世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/17 21:23
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  • Let's use any leftover time for free conversation.

「使いたい」を"I want to use"として翻訳しても良いですが、 お願いするときには"I want"を避ける方が丁寧です。 たまに子供っぽく聞こえるので。 代わりに、「使いましょう」"Let's use"が良いと思う。 そして、"free talk"は和製英語で、"free conversation"の方が自然。
Bret Mayer 漢字教育士、言語文化スペシャリスト
  • I'd like to have a free conversation please. We have 10 mins left for this lesson.

  • Can we have a free conversation for the rest of the time?

  • Could we please use the remaining lesson time in free talk?

Explanation: 1. I'd like to... = clearly shows what you prefer doing. 2. While "Could you please..." is more polite, 'can you please....' is also used. There are different levels of politeness, respect or courtesy inmost languages. Depending on the situation, most native speakers will use 'can you please....' or 'could you please...' in their conversations. 3. To express 'rest of the time' we can say 'for the 10 mins left', 'the remaining time', 'the balance time', etc.
説明: 1. I'd like to... = (~したいです)あなたがしたいことを明確に示すことができます。 2. "Could you please..."(~して頂けますか)というほうが丁寧ですが、'can you please....' (~してくれますか)というのも使われます。ほとんどの言語で、丁寧さや、敬う心、礼儀を表現するには様々な度合いがありますよね。状況に応じて、ネイティブスピーカーは、'can you please....' と 'could you please...'を会話で使い分けます。 3. 「余った時間」を表現するには、'for the 10 mins left'(残り10分)、 'the remaining time'(残りの時間)、 'the balance time'(残りの時間)と言うこともできます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I would like to use any spare time for free conversation.

  • Is it ok (that) we chat once we finish our work?

回答1は一般的にどのシチュエーションでも使えるフレーズです。spare は「余裕のある」という形容詞です。would like to を用いて丁寧に聞きます。 回答2はカジュアルな質万です。ニュアンス的には「するべきことが終わったら話していいですか?」という感じです。
  • Can we use the rest of the class on free conversation?

  • Please could we spend the rest of the time having free conversation?

Can we use the rest of the class in free conversation? Can we use the remaining time in free conversation? Thanks! Please could we spend the rest of the time having free conversation?
Can we use the rest of the class in free conversation? (余った時間をフリートークに使えますか?) Can we use the remaining time in free conversation? Thanks! (余った時間をフリートークに使えますか?ありがとうございます!) Please could we spend the rest of the time having free conversation? (余った時間をフリートークに費やせますか?)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • May we please do free conversation now?

  • As we've completed the material, could we have a free conversation now?

If you have completed the material that has been the focus of your lesson, then it is both friendly and educational to have a free conversation towards the end of the allocated leson time. Your teacher may well slip into a conversational mode if the material has been completed, but if not, then you may easily ,ead the proceedings toward conversation by suggesting: "May we please do free conversation now?"
あなたがレッスンの焦点としていた教材を終了したのなら、残りのレッスン時間をフリートークに割り当てることは、勉強の一環としてとても良いと思います。 その日やるべき教材が終了した場合、講師のほうで自然にフリートークに移行することもありますが、 そうでなかった場合、以下のようなフレーズを言ってみると良いでしょう: "May we please do free conversation now?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let's just have a free conversation with the rest of the time.

  • Can we just use the rest of the time to talk freely?

"Let's just..."- this is a way to make a suggestion, we should do (something) A. Let's just stay home today. That plane ride was exhausting for us. B. Yeah, I agree, it would be better to stay at home and rest and recuperate for one day.
"Let's just..." (だた~してみましょ) - これは提案をする表現で "we should do (something) "(~しましょう)と同じ意味になります。 【例文】 A. Let's just stay home today. That plane ride was exhausting for us. (今日は家にいましょう。飛行機にのって疲れちゃったし) B. Yeah, I it would be better to stay at home and rest and recuperate for one day. (うん、賛成。一日家でゆっくりして疲れをとろう)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Since we're done with the material, I would like to have some free conversation

  • I would like to have some free conversation, since we are done with the lesson material

  • We can just chat now since we are done with the material.

When you want to tell your teacher that you would like to just talk to them because you finished early with the lesson material, you can say it in the following ways: -Since we're done with the material, I would like to have some free conversation -I would like to have some free conversation, since we are done with the lesson material -We can just chat now since we are done with the material.
レッスン教材が早く終わったので、フリートークがしたいと先生に伝えたいなら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -Since we're done with the material, I would like to have some free conversation (教材が終わったので、フリートークがしたいです) -I would like to have some free conversation, since we are done with the lesson material (レッスン教材が終わったので、フリートークがしたいです) -We can just chat now since we are done with the material. (教材が終わったのでお話ししましょう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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