To be soaked = To immerse in liquid for a period of time: Soak the beans in water before cooking. b. To make thoroughly wet or saturated:
"I soaked the flowers with the hose."
"We got soaked by the rain."
Wet through = with one's clothing or possessions soaked; completely drenched.
"she was wet through and felt cold"
To be soaked =一定時間液体に浸す a.調理する前に豆を水に浸します。 b. 徹底的に濡れた状態または飽和状態にする:
wet through=服や持っているものが浸されている。すごい雨が降った。
"Sopping wet" & "soaked" describe having an item (clothes, shoes, jacket, etc.) that has been drenched in a lot of water e.g. from rain, snow, puddles, etc.
My shoes got soaked because of walking in the snow.
Snow is atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals. These ice crystals fall in light white flakes to the ground. Because it is ice, it melts into water when it is on the ground. So, if you walk through snow, your shoes are certainly going to get thoroughly wet. If you don't want this to happen, you are advised not to walk through snow. However, if you could not avoid this because it was the only way to get home, you may say:
My shoes got soaked because of walking in the snow.
My shoes got soaked because of walking in the snow.
You can say "my shoes are wet from the snow".
Another English phrase is "soaked through" which means that they are so wet the water has soaked all the way through to your feet.
「My shoes are wet from the snow(雪で靴がぬれた)」と言えます。
ほかに「soaked through」という言い方もあります。これは、足がびしょびしょにぬれることを表します。