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How are you.ときかれたときにそう答えたかったからです。
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2017/08/14 22:01
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  • I've just fully recovered.

"recover" は、ここでは「(病気などから)回復する」という表現になります。 "fully" は「完全に、すっかり」という状態を表します。他に "completely" "totally" "perfectly" を使っても良いです。 "have+過去分詞" は「〜したところだ、〜したばかりである」と、物事が済んで間もない様子を表します。日常でも様々な場面で使うことができる、大変便利な表現です。 例文: - She has just left for America. (彼女はちょうどアメリカに向けて出発したばかりだ) - I've just heard the news. (そのニュースをちょうど聞いたばかりだ)
  • I’m better.

  • I still feel a bit under the weather,

❶ I’m better または I’m feeling better は 「良くなってるよ」という意味です。 “Under the weather” の意味は「調子や体調が悪いこと」で、これは idiom(慣用語)です。 ❷ I still feel a bit under the weather は(まだ体調は抜群ではない)。という意味です。 例えば: How are you feeling? (調子どう?) I’m feeling much better, I’m almost over this cold. (大分いいよ、もう少しで風邪を治せる感じ)。 または、 I still feel a bit under the weather but I think I’m almost over this cold. (まだ少し調子悪いけど、もう少しで風邪を治せる感じ)。 〜という意味です。
  • I am almost better after being sick.

  • I am feeling better now.

"I am almost better after being sick." You can use this sentence to explain that you are recovering from being sick. This is good to use if you have been sick for several days. You might still feel a little bad but are improved. "I am feeling better now." If you were feeling bad for a day you can use this expression. Now - Before you were sick, but you are feeling better at this time.
"I am almost better after being sick."(体調を崩していましたがだいぶよくなりました。) この文章は、病気をしていたがほぼよくなってきている時に使うことができます。数日間体調を壊していて、まだ完治ではないがほぼよくなった、という時に使うといいでしょう。 "I am feeling better now."(もうよくなりました。) この文章は1日程度体調を壊していてもう今はなんともない、という時に使うといいでしょう。 Nowー少し前に調子が優れなかったが、今はもうよくなった。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm feeling much better thanks.

  • Tip top, I feel totally better now.

  • Great thanks, I'm no longer feeling sick.

There are a lot of ways you can phrase this but if you want to explain that you were sick but feel okay now than 'better' is a great word to use. You could also say you are 'over' your illness. "I was feeling very sick a few days ago, but now I'm over it. Thanks for asking."
表現の仕方はいろいろあります。 もし、病気だったけど今は大丈夫ということなら、「better(良くなってきてる)」を使うといいです。 ほかに「over ・・・」も使えます: "I was feeling very sick a few days ago, but now I'm over it. Thanks for asking." 〔訳〕2~3日前は体調がひどく悪かったのですが、今は回復しました。聞いてくれてありがとう。
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • I was ill but I've recovered from the illness.

  • I was sick but I've just made a full recovery.

  • I wasn't feeling well last week but now I'm better

There are a number of ways to express that you you were not feeling well but just recovered. You can say: -I was ill but I've just recovered from the illness. -I was sick but I've just made a full recovery. -I wasn't feeling well last week but now I'm better.
気分が悪かったけど、ちょうど回復したことを伝える表現はたくさんあります。こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 -I was ill but I've just recovered from the illness. 具合が悪かったけど、ちょうど病気から回復した -I was sick but I've just made a full recovery. 気分が悪かったけど、完全に回復した -I wasn't feeling well last week but now I'm better. 先週気分が良くなかったが、今は気分が良い
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • i was sick

  • i have been unwell

  • i was not felling very well

examples "I was not felling very well" "I was not felling very well, so I went home" or "I have been unwell, I was sick" or "I have been sick"
 "I was not felling very well" 気分が全然よくなかった。  "I was not felling very well, so I went home"  気分が全然よくなかったので、家に帰った。 "I have been unwell, I was sick"  気分がよくなく、風邪をひいていた。 "I have been sick" 風邪をひいていた。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I just got back on me feet from being sick.

  • I just recuperated from an illness.

In the first sentence you will see the expression back on one's feet. This expression means that you have recuperated from a sickness. The first sentence is appropriate when we are talking with family or close friends. The second sentence is appropriate in a formal setting, like in the office or while talking with a customer. I hope this explanation and these two sentences help you out!
一つ目の文には「back on one's feet」が使われています。これは、病気から回復したことを表す言い方です。 二つ目の文は、オフィス、お客さんとの会話などフォーマルな場面で使えます。一つ目の文は家族や仲の良い友達に対して使う言い方です。 例文二つとご説明がお役に立つといいです!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I am fully recovered now.

  • I am feeling better now.

  • Finally I am feeling better.

We can use the phrase, "I am recovered," or, "I am feeling better," to express to someone that we are no longer feeling sick and that everything is ok now. We can also use the adverbs, "now," or, "finally," to express that it might have taken a longer time than we thought but now we are finally there.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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