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2017/08/06 00:47
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  • At a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, the plates go around the room on a belt.

「回転寿司」は英語で色々な表現あります: conveyor-belt sushi sushi-go-round (「merry-go-round」(回転木馬)と比べて) sushi boats sushi train
Tim Young 主催
  • At a kaiten zushi the sushi dishes go around the counter and tables on a conveyor belt

  • Kaiten-zushi means "rotation sushi" where the food is carried round the restaurant on a rotating belt also called sushi-go-round

Kaiten-zushi is a sushi restaurant where the plates with the sushi are placed on a rotating conveyor belt. This is also sometimes called 'sushi-go-round.' Eg "Hey, would you like to go downtown to a kaiten zushi this evening?' "Sure, I just love the way the food is carried around the restaurant on that moving belt!"
回転寿司は、寿司が乗ったお皿が回転しているコンベヤーベルトに乗っている寿司店です。'sushi-go-round.'と呼ばれることもあります。 例文 "Hey, would you like to go downtown to a kaiten zushi this evening?' やあ、今晩繁華街へ行って回転寿司に行かない? "Sure, I just love the way the food is carried around the restaurant on that moving belt!" 良いね、食べ物が、店の動くベルトの上に乗って運ばれてくるのは大好きなんだよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The dishes sit on a convey belt.

  • The dishes sit on a rotating belt.

  • The dishes are placed on a moving conveyor belt.

Example sentences: The dishes sit on a conveyor belt that run through the restaurant at the Kaiten Zushi. The dishes sit on a rotating belt at the Kaiten Zushi so that customers can choose what they want to eat. At a Kaiten Zushi, the dishes are placed on a moving conveyor belt and customers can easily pick what they want to eat.
例文 The dishes sit on a conveyor belt that run through the restaurant at the Kaiten Zushi. 回転寿司では、お皿は店の中で動いているコンベヤーベルトの上に乗っている。 The dishes sit on a rotating belt at the Kaiten Zushi so that customers can choose what they want to eat. お客さんが食べたいものを選べるように、回転寿司ではお皿は回転しているベルトの上に乗っている。 At a Kaiten Zushi, the dishes are placed on a moving conveyor belt and customers can easily pick what they want to eat. 回転寿司では、お皿は動くコンベヤーベルトの上に乗っていて、お客さんは食べたいものを簡単に取ることができる。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • At a Kaiten Zushi restaurant the plates go round on a conveyor belt

  • At a Keiten Zushi restaurant the plates go round on a rotating belt

  • The sushi is delivered by using a conveyor belt

At a 'Keiten Zushi' restaurant the sushi plates are delivered to each customer in their seat using a conveyor/rotating belt meaning they don't have to get up to get their food they can pick and choose what dishes they want from the belt that moves around them/in front of them
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's like other sushi, but the dishes go around on a conveyor belt and you pick the ones you want.

  • The dishes pass by your table on a conveyor belt.

  • You pick the dishes you want from a conveyor belt that passes by your table.

The idea of a "conveyor belt" is central to the idea of kaiten zushi so I used it in all of my responses. All three of these sentences will explain the idea to someone who has never been to a restaurant of this type.
回転ずしのアイデアの中心にあるのは "conveyor belt"(コンベヤーベルト)ですから、全ての回答にこの言葉を使いました。 3例とも、回転ずしに行ったことのない人にそれについて説明する言い方です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Sushi Train

It is very common in Australia to refer to this as a Sushi Train. We quite often will say "Let's go to the Sushi Train for lunch." Practically everyone knows what you are talking about. The reason we refer to it as a Sushi Train is that it moves on a circular track with plates of sushi up for selection. There is resemblance to a Train other than the fact that the Sushi or various Japanese dishes move around in a circular motion much like old train kits once did. :)
オーストラリアではこれは一般的に"Sushi Train"と呼ばれます。 "Let's go to the Sushi Train for lunch."(ランチに回転ずしに行こう)とよく言います。ほとんどの人に伝わります。"Sushi Train"(すし電車)と呼ばれる理由は、すしの載ったお皿が円形のトラックの上をくるくると回るからです。 すしやいろいろな日本の食べ物が昔の電車キットのようにくるくると回ること以外にも、電車と類似する所があります。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • A Kaiten Zushi is a conveyor belt that delivers sushi to each customer

  • The sushi is delivered to its customers on a conveyor belt.

A Kaiten Zushi is a conveyor belt that delivers sushi to each customer- This statement is saying that the conveyor belt gives each customer their order of food by using technology.
A Kaiten Zushi は、寿司をそれぞれのお客さんに届けるコンベヤーベルトのことです。 コンベヤーベルトが、技術のおかげでそれぞれのお客さんに食べ物の注文を届けるということです。
Beke DMM英語講師
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