世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 14:49
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  • Ah! I forgot to take out the trash!

  • Ah! I forgot about the trash!

ゴミを出すのはTake out the trashです。 〜するのを忘れた=I forgot to I forgot about the trashは「ゴミのことを忘れた」という意味ですが、「ゴミを出すの」という意味も入っています。 ゴミの言い方 地域によって、「ゴミ」の言い方がだいぶ違います。 Trash(クズも含み) Garbage(家で集めて出すゴミ) Rubbish(イギリスの「garbage」の言い方)
  • Oh, I forgot to take the garbage out.

Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Oh dear I forgot to put out the rubbish!

  • We missed the bin collection!

Trash (US) = rubbish (UK) Bin men = waste collection workers Bin van = waste disposal removal lorry You had a lot of household rubbish during the week and the bin men had already come round early in the morning. You had forgotten that the bin van always came on a Thursday morning - early! "Mary, you'll never guess what we forgot to do last night!" "Why...what did we forget?" "We forgot to put out the rubbish! We missed the bin collection!" "Oh noooo!"
Trash (US) = rubbish (UK) Bin men = ゴミ収集車の人 Bin van = ゴミ収集車 一週間で家庭ゴミがいっぱいあるのに、ごみ収集はもう行ってしまった。木曜の早朝にゴミ収集車が来るのを忘れていたのだ。 例 "Mary, you'll never guess what we forgot to do last night!" メアリー、君は昨日すべきことを忘れたの、気付いてないでしょう。 "Why...what did we forget?" え、何を忘れたかしら? "We forgot to put out the rubbish! We missed the bin collection!" ゴミ箱出しておくの忘れてたよ。ゴミ収集逃しちゃった。 "Oh noooo!" なんてこと。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Oh snap. I didn't take the trash out.

  • Oh Shi* I forgot to take the trash out.

>Oh snap. I didn't take the trash out. >Oh Shit I forgot to take the trash out. Both sentences clearly indicate that you forgot to take out the trash and that you are not happy with yourself about it.
Oh snap. I didn't take the trash out. Oh Shit I forgot to take the trash out. ゴミを出すのを忘れてしまい不満だということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to take out the trash.

  • Oops, I didn't take out the trash because I forgot.

1. You can simply say that you forgot to take out the trash. 2. Oops, I didn't take out the trash because I forgot. The word "oops" is used to show that we made a mistake.
1.単純にゴミを出すのを忘れたということができます。 2.おっと、ゴミを出し忘れました。 「oop」という言葉は間違えたことを示すために使われます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to take out the trash/garbage out.

You can say it directly like that. Garbage is often used in America to mean rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse. For example: Garbage littered the estate.
"率直に言うことが出来ます。Garbageは、アメリカでよく使われるます。rubbish or waste(ゴミ)という意味で特に家庭用ごみの事です。 例えば: Garbage littered the estate. ゴミの散らかった土地"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to take out the trash

  • I am sorry. I completely forgot to take out the trash.

Trash means something that is of low quality. I would recommend to use the second sentence due to it being more polite in general and it's a bit more complicated sentence.
Trash' は「質の低いもの」という意味です。 個人的には二つ目の例がおすすめです、一つ目の例よりも丁寧で、少し複雑です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Oh my gosh! I forgot to take the garbage cans out.

  • Oh my goodness! I forgot to take the dustbins out.

Firstly, you have expressed surprise by saying: Oh my gosh!. Then you have proceeded to say: I forgot to take the 'garbage cans' out. The noun 'garbage can' means 'a large container for rubbish from a house or other building, usually made of strong plastic or metal and kept outside'. 'Garbage cans' have to be taken outside the yard on certain days for emptying by the garbage collectors. 'My goodness' is also 'an exclamation used to express any strong emotion, especially surprise'. The noun 'dustbin' means 'a container for household refuse, especially one kept outside'. So, you may say: Oh my goodness! I forgot to take the dustbins out. Dustbin and garbage can are interchangeable.
最初に、Oh my gosh!ということで驚きを表現しています。 そしてそのあとにI forgot to take the 'garbage cans' outと続けています。 名詞'garbage can' は 'a large container for rubbish from a house or other building, usually made of strong plastic or metal and kept outside'(家や他のビルから出るゴミを入れるための大きなコンテナ、大抵強いプラスチックやメタルで作られて外で保管されている)を意味しています。 'Garbage cans' はゴミ収集車によって回収して空にしてもらうためにある特定の日に庭の外に出されなければなりません。 'My goodness' もまた、'an exclamation used to express any strong emotion, especially surprise'(強い感情、特に驚きを示すために使われる簡単詞)です。 名詞 'dustbin' は 'a container for household refuse, especially one kept outside'(特に外で保管される家の不要物のためのコンテナ)です。 例: Oh my goodness! I forgot to take the dustbins out. ーまずい! ゴミ箱を外に出し忘れた! Dustbin と garbageは交換可能です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I forgot to take out the trash!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I forgot to take out the trash! 」 (意味)ごみを出し忘れてしまいました! <例文> What happened?//I forgot to take out the trash! I made the same mistake last week. <訳>どうしたの?//ごみを出し忘れてしまいました!先週も同じ事をしました。 参考になれば幸いです。
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