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2017/09/12 20:59
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  • Could you please explain what I have to do when I go on holiday?

  • Is a simple email to the school with details of my holiday absence sufficient?

Asking someone to explain something is probably the best and quickest way of receiving exactly all the information you need in this situation. 'Could you please explain...?' We use this construction when asking for full details about something - it may be a procedure or a plan or an explanation as to why something was done in a certain way. 'Is a simple email...?' Here you are proposing one method of informing the school of your holiday, and are checking that this is adequate.
誰かに説明をお願いするのが恐らく最も早く必要な情報を手にすることができる方法でしょう。 'Could you please explain...?'この文法は、詳しい説明をお願いするときに使います。例えば手続きや、計画、なぜそうしなければいけないのかなどの説明も含まれます。 'Is a simple email...?' これは、学校に自分の休暇を申請するときの方法を提案する言い方で、この場合、メールでも十分か確認しています。 Here you are proposing one method of informing the school of your holiday, and are checking that this is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do I need to do in order for me to take some time off from school?

  • Is there something I need to submit if I want to take a long vacation from school?

"What do I need to do in order for me to take some time off from school? "= This is a question you can ask about what action you need to follow in order for you to be allowed to go on your long vacation. "Is there something I need to submit if I want to take a long vacation from school?"= This question is similar to the one above, but more clearly asks about if there is any forms or documents you need to fill out and hand in so you are able to go on your long vacation.
What do I need to do in order for me to take some time off from school? (学校で休暇を取る場合何をする必要がありますか?) 長期休暇の許可を取るためにどんな手続を取る必要があるかを尋ねています。 Is there something I need to submit if I want to take a long vacation from school (学校で長期休暇を取りたい場合、提出しないといけないものがありますか?) この質問は上の質問に似ていますが、長期休暇を取るためにどんな書類を書いて提出する必要があるかどうかをより明確に尋ねています。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Can you explain to me what the procedure is for taking holidays?

  • Can I just tell the school my holiday details or does it have to be in writing?

"Can you explain to me what the procedure is for taking holidays?" This asks them to inform you what you do when going on holiday and how you tell them. "Can I just tell the school my holiday details or does it have to be in writing?" This asks if it is okay for you to just give them the information verbally or if you have to write letter/email.
Can you explain to me what the procedure is for taking holidays? (休暇を取るためにどんな手続きが必要か説明してもらえますか?) 休暇を取る時何をどのようにしたら良いかを知らせてくれるように頼んでいます。 Can I just tell the school my holiday details or does it have to be in writing? (学校に休暇の詳細について言ったほうが良いですか、それとも書面にしなければいけませんか?) 休暇の詳細についてただ口頭で言えばよいのか、手紙かメールを書かなければいけないのかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What is the procedure for taking an extended vacation?

  • Should I send an e-mail or call to clear my leave?

  • Do I need anything specific to schedule my holiday?

Schools and organizations usually have a way of doing things for paperwork and important tasks. These are also known as procedures. Sometimes additional documents may be needed. You can use any of the phrases to convey this question. Vacations can also be referred to as holidays or leave.
学校や組織はたいてい書類作業や重要な仕事をする方法があります。これらを、 procedures(手続き)と言います。時には、追加書類が必要になることもあります。この質問をするには、どのフレーズを使ってもかまいません。 Vacations(休暇)は、holidaysやleaveとも言います。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • How do I apply for leave?

When you want sometime off from school or work you apply for leave days. Leave days are days you take if you want to attend to you personal things. e.g vacation
学校や仕事を休む時には leave days(休暇)を申請します。 Leave days は個人的な用事で休む時に取る 休日です。 例  休暇
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Dear teacher, should I apply for leave from school and what process do I follow?

  • Dear teacher am I required to submit any formal documents inorder to apply for leave?

  • Dear teacher what procedure do I follow in order to apply for leave from school?

In order to ask your language teacher if you are required to submit anything or follow a particular procedure in order to apply for leave you may ask the following; Dear teacher, should I apply for leave from school and what process should I follow? Dear teacher, am I required to submit any formal documents in order to apply for leave? Dear teacher, what procedure do I follow in order to apply for leave from school? keywords apply-Make a formal application or request. process-A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
欠席の申請をする場合、何かを提出したり、手順があるか先生に尋ねる言い方です。 Dear teacher, should I apply for leave from school and what process should I follow? 〔訳〕先生、どのように学校の欠席を申請したらいいですか? Dear teacher, am I required to submit any formal documents in order to apply for leave? 〔訳〕先生、欠席を申請するのに正式な書類を提出する必要がありますか? Dear teacher, what procedure do I follow in order to apply for leave from school? 〔訳〕先生、学校の欠席を申請する場合どのような手順に従えばいいですか? キーワード apply-正式に申請または要請すること process-何かを達成するためにとる一連の行動や段階
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me what process is to be taken and what I need to submit when requesting permission to go on a long vacation.

  • Are there specific procedures to be followed when one wants to go on a long vacation?

The noun 'process' means a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. In this case, it's a series of steps that need to be taken when one needs to go on a long vacation. Is there any documentation required to be submitted, such as a written application for leave of absence? The noun 'procedure' is a synonym of the noun 'process'. It also means a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner. Processes and procedures are inherent in every organization, be it in government or in the corporate world. You may say: Please tell me what process is to be taken and what I need to submit when requesting permission to go on a long vacation. or Are there specific procedures to be followed when one wants to go on a long vacation?
名詞 'process'とは、ある一連の行為、またはある特定の結果になるためにとる段階のことを意味します。 この場合、長期休暇をとるときに、踏むべき一連の段階のことを指します。欠席するための申請書のような書類を提出する必要はありますか? 名詞'procedure'は、 名詞 'process'の類義語で、ある順序や方法で一連の行為が行われるという意味です。 Processesやproceduresは、政府であろうと、企業であろうと、どの組織にもつきものです。 Please tell me what process is to be taken and what I need to submit when requesting permission to go on a long vacation. 長期休暇の許可をとるには、どういった工程で、何を提出する必要があるか教えてください。 Are there specific procedures to be followed when one wants to go on a long vacation? 長期休暇をとりたいときは、従うべき具体的な手続きはありますか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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