世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/05 22:32
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  • What time and where are we meeting tomorrow?

  • What time and where shall we meet tomorrow?

What time and where are we meeting tomorrow? What time and where shall we meet tomorrow? この2つの表現のニュアンスはちょっと違います。 「〜are we meeting」にすると、相手はもう決まった状態で、その予定を教えて欲しいです。 「〜shall we meet」は「相談しましょう」みたいな意味です。今二人で決めましょうって。
Tim Young 主催
  • Could you please give me the itinerary for tomorrow.

An itinerary is a travel document recording a planned route or journey. It is a detailed plan that will show specific times and places you should be. That means you will have a plan that displays how you will get from point to point in your travels and when you will be at each point. For example if you are a sales person you may need an itinerary so that you are aware of the companies you are visiting and at what time.
"itinerary"とは旅の予定などを記した旅程表の事です。 これは、場所や時間などを詳細に記載している書類の事です。 あなたの旅行のそれぞれの場所や時間などを明記したものと言う意味です。 例えば、あなたが営業部門で働いてるとします、何時にどの会社を訪れなくてはいけないか記載したitinerary (日程表)が必要ですよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you talk me through the procedure for tomorrow please?

  • Could you bring me up to speed on the where, what and hows of tomorrow, please?

To talk someone through something= to discuss all the details of something, often before making a decision: Eg "It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner." To bring someone up to speed = If you are up to speed with a subject or activity, you have all the latest information about it and are able to do it well: "We arranged for some home tutoring to get him up to speed with the other children in his class." "Before we start the meeting I'm going to bring you up to speed with the latest developments."
To talk someone through something= 詳細をこまかく話し合う、何かを決断するときの前などによく使われます 例 "It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner." (適切に対処するためには、細部にわたりよく話し合う事は重要です) To bring someone up to speed = 何かに関する最新の情報を誰かに与える 例 "We arranged for some home tutoring to get him up to speed with the other children in his class." (彼がクラスの子供たちに追いつくように家庭教師を手配しました) "Before we start the meeting I'm going to bring you up to speed with the latest developments." (ミーティングを始める前に最新の進行状況を伝えます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the arrangements for tomorrow? where are we meeting and what time?

  • Can you confirm the time and place for tomorrow meeting.

▪What are the arrangements for tomorrow? where are we meeting and what time? Arrangements=a plan or preparation for a future event. This is asking directly we you should go and what time you should be there. ▪Can you confirm the time and place for tomorrow meeting. confirm= Time and place = exact time of the meeting and the address where you should be for the meeting.
▪What are the arrangements for tomorrow? where are we meeting and what time? (明日はどのような段取りですか?どこで何時に待ち合わせですか?) Arrangements(段取り) = 将来の予定のための計画または準備のことです。 これはあなたがいつどこにいるべきであるのかを直接訪ねています。 ▪Can you confirm the time and place for tomorrow meeting. (明日の待ち合わせ時間と場所を確かめていただけますか) confirm = 確かめる Time and place = 待ち合わせの正確な時間と住所のことです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When would be convenient to meet tomorrow

  • Is there a convenient time for you tomorrow

  • do you have any time in you schedule tomorrow

examples "what is your schedule tomorrow, would it be possible to arrange a meeting with you for then?" or "when would be a convenient time to meet tomorrow". or "are you free tomorrow, is this convenient for you".
例 "What is your schedule tomorrow, would it be possible to arrange a meeting with you for then?" (明日の予定は何でしょうか、打ち合わせをアレンジしてよいでしょうか。) もしくは "When would be a convenient time to meet tomorrow?" (明日ご都合の良いお時間はいつでしょうか。) あるいは "Are you free tomorrow? Is this convenient for you?" (明日空いていますか、ご都合よろしいでしょうか。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please confirm the time and place we are meeting at tomorrow?

  • Is there a specific time and place you would like to meet?

"Could you please confirm the time and place we are meeting at tomorrow?" "Is there a specific time and place you would like to meet?" Both of these statements are formal ways of asking a person for specific details of what the plans are for a specific day.
【例】 "Could you please confirm the time and place we are meeting at tomorrow?" (明日会う時間と場所を確認していただけますか?) "Is there a specific time and place you would like to meet?" (明日会う時間と場所は特に決まっていますか?) どちら表現もフォーマルに特定の日の予定などの詳細を尋ねる表現になります。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Can you go through the itinerary for tomorrow please?

  • Can you give me the details for tomorrow please?

  • I'd like to know when and where I need to go tomorrow please.

Itinerary - a detailed plan of a schedule or event. To go through something - to discuss and explain the contents of a plan or agenda. 'Can you go through the itinerary for tomorrow please?' - Can you explain the details of the plan for tomorrow. 'Can you give me the details for tomorrow please'? - Literally asking for the details.
Itinerary - 詳細な予定 To go through something - 計画や予定のことを話し説明すること 'Can you go through the itinerary for tomorrow please?' - 明日の詳しい予定を教えてもらえますか。 'Can you give me the details for tomorrow please'? - 文字通り、詳細(detail)を尋ねています。
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know the meeting time and place for tomorrow.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Please let me know the meeting time and place for tomorrow. 明日の集合時間と場所を教えてください。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 meeting time/place は「集合時間/場所」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • What time and where shall we meet tomorrow?

What time and where shall we meet tomorrow? 明日は、何時にどこで待ち合わせましょうか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 シンプルな言い方ですが、伝わりやすく使いやすいと思います。 A: What time and where shall we meet tomorrow? 明日は、何時にどこで待ち合わせましょうか? B: How about at your office at 1PM? 午後1時にあなたのオフィスはどうですか? お役に立てればうれしいです。
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