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2016/01/16 20:03
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  • ① I recover in a month.

文脈によって多少変わるのですが、誰かにいつ治るか聞かれたら「① I recover in a month.」、或いは「In one month I will be fully recovered」で伝わります。 「One month recovery time.」とも言えますが、文頭に怪我を指定する必要があります: 例文: 「The injury to my calf has a one month recovery time schedule。」(僕の脹脛の怪我の完治に1ヶ月かかります) ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • It will take a month to fully recover

  • It will take a month to heal completely

"It will take a month to fully recover" "It will take a month to heal completely" 両方とも「全治一か月」という意味です。正確には「全治には一か月かかる」ですかね。残念ながら日本語ほど簡潔な表現にはまとまりませんが、意は十分に伝わります。 また全治の「全」(fully、completely)を忘れないように気を付けてください。一応なくても意は伝わりますが、回復の定義があいまいになります。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • The recovery (process) will take a month.

  • Back to normal in a month.

You could use either "recovery" or "recovery process", both ways sound fine. You can express it more specifically by saying "The recovery process will take about one month to heal 100%" For example: Ken: Oh my god, what happened to your nose Jake?! Jake: I got punched, it was an accident actually. Ken: No way! Are you ok? Jake: Yes, I'm fine. The doctor said my nose will be back to normal soon. Ken: How soon? Jake: He said the recovery process will take a month. "Back to normal" can also be used to express that the condition will heal and return to its normal state.
あなたは "recovery"または "recovery process"のどちらかを使うことができます。 具体的に言えば、"The recovery process will take about one month to heal 100%" 「100%回復するのに約1ヶ月かかるでしょう」このようになります。 例: ケン:あなた、鼻どうしたの? ジェイク:殴られた、実は事故にあったんだ。 ケン:ばかな! 大丈夫? ジェイク:うん、大丈夫。 医者は、鼻はすぐに正常に戻るって言ったんだけど。 ケン:すぐに? ジェイク:彼は、回復までには1ヶ月かかるだろうって。 "Back to normal"は、治癒して状態が正常に戻ることを表現するために使うことができます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • It will take a month to recover/heal completely.

  • I should be back to normal in a month.

"it will take a month" explains the period of time. "recover" means to heal. "completely" means fully. "I should be back to normal in a month." explains that in a month you will be back to normal.
「it will take a month」は期間を表現します。 「recover」とは治るという意味です。 「completely」とはすべてという意味です。 「I should be back to normal in a month.」とは、1ヶ月で治ることを表現します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It should be fully healed in a month.

  • It'll be all better a month from now.

"Fully healed" is a very good phrase to use in this situation, and when we talk about healing processes in the future we usually use the word "should" to show that the process is uncertain. We can also say that a would will be "all better" soon, but this phrase is quite infantile. (infantile= childish)
「Fully healed」はこの状況で使えるとてもよいフレーズです。 そして、将来の治癒状況について話すとき、状況が確定していないということを示すために「should」という言葉をいつも使います。 「a would will be 「all better」soon」と言いますが、このフレーズはとても子どもっぽいです。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • It will fully heal in one month.

  • It will take one month to heal.

  • I will recover from this injury/wound in a month.

Recover and heal These words refer to the injury returning to a healthy or normal state Examples The wound would close up The bone has moved back into place _____________________________________________________________ 'a month' = 'one month' Either can be used to let someone know that the wound or injury will heal in approximately 30 days _____________________________________________________________ Examples A: What happened? B: I dislocated my shoulder A: When can you remove the splint B: It will take one month to heal and to remove the splint A: Why did you need a bandaged? B: I had a huge gash on my hand A: So when do you think it will heal? B: I will recover from this gash in a month
Recover and heal 回復、治癒 健康で通常の状態に戻ること 例 The wound would close up傷は閉じるでしょう The bone has moved back into place骨は元の位置に戻るでしょう _____________________________________________________________ 'a month' = 'one month'1か月 Either can be used to let someone know that the wound or injury will heal in approximately 30 daysその傷が1か月程度で治るとわかっていること _____________________________________________________________ 例 A: What happened?どうしたの? B: I dislocated my shoulder肩が外れたんだ A: When can you remove the splintいつギプスがとれるの? B: It will take one month to heal and to remove the splint1か月で治って外せると思うよ A: Why did you need a bandaged?どうして包帯がいるの? B: I had a huge gash on my hand手を深く切ったんだ。 A: So when do you think it will heal?どのくらいで治りそうなの? B: I will recover from this gash in a monthこの傷は1か月くらいで治りそうだよ
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's going to take a month to fully recover.

  • I'll be fully healed in a month.

If you want to express that a wound or injury will take a month to recover fully, you can say: "It's going to take a month to fully recover." "I'll be fully healed in a month."
以下は、傷や怪我が完治するのに1カ月かかることを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "It's going to take a month to fully recover." (完治するのに1カ月かかる予定です。) "I'll be fully healed in a month." (1カ月後に完治する予定です。)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • It will take a month to recuperate.

  • It will take a month to fully mend.

  • Full recovery will take a month

"It will take a month to recuperate." recuperate : Tregain a former state or condition; especially : to recover health or strength.This sentence means that it will take a month to be back to normal after the injury. "It will take a month to fully mend." mend : to restore something or someone to health.This means it will take a month for the wound to be fully healed again so that you are able to use it without discomfort. :"Full recovery will take a month" This means that you will need a month for injury /wound to get better so that it is restored to what it was before you got hurt.
"It will take a month to recuperate."回復するには1か月かかるそうです。 recuperate : 元の姿、状態に戻る。特に健康に関して。けがをする前の状態に戻ること。 "It will take a month to fully mend."治るのにまるまる1か月かかります。 mend : 元に戻る、治る。完全になおって元のように使えるまでに1か月かかるという意味。 :"Full recovery will take a month"完全な回復には1か月を要します。 これはあなたはけがや負傷などからよくなるのに1か月かかて、元の状態に戻ることを意味します
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It will take a month to heal.

  • The recovery time is one month.

  • It should be fine in one month.

Heal' and 'recover' are synonyms and in this instance would be used to describe a wound/injury improving or getting better. When we talk about 'recovery time', we are talking about the time it takes for a wound/injury to get better.
Heal' と 'recover'は類義語で、この場合傷や怪我がよくなることを意味します。  'recovery time'は、傷や怪我が治るのにかかる時間のことを指します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be up and about in a month.

  • I'll be right as rain in a month.

I'll be up and about in a month means that you will be fully recovered and will be able to resume all normal activities in a month's time. I'll be right as rain in a month means that you'll be fit, healthy and back to your normal self in a month's time.
I'll be up and about in a monthは、完治するまでに1カ月かかることを意味します。 means that you will   I'll be right as rain in a monthは、通常の健康な状態に戻るのに1カ月かかることを意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It'll take you a month to get over it.

  • 2. You won't be a hundred percent for a whole month.

  • 3. Don't expect to be well for another month.

1. To get over something = to recover from something 2. "I feel 100%" = I feel perfectly well. 3. You are saying that this person should not have an expectation to be fine within a month.
1.To get over something=何かから回復する、乗り越える 2. "I feel 100% =完全快復した気分! 3.1ヶ月以内に完治する期待はするべきではないというときの表現。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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