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2017/07/29 16:55
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  • Your baby resembles you

  • Your baby takes after you

Resembles - have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like. eg your baby resembles you more and more each day My hair resembles a bush, it is very messy Takes after - take after someone to look or behave like an older relative eg your baby takes after you in looks I take after my mother, we both have a bad temper
resembles - 見た目が似ていたり、性質が他の人やものに共通している。似ている、同じような感じがする。 例 your baby resembles you more and more each day.(あなたの赤ちゃんは日に日にあなたに似ていますね。) My hair resembles a bush, it is very messy.(私の髪は茂みのようで、とても乱れています。) takes after - take after 人は見た目や行動が年上の血縁者に似ていることです。 例 your baby takes after you in looks.(あなたの赤ちゃんは、あなたに見た目が似ていますね。) I take after my mother, we both have a bad temper.(私は母に似ています。私たちは短気です。)
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • You baby now has a great resemblance to you!

  • He/she's just like you now!

Babies' features can change very quickly as they develop and they may come to look very like one or other parent. "Your baby now has a great resemblance to you!" is affirming this fact. A more casual comment may be: :He's just like you now!" as you notice the identical colour eyes and the dimples in each cheek.
子供というのは本当に成長が早く、どちらかに似てきますよね。 "Your baby now has a great resemblance to you!" と事実をなぞるように言えますし 瞳がそっくりだったり、一緒のえくぼに気づいたら、ちょっとカジュアルに、He's just like you now!と、言うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your baby looks like you.

  • Your baby takes after you.

  • Your baby resembles you.

The phrases "looks like,takes after and resembles' are used to mean that the baby looks like him/her. You can use them interchangeably.
The phrases "looks like,takes after and resembles' are used to mean that the baby looks like him/her. You can use them interchangeably. 上記フレーズ("looks like", "takes after", "resembles")はすべて「(親に)似ている」と言う意味なので、置き換えて使うことができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Your baby looks just like you now!

"just"という言葉を使うことによってどれだけ赤ちゃんが似ているかを強調することができます。また、"now"という言葉を使うことによって以前より似てきていることを再現できます。 例えば "My cousin looks just like me."「私のいとこは私と瓜二つです。」
  • Your baby is a spitting image of you.

  • Your baby is an exact copy of you.

  • Your baby is a replica of you.

"Your baby is a spitting image of you." spitting image = This is an idiom that means to look resemble someone ;especially a family member "Your baby is an exact copy of you." exact copy =Something /someone that looks identical to the original/their parent pr family member. "Your baby is a replica of you."" replica = This is an exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale
"Your baby is a spitting image of you." 赤ちゃんはあなたにそっくりね spitting image = 誰かに似ていること、特に家族。 "Your baby is an exact copy of you."あなたの赤ちゃんはあなたのコピーそのものね。 exact copy =家族や親に本当にうりふたつであること "Your baby is a replica of you.""あなたの赤ちゃんはあなたのレプリカね。 replica = 何かのモデルがあるコピー、通常小さいバージョンのこと
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Your baby looks like you now!

Your baby looks like you now! now!と付け加えることで、今、あなたの赤ちゃんはあなたに似てるね!似てきたね!と言うニュアンスが伝わります。
  • The baby resembles you.

  • The baby is the spitt image of you.

1. The baby resembles you. The word 'resembles" means to look like a person or thing. 2. The baby is the spitt image of you. . (informal) a person who bears a strong physical resemblance to another, esp to a relative Also called spit, spit and image.
"1.The baby resembels you. この'resembles'とは、人や物に似ているという意味です。 2.The baby is the spit image of you. (砕けた言い方)特に親戚などの身体や顔などが似てるという時に使います。 また、spitやspit and imageなどとも言います。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Your child has your eyes.

  • Your children resemble you.

  • You have similar faces.

examples "Your family have similar faces, the resemblance is incredible." or "Your children resemble you. " or "Your child has your eyes. "
 "Your family have similar faces, the resemblance is incredible." あなたの家族は似ていますね。似すぎて信じられない。   "Your children resemble you. "  あなたの子供は、あなたに似ています。 "Your child has your eyes. " 子供と目がそっくりです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • There is a family resemblance!

  • They have really begun to look like you!

A 'family resemblance' is a common UK phrase to describe when different members of the family look similar to each other. To say that they have 'begun' to look like the parent is to say that as the baby has grown and their features have developed they have come to resemble their parents.
family resemblanceは、UKではよく使われるフレーズで、家族の中で互いに外見や表情が似ているときに使います。 They have begun to look like the parent は、赤ちゃんが成長して目鼻だちが親に似てきたという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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