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2017/09/11 18:17
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  • Profits increased.

  • Revenue increased.

  • We made money.

"Profit" and "revenue" are common words that mean 収益. You could also simply use the expression, "make money."
profit や revenue は[収益](を意味するのによく使われる単語です。シンプルに make money と言ってもいいです。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • A rise in profit.

  • Profit increase

When profits increase you can say: After the event, there was a rise in profit. A rise - This means an increase. Our monthly profit increased dramatically after the event. In both cases profit is used as an uncountable word. To increase dramatically - This means to increase quickly or significantly. I hope that helps!
[収益](が上がるということを、こう言うことができます。 After the event, there was a rise in profit. a rise - これは[増加](という意味です。 Our monthly profit increased dramatically after the event. どちらの場合も、profit は不可算名詞として使われています。 increase dramatically - これは急激に、または著しく増加することを意味します。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The more we sell, the greater the profits

  • Increased profits are proportional to increased sales

It seems that you wish to talk about the relationship between sales and profits. These two financial categories are usually closely related under varying conditions although they would rarely be directly the economic sense. "Sales and profits increase proportionally to each other." Directly proportional = If one variable is always the product of the other and a constant, the two are said to be 'directly proportional.'
売上と収益の関係について話したいようですね。 財務上これら2つのカテゴリーは、通常変動条件の元密接な関連がありますが、経済的認識において直接比例関係にあることは滅多にありません。 "Sales and profits increase proportionally to each other." 売上と収益はお互いに比例して増加する。 Directly proportional =1つの変数が変わるともう1つが常に変わる場合これら2つは、直接比例すると言われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • profits increased

  • profits soared

  • profits rose

Words like "rose, soared, increased" can be used to describe an growth upwards of something like profits, sales, or employment, for example.
 "rose, soared, increased"という言葉は、利益や売り上げ、雇用などが上向き、上がるという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Due to the event we launched our profits increased

Due to the event we launched our profits increased - This means that after the event you launched,you noticed that the profits went up.
私達が行ったイベントのおかげで収益が増加した。 この文はイベントを行った後に収益が上がったことに気づいたという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Due to the product promotion event, our sales and our profits rose.

  • Our sales and profits skyrocketed due to the product promotion event.

  • Due to the product promotion event we launched, our sales and profits increased by leaps and bounds.

Whenever an event is launched in order to promote the products of a company, it often happens that the sales of the products being promoted increase. The event may also result in reduced costs which in turn result in increased profits. This is the ultimate goal of launching a product promotion event: reduced costs, increased sales and increased profits as a result. The idiom 'by leaps and bounds' in the third statement means 'rapidly'. So, you may say: Due to the product promotion event, our sales and our profits rose. or Our sales and profits skyrocketed due to the product promotion event. or Due to the product promotion event we launched, our sales and profits increased by leaps and bounds.
会社の製品を宣伝するためにイベントが開始されると、製品の売上げが増加することがよくあります。 このイベントはまた、コスト低減をもたらし、結果的に利益増大をもたらす可能性があります。 コスト削減、売上拡大、利益増大 これらは製品プロモーションイベントを行う最終目標です。 3番目の表現の ’leaps and bounds' 「飛躍する」というイディオムは、"rapidly"「急速に」と同じ意味です。 このように言うことができます。   Due to the product promotion event, our sales and our profits rose. .製品プロモーションイベントにより、当社の売上高と利益は増加した。   Our sales and profits skyrocketed due to the product promotion event. 製品プロモーションイベントにより、売上高および利益が急増しました。   Due to the product promotion event we launched, our sales and profits increased by leaps and bounds    実施した製品プロモーションイベントにより、当社の売上高および利益は飛躍的に増加した。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Promotions bring greater profits

  • It is very clear from recent sales data, that promotions bring greater profits!

In buisness the single most effective tool to increase returns, is the use of promotion /advertising; Indeed some successful companies spend as much as 40-50% of their total income on "Sales Promotion"( increasing sales is the goal of an ad campaign.) "It is very clear from recent sales data, that promotions bring greater profits!"
ビジネスでは、収益を上げる最も効果的な方法は、宣伝です。実際、成功している会社は収益の40~50%を広告に充てています。(売上を伸ばすことがキャンペーンの目標です)  "It is very clear from recent sales data, that promotions bring greater profits!" 最近の売り上げデータから、宣伝が大きな利益をもたらしていることは非常に明らかである。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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