世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




そのまんま、聞きたいです。 私は女性ですが男性に対してです。
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2017/09/12 23:17
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  • Where do you normally shop for clothes?

  • Which clothes stores do you prefer?

Where do you normally shop for clothes? This is a simple way to ask where the person buys their clothes. You can ask without the word clothes, “Where do you normally shop?” this still works but only if you are on the subject of clothes shopping, otherwise it is a little broad, it could mean food/furniture/clothes/accessories/etc. Which clothes stores do you prefer? This is a direct way to find out which stores are best to shop at. By asking ‘which do you prefer?’ you are getting a quick answer without beating around the bush.
Where do you normally shop for clothes? これは、人が服をどこで買うか聞く簡単なフレーズです。 服という言葉を使わなくても “Where do you normally shop?”「普段どこでに買いますか?」と尋ねることもできます。 しかしこれは、服装の買い物について既に言及している場合にのみで、そうでなければそれは少し広範過ぎる質問で、食べ物/家具/服/など何について聞いているのか分かり辛いです 。 Which clothes stores do you prefer?  これは、どの店舗で買い物するのを好むかを知るための直接的な聞き方です。 ‘which do you prefer?’ 「どちらを好みますか?」と尋ねることで、回りくどく無く的確に聞きたい答えを得られます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I'm interested, where do you buy your clothes?

  • Excuse me for asking, but I was admiring your coat. Could you tell me where you bought it?

If the person you are asking is a total stranger, then you may judge how best to phrase this question. If this person seems quite self-important and introverted, you could try: "Excuse me for asking, but I was admiring your coat. Could you tell me where you bought it?" On the other hand, if the guy seems quite relaxed you could say: "I'm interested, where do you buy your clothes?" Either way, they will probably be delighted to have spomeone admire their clothing!
訪ねようとしている人が全く知らない人であれば、この質問をどう言えば良いかを判断したほうが良いです。 その人が横柄な又は内向的な人であれば、こう言いましょう。 "Excuse me for asking, but I was admiring your coat. ちょっとお聞きしたいのですが、あなたのコート、素敵ですね。 Could you tell me where you bought it?" どこで購入したか教えて頂けますか? 一方その人がとっつきやすそうな人であれば "I'm interested, where do you buy your clothes?" あなたのコートをどこで買ったのかに興味があります。 いずれにせよ、誰かに洋服を褒められたら悪い気分になる人はいないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me sir, where do you buy your clothes/hats.

  • Where do you shop?

  • Where do you buy your clothes?

"Excuse me, sir, where do you buy your clothes/hats." "Excuse me" politely gets their attention "Sir" is the title for a man " where do you buy your clothes?" This asks him to tell you where he buys his clothes. "Where do you shop," This asks him to tell you what shop he buys his clothes at. "Where do you buy your clothes?" This asks him where he buys his clothes.
Excuse me, sir, where do you buy your clothes/hats. すみません、どこで洋服や帽子を買っているのですか? - Excuse me 丁寧に相手の関心を引きます。 - Sir 男性に使います。 where do you buy your clothes? どこで洋服を買っているのかを尋ねています。 Where do you shop どのお店で洋服を買っているのかを尋ねています。 Where do you buy your clothes? どこで洋服を買っているのかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you usually buy your hats and clothes.

  • I really like the hat you wearing, where did you buy it?

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1.Where do you usually buy your hats and clothes. 2.I really like the hat you wearing, where did you buy it?
自分のことを言う時に以下の表現が使えます。 1.Where do you usually buy your hats and clothes. いつもどこで帽子や洋服を買うのですか? 2.I really like the hat you wearing, where did you buy it? あなたがかぶっている帽子は本当に良いですね。 どちらでお買いになったのですか?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Where do you buy your hats and clothes?

  • B) I really like your sense of style,where do you shop ?

A) Where do you buy your hats and clothes? >Where-in or to what place or position. Example-"where do you live?" >Buy-obtain in exchange for payment. Example-"she bought six first-class stamps" >Hats-a shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform. Example-"a black straw hat" >Clothes -items worn to cover the body. B) I really like your sense of style,where do you shop ? *Like -having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to. Example-"he used to have a car like mine" *Sense of style -"Good sense of style" means a good sense of a particular kind, sort or type of form, appearance or character *Where do you Shop- Where do you buy your clothes at which shop? I hope this helps :-)
A) Where do you buy your hats and clothes? どこで帽子や服を買いますか? Where- 場所や位置を聞きます。 例 where do you live? どこに住んでいますか? Buy お金を支払って手に入れることです。 例 she bought six first-class stamps 彼女は6枚の素晴らしい切手を買った Hats ファッション又はユニフォームの一部として防寒のために 頭を覆う形をした物 例 a black straw hat 黒い麦わら帽子 Clothes 体を覆うもの B) I really like your sense of style,where do you shop ? 私はあなたの着ているもののセンスが本当に好きです。 どこで買い物をしているのですか? *Like 同じ性質、品質をしている、同様の 例 he used to have a car like mine   彼はかつて私の車に似た車を持っていた Sense of style Good sense of styleは、特定の種類の物、外観、人物のセンスが 良いこと Where do you Shop どこで又はどの店で服を買うのか? Iお役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you shop for clothes?

  • Where do you buy your clothing?

If you want to ask a man (or a woman) where he/she shops for clothes, you can use any of the following statements. 1. Where do you shop for clothes? どこで服を買いますか? 2. Where do you buy your clothing? あなたはどこで衣服を買いますか?
どこで洋服を買っているのか尋ねたい時は 以下のいずれかの表現を使うことができます。 1. Where do you shop for clothes? あなたはどこで服を買いますか? 2. Where do you buy your clothing? あなたはどこで服を買いますか?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you normally buy clothes?

  • Which clothes stores do you always go to?

1)Where do you normally buy clothes?はシンプルに『普段/いつもどこで服を買っているの?』という意味になります。 2)Which clothes stores do you always go to?はwhereの代わりにwhichを使っていますが意味はほぼ同じで『どの服屋さんにいつも行くの?』という意味になります。
  • Where do you usually get your clothes.

「いつも」は、"usually" を使って表し、 「どこで買う?」は「どこで手にしているの?(手にいれているの?)」的ニュアンスに近い"get" を使って表し、 "Where do you usually get~" と表します^^
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