識に死にたい願望。 例: "Did you see that pedestrian jump out into the road? I think he's got a death wish!" (歩行者が道路に飛び出すの見た? 死にたいのかな!) "I never last long," (僕、長く続かないんだ)と言った場合、いつもゲームの中ですぐに死んでしまい、 ゲームがあっという間に終わるということで、つまり、あなたはゲームをするのがあまり上手ではないと暗に言っています。 同様に、"I'll be finished in about one second," では、 ゲームプレイヤーとして自分を高く評価していないことを示しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to die any minute.

  • I always die to quickly.

"I am going to die any minute." Explains that when you are playing you are going to die very soon. "I always die to quickly." Means that when you play the game you die very quick/ early on in the game.
"I am going to die any minute." 数分ですぐに死んじゃうんだよ。 自分のプレーヤーがすぐに死んでしまうことを伝えています。 "I always die to quickly." すぐにいつも死んじゃうの。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I died in the game.

  • I'm already out.

  • I always die too fast.

"I died in the game" is a great way to explain what happened while playing a game so as not to alarm anyone who my be listening, as you specify you are talking about dying within a game. "I am already out" is a great way to explain you have lost the game without using the word die. "I always die too fast" is another great way to explain how you lost a game and it denotes that you are not a very good player becuase it happens often and quickly within the game.
"I died in the game" ゲームですぐ死んじゃう。 この表現は、ゲームをやっている最中にすぐに死んでしまうと話していると伝えることができます。 "I am already out" 僕はすでに負けた。 死ぬという言葉を使わずに負けたことを表現できます。 "I always die too fast" 僕はいつも死ぬのが早すぎるんだよね。 どのようにゲームに負けたか、自分がゲームがうまくないことを伝える表現です。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • A) I'm not really good at this game i always die first.

  • B) I'm not good at this game i am always the first to loose.

A) I'm not really good at this game i always die first. *I'm - i am *Not really - not good at ... B) I'm not good at this game i am always the first to loose. *I'm - i am *loose - opposite of win / to not win I hope this helps :-)
A) I'm not really good at this game i always die first. このゲームあまり得意じゃないんだよね。 先に死んじゃうんだ*I'm は i amの短縮形 *Not really -はnot good at ...上手ではないといういう意味  B) I'm not good at this game i am always the first to loose. 僕はこのゲームはうまくないんだ。 いつも先に負けちゃう。 *I'm は i amの短縮形 *loose は勝つの反対語、負けるという意味です。 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I always die fast in the game because I am not that good

  • I am always the first to go down

The second sentence is more a special phrase to say, although, it literally means the same. It depends on the situation, when I die playing games I usually use the first sentence
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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