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2017/07/16 14:07
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  • All the questions are at the end.

直訳すると、 「質問は全て最後にあります。」 今回「まとめて」を無視して自然なフレーズで答えましたが、 英語で「まとめて」を"all at once"か"all together"か"as a set"と言います。 Submit all at once. (まとめて提出する) Send the files all together. (ファイルをまとめて送信する) Trade the cards as a set. (カードをまとめて交換する)
Bret Mayer 漢字教育士、言語文化スペシャリスト
  • Is it OK if I ask any questions I may have at the end of the text?

  • Let's deal with any questions at the end of the article

You may either ask or suggest that questions be put after reading or studying the article or piece of text you are now considering. Or, you may simply state your position. Question: "Is it alright if questions be dealt with after we finish reading the textf? Suggestion: "Let's do the questions when we have completed going through the text. Stating your position: "I prefer to ask questions when the reading of the text is complete rather than ask them whilst reading the text
記事やテキストなどを読んだり、勉強したあとに質問することもできますよね。もしくは、簡単に、 Question:"Is it alright if questions be dealt with after we finish reading the textf? 質問:テキストを読んだ後に質問しても大丈夫ですか? Suggestion: "Let's do the questions when we have completed going through the text. 提案:テキストを一通り終わってから質問にしよう。 Stating your position: "I prefer to ask questions when the reading of the text is complete rather than ask them whilst reading the text. 自分の意見を述べる:テキストを読んでいる最中よりはテキストを読み終わった後に質問するほうがいいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we save the questions til' the end?

  • Yes, but I think I'll wait to ask them at the end.

Can we save the questions til' the end? - this is one way of saying that you will either take or ask questions at the end of a discussion etc. e.g. (At a speaker event) Please save your questions for our honorable speaker 'til the end of the speech.
Can we save the questions til' the end?  質問は最後にできますか。 これは、話などの最後にあなたが質問を受ける、もしくはすると伝える言い方の一つです。   例文: (At a speaker event) Please save your questions for our honorable speaker 'til the end of the speech. (講演会で) 質問は講演会後にお受けいたします。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I'll ask all my questions at the end, thank you.

  • I prefer to ask my questions at the end, thank you.

In order to explain that you will ask all the questions at the end, rather than after every sentence, you can say: ”I'll ask all my questions at the end, thank you.” This means that an questions you have, you will ask at the end of the exercise or part of the material. It would be polite to add thank you at the end. You can also say: ” I prefer to ask my questions at the end, thank you.” To prefer means to like something better or to choose an alternative. I hope that helps!
最後にすべての質問をすることを説明するために、以下のようにいう事ができます。     ”I'll ask all my questions at the end, thank you.” 「私は最後にすべての質問をします。ありがとう。」   これは、エクササイズや教材の最後にあなたが質問をまとめてすることを意味します。   最後に"Thank you"をつけると丁寧でしょう。     また下記のようにも言えます。   ” I prefer to ask my questions at the end, thank you.” 「私は質問を最後にしたいです。ありがとう。」   "prefer" はより好むもしくはどちらかを選択する意味です。   ご参考になれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can i ask all the questions at the end?

  • I will ask all my questions at the end, if that's OK

  • If it's OK can i ask my questions at the end?

If you want to explain to your teacher that you want to ask all your questions at the end then all the sentences would explain this. The polite way to ask would be 'If it;s OK can i ask my questions at the end?' or 'I will ask my questions at the end, if that's OK?'
3例とも、先生に最後にまとめて質問したいと言いたいときに使えます。 丁寧な尋ね方としては、 If it's OK can i ask my questions at the end? I will ask my questions at the end, if that’s OK? (最後にまとめて質問してもいいですか?) になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If I have any questions, I will ask them at the end (of each exercise/of the lesson).

  • I'll ask questions at the end. You don't have to ask me after every sentence

When you want to let your teacher know that they should not ask questions after each sentence, then you can let them know you will ask questions at the end in the following ways: -If I have any questions, I will ask them at the end (of each exercise/of the lesson). -I'll ask questions at the end. You don't have to ask me after every sentence
1センテンスごとに質問をしなくていいと先生に伝えたいなら、最後にまとめてこちらが質問をするという言い方をするといいです。例えば: 例文 -If I have any questions, I will ask them at the end (of each exercise/of the lesson). 〔訳〕質問があれば、(各エクササイズ/レッスンの)最後に伺います -I'll ask questions at the end. You don't have to ask me after every sentence 〔訳〕質問は最後にします。センテンスごとに聞かなくて大丈夫です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • If I have any questions I will ask you at the end.

  • I will ask all questions at the end.

You can politely let your teacher know that you will ask all questions at the end by simply telling him/her: 'If I have any questions, I will ask them all at the end'.
If I have any questions, I will ask them all at the end'(質問があったら、最後にまとめて聞きます)と言えば、最後にまとめて質問をすると先生に礼儀正しく伝えられます。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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