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2017/09/13 15:19
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  • Due to the tuition going up, the family budget has also tightened.

  • The family budget has tightened because the tuition has gone up.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1.Due to the tuition going up, the family budget has also tightened. 2.The family budget has tightened because the tuition has gone up.
以下の表現を使うことができます。 1.Due to the tuition going up, the family budget has also tightened. 授業料が上がったせいで、家族の生活費が締められた。 2.The family budget has tightened because the tuition has gone up. 学費が上がって家族の生活費が締められた。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • School fees are squeezing the family budget

  • Our family finances are under pressure due to tuition fees

A squeeze (money) = The term squeeze is used to describe many financial and business situations. In business, it is a period when borrowing is difficult or a time when profits decline due to increasing costs or decreasing revenues. Under pressure = in a state of stress or anxiety because of having too much to do (or too much to pay!) "They both work well under pressure."
A squeeze (money) = このsqueezeは、ビジネスだったり金銭的なシチュエーションを表すのに使われます。ビジネスにおいて、借り入れが難しいときや、コスト高や売上が低くなるなどで利益が下がることを言います。 Under pressure = やることが多すぎて、または支払が多くてストレスや不安な状態 "They both work well under pressure."彼らはプレッシャーの中でよく頑張ってる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Our family budget is tighter because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up/risen

  • We are battling because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up.

"Our family budget is tighter because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up/risen." This explains that the money the family has is now less because the fees have gone up/gotten more. "We are battling because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up." this explains that it is harder on the family financially because more money has to go on the fees.
Our family budget is tighter because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up/risen. 我が家の家計は。私の授業料が値上がりして、厳しくなっています。 この文章は授業が上がったため、家族が使えるお金が少なくなったということを説明しています。 We are battling because my tuition/school/university fees have gone up 私の授業料が値上がりしたので、私達は苦労しています。 授業料にかかるお金が増えたため、家計の財政が苦しくなったことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • High tuition fees have made our budget more stringent.

1.High tuition fees have made our budget more stringent. The word "stringent" means firm or strict. This sentence is saying that because tuition fees are expensive, our budget has become more strict.
1.High tuition fees have made our budget more stringent. 学費が高くなったので、家計が苦しくなった stringentは、安定した厳しいという意味です。 この文章は、授業料が高いので、家計が苦しくなったということを言っています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Our family budget is tight due to the high tuition fees.

  • The tuition fees have gone up, which means that our family is now on a tight budget.

budget' generally refers to 'spending money'. If we have a lot of spending money we would just say a "large budget" or a "big budget". If we do not have much spending money, we would say "a tight budget". The first sentence here is stating that you do not have much spending money and this is because of tuition fees. Whereas the second sentence here emphasises that this is more of a recent thing because that tuition fees have just gone up.
budget' は一般的に「お小遣い」を指します。 お小遣いがたくさんあれば、"a large budget" あるいは "a big budget" といいます。 お小遣いがあまりなければ、"a tight budget" といいます。 一つ目の文では、学費が高いのでお小遣いがあまりないと言っています。 一方、二つ目の文は、それが最近のことであること(最近学費が上がった)を強調しています。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • "School fees are creating tension in regards to the family budget getting tighter"

  • "As a result of tuition for school, we are having to spend less and budget our finances"

  • "My family is on a tighter budget due to school fees"

If you wanted to explain to someone that your family budget is getting tighter due to tuition fees for school going up, you could say any of the following: "School fees are creating tension in regards to the family budget getting tighter", "As a result of tuition for school, we are having to spend less and budget our finances" or "My family is on a tighter budget due to school fees". All three of these statements adequately explain your current situation.
学費が値上がりして家計が苦しいことは、次のように説明できます。 "School fees are creating tension in regards to the family budget getting tighter"(学費の支払いで家計が苦しい) "As a result of tuition for school, we are having to spend less and budget our finances"(学費の支払いで家計が苦しい) "My family is on a tighter budget due to school fees"(学費の支払いで家計が苦しい) 上記どの文でもあなたの現状を説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • The family cannot afford as much as we used to because tuition fees have risen.

  • Tuition is more expensive, so the family budget is tight.

  • Tuition fees are making the family broke.

Afford = having enough money to pay for something. Because of the rise in tuition, the family does not have as much money for other things. To state that tuition is more expensive indicates that the price for tuition has gone up. That results in less money to budget, and another way to describe that is "tight" in this case. In this situation the word "broke" is a way to say that there is not enough money to go around. If the tuition costs go up high enough, this could make it hard to be able to pay for other family expenses.
Afford = ~を買うだけの余裕がある。学費が上がったので使えるお金が減った。 "Tuition is more expensive" は「学費が上がった」という意味です。その結果家計が苦しくなったわけですが、ここではそれを "tight" という言葉で表しています。 この場面では、"broke" は「お金が足らない」という意味です。 学費があまりに高くなると、他の経費を支払うのが難しくなるかもしれません。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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