Intoxicated with alcohol to the extent of losing control over normal physical and mental functions.
Drunk is also an adjective. If someone is drunk, they have drunk too much alcohol and are not in complete control of their behaviour.
Example : He was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
He was so drunk he lurched from wall to wall.
Drinkは形容詞でもある。 誰かが酔っていると、彼らはアルコールをあまりにも多く摂取していると、彼らの行動を完全に制御することはできません。
例: He was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated.彼は飲酒運転で告発されました。
He was so drunk he lurched from wall to wall.彼はとても酔っていたので、壁から壁によろめきました。
Pissed out of one's head - pissed out of your head/mind/skull (very informal!)
very drunk :
"Anna was pissed out of her mind - she couldn't even walk."
Sloshed, ' sloshed to the gills' means to be thoroughly inebriated; to be drunk to the point of incoherence, senselessness, or the loss of self-control. "I hate being in New Orleans during Mardi Gras—an appalling number of people are sloshed to the gills"
Sozzled = alcohol intoxicated. "She was so sozzly she didn’t even know her name, or my name, or anybody’s name."
Pissed out of one's head - pissed out of your head/mind/skull これはカジュアルな言い方で、すごく酔っ払った、泥酔したという意味です。
"Anna was pissed out of her mind - she couldn't even walk."アンナは歩くことができないほど泥酔した。
Sloshed, ' sloshed to the gills' とは、大量なアルコールを飲んで、完全に酔っぱらい、自分のコントロールを失った時に使います。
"I hate being in New Orleans during Mardi Gras—an appalling number of people are sloshed to the gills"
Sozzled = お酒に酔った
"She was so sozzly she didn’t even know her name, or my name, or anybody’s name."
The word "stoned" has many meanings, but is can also be used to describe someone that is very drunk.
1. "Peter went to the party and became stone-drunk."
2. "Take Wendy home now, she's stoned."
1. "Peter went to the party and became stone-drunk." ピーターはパーティーに行ってへべれけになった
2. "Take Wendy home now, she's stoned."ウェンディをを家に連れて帰って。彼女はひどく酔っ払っている。
1) wasted means to be very drunk you have no control of yourself.
Example: I was really wasted last night, don't even remember what happened.
2)intoxicated with alcohol means to lose control of yourself because of the influence of alcohol.
Example: I was intoxicated yesterday I had to order a cab to take me home.
例:I was really wasted last night, don't even remember what happened.
例:I was intoxicated yesterday I had to order a cab to take me home.