I'm sorry, it totally slipped my mind because I've been so busy with work lately.
I know we changed our meeting time to 2 pm, but somehow it went over my head and I came here at 1 pm like we first said.
"I completely forgot"と "I totally forgot" は日本語に訳すと「すっかり忘れた」という意味です。
"Oh my god" と "Oh no" は日本語で 「あっ!」「しまった!」のニュアンスです。
"Oh no, I completely forgot I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you next time!" (後日埋め合わせをする)
In this case it's polite to apologise if your the one that was late or didn't make it because you forgot
I completely forgot
- It slipped my mind - I didn't remember, sorry
I completely forgot.
It slipped my mind.
I didn't remember, sorry.
The adjective 'sorry' has several meanings, but, in this context, 'it has been used to express an apology'.
The adverb 'totally' means 'wholly; entirely; completely'.
The verb to 'slip' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to slide suddenly or involuntarily; to lose one's foothold, as on a smooth surface'.
So, you may say: Sorry, it totally slipped my mind.
The adverb 'completely' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent'.
So, you may say: I am sorry. I completely forgot about it.
The interjection 'oh my goodness' is a phrase uttered in total disbelief and astonishment. So when you can't believe you forgot about an important appointment for example, you may say:
Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about it.
Sorry, it totally slipped my mind.
I am sorry. I completely forgot about it.
'oh my goodness' という間投詞は、本当に
Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about it.
1 and 2 are cases of forgetfulness.
3 is a case of being mentally confused for some reason: maybe you thought it was a different time or a different day.
When telling someone that you forgot about an appointment it is always polite to apologize before telling him/her that you forgot about it
A: Where have you been? I have been waiting for two hours
B: I am so sorry. It slipped my mind.
When telling someone that you forgot about an appointment it is always polite to apologize before telling him/her that you forgot about it
A. Where have you been? I have been waiting for two hours.
B. I am sorry. It slipped my mind.
1. Oops my bad, I forgot.
The word "oops" in English is used as an expression of surprise or feeling sorry about a mistake or slight accident.
The expression "my bad" is used to admit that you havemade a mistake.
2. I totally forgot about that.
The statement is saying that you completely forgot about it.
1. Oops my bad, I forgot.
"my bad" という表現は、ミスを認めるときに使われます。
2. I totally forgot about that.
Depending how sorry you are there are many different ways to tell someone you are sorry. "I completely forgot" means that you forgot and should be said using high intonation and tone. "I can't believe I forgot!" is also a way to express how you forgot your appointment. If you are very sorry you can say "I'm so sorry I forgot" to let them know how sorry you are.
"I completely forgot"とは、すっかり忘れていたことを意味し、高いトーンとイントネーションで言うといいでしょう。
"I can't believe I forgot!" も、約束を忘れてしまったことを伝える表現です。 "I'm so sorry I forgot" は、忘れて本当に申し訳ないことを伝える表現です。
I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about our plans.
If you forgot to meet your friend somewhere after you agreed to meet him/her, you can express that you forgot to do this a few different ways. First, you can say, "No! I forgot about that!". This is an informal way of expressing that you completely forgot about the meeting that had been set up.
You can also say, "Oh, I didn't remember that!". This also adequately expresses that you forgot about this meeting, and that is why you did not show up.
Finally, you can say, "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about our plans.", which also adequately expresses the information you want to tell your friend. It is also very polite to sincerely apologize for missing the meeting, since your friend took time out of his/her schedule to meet with you when he/she could have done other important things during that time. You can also say, "...our plans.", when talking about an arrangement you and your friend made.
"No! I forgot about that!"
"Oh, I didn't remember that!"
"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about our plans."
"...our plans."(私たちの予定)とは、自分と相手との間でした約束のことを話すときに使います。
I'm sorry, I totally forgot about our appointment,
I forgot we were meant to meet
a formal way to say this would be "I'm sorry, I totally forgot about our appointment,"
a less formal way to say this would be "I forgot we were meant to meet"
"I'm sorry, I totally forgot about our appointment"(すみません、約束をすっかり忘れていました)はフォーマルな言い方です。
"I forgot we were meant to meet"(会う約束を忘れていました)は、より砕けた言い方です。
I completely forgot. I'm so sorry.
It completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry.
slipped my mind は「忘れてた」という意味の英語表現です。
Oh no! I forgot about our appointment today, I apologize.
If you forgot to meet with a friend you had plans with, the above sentences can be used.
It is easy for things to slip your mind when you have a lot on your plate
When we use the words 'slipped my mind' it means that the event fell out from your mind, it was lost from your mind.
Totally: completely
Oh no!: an expression of despair
A lot on your plate: a lot that needs to be done, a lot you are responsible for.
Raincheck: reschedule, cancel today and plan for another day.
"I am so sorry I totally forgot about our movie date tonight, can we do a raincheck?"
これらの文は、友達との会う予定をすっかり忘れていたときに使うのにぴったりです。たくさん予定があるときには、簡単に忘れてしまうものです。'slipped my mind'とは、うっかり忘れるという意味です。
Totally: すっかり
Oh no!: やば!
A lot on your plate: たくさんすることがある
Raincheck: 計画し直すこと
"I am so sorry I totally forgot about our movie date tonight, can we do a raincheck?"
1. Oh, I forgot!
I forgot で「忘れてた」を表現することができます。
I forgot to turn in my homework.
I forgot that today was her birthday.