You can refer to the apps as transport apps if you are speaking about them in general.
If you want to mention a specific one like Uber then you say "Uber app". eg Do you have the Uber app?
そういうアプリはtransport appsと一般的には言えます。
Uberなど特定のアプリであればUber app?ときくこともできますね。
Do you have the Uber app?
>Public transport app.
>Taxi app.
>Taxicab app
*Public transport=other forms of transport that are available to the public.
All the above mean the same thing. Its an app to book a taxi/cab.
Public transport app.
Taxi app.
Taxicab app
*Public transport=公衆が利用可能な交通機関を意味します。
"Transportation network company"
"Taxi cab hiring app"
"mobility service provider"
"Taxi apps" such as UBER could be called a "transportation network company" , "mobility service provider" or "taxi cab hiring app" is an organization that pairs passengers via websites and mobile apps with divers who produce such services charging lower rates than taxi cabs.
"Transportation network company"
"Taxi#cab hiring app"
(taxi cabをよぶアプリ)
"mobility service provider"
"UBERのような"taxi apps"(タクシーのアプリ) を出している会社の事を"transportation network company"(交通機関ネットワーク会社)といいます。
"mobility service provider" or "taxi cab hiring app"などは、ウェブなどを使い、乗客と(タクシーよりも料金が安い)運転手をマッチングする機関のことです。