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レストランで注文する場合 水をホテルに持って帰りたい時
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2017/08/21 18:27
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  • Can you bring the water bottle unopened?

CHIEさん、 水瓶を簡単に言うと、”water bottle” のことなんですかね? その意味なら、’の線’ を言うわずに ”unopened” を形容詞の機能で使います。  ”Can you bring” は ’持ってきて下さい’ になります。 クリス
Selena T  Business English Instructor
  • Could I have an unopened bottle of water?

  • May I have a bottle of water? I need a sealed bottle of to take to my room.

"May I have an sealed bottle of water?" You ask for water, but you specify that it needs to be closed. Sealed, fastened, closed securely. "May I have a bottle of water? I need a sealed bottle of to take to my room." For you ask for the water, then if necessary, (the waiter asks why, or looks at you strangely), you can explain why you need the bottle to be unopen.
"May I have an sealed bottle of water?" 水を頼むときに、ちゃんと未開封で締められているボトルをください、という表現です。 "May I have a bottle of water? I need a sealed bottle of to take to my room." 水を頼むとき、もし必要であれば、(例えば不審そうにこちらを見てきたら)なぜ未開封のボトルが必要なのか説明するといいでしょう。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have an unopened bottle of water please?

  • Could I have a bottle of water to takeaway please?

Anything taken fom a restaurant to be consumed off premises may be described as 'takeaway' or 'to take away.' "May I have a toasted sandwich to take away please?" Could I have.... = we use this construction when we want to ask someone for something.
食べるためにレストランから持ち帰る物は何でもtakeaway又は to take awayと表現できます。 "May I have a toasted sandwich to take away please?" 焼いたサンドイッチを持ち帰りできますか? Could I have.... =人に何かを頼む時に使う表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May you please bring me a bottle of unopened water?

  • May I have a bottle of unopened water?

"May you please bring me a bottle of unopened water?" =This question keeps it simple, and you are being polite as you make your request. "May I have a bottle of unopened water?" =This question is more direct and shorter. It is still polite because of the word 'may'.
May you please bring me a bottle of unopened water? 栓を抜かないで水を持ってきて頂けますか? この文章はシンプルに自分の要望を丁寧に伝えています。 May I have a bottle of unopened water? 栓を抜いていない水を頂けますか? この文章はより直接的で短いです。 mayを使っているので、表現は丁寧です。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you bring me an unopened bottle of water?

  • Please can I have a bottle of water to take back to my room?

"Please, can you bring me an unopened bottle of water? " This politely asks the person to bring you a closed bottle of water. "Please, can I have a bottle of water to take back to my room?" This asks the person to bring you the water and explains that you want to take it to your room.
"Please, can you bring me an unopened bottle of water? "という例文について この文は、お水の瓶を締めたまま持ってきて欲しいと丁寧に頼むものです。 "Please, can I have a bottle of water to take back to my room?"という例文について この文は、お部屋に持っていくのでお水をください、と頼むものです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • to take away...

  • Don't open the water I ordered please... its to take away with me...

We often take away food or dinks from a retuarant. The staff are quite happy to provide "a take away service". And this applles to anything you might order ;_D You can easily let them know your intention is to take it away. "Don't open the water I ordered please. It's to take away with me."
私達はレストランから食事をお持ち帰りすることがあります。スタッフは大体いつも快くお持ち帰りサービスを提供してくれます。どんな料理を注文しても同じだと思います。 彼らに持ち帰りの意図を伝えるのは簡単です。 例文: "Don't open the water I ordered please... its to take away with me.".. (注文した水のボトルを開けないでください。持ち帰りたいので。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please bring me a closed bottle of water? I'd like to take it back to my hotel with me

  • Can I please get a bottle of water? But please don't open it.

When you want to ask for a bottle of water to be brought unopened, then you may ask in the following ways: -Could you please bring me a closed bottle of water? I'd like to take it back to my hotel with me -Can I please get a bottle of water? But please don't open it.
栓の閉まったミネラルウォーターを持って来てもらいたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Could you please bring me a closed bottle of water? I'd like to take it back to my hotel with me (栓の閉まったミネラルウォーターを持って来てもらえますか。ホテルに持って帰りたいので) -Can I please get a bottle of water? But please don't open it.(ミネラルウォーターをいただけますか。栓は開けないでください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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