世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/17 09:03
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  • I got drenched in rain.

  • My clothes are soaked from walking in the rain.

I got drenched in rain.=私は雨でびしょ濡れになった。 My clothes are soaked from walking in the rain.=雨の中歩いた為、私の服はびしょ濡れです。 drenched/soaked=びしょ濡れ ちなみに豪雨はdownpourです。
  • My clothes are soaking!

  • I feel like a drowned rat!

  • I'm soaked to the skin!

Soaked to the skin. Also, soaked through. Drenched, extremely wet, as in What a downpour; I'm soaked to the skin, or She fell in the stream and was soaked through. The implication in this idiom implies that water has penetrated one's clothing, so one is thoroughly wet. To look like or feel like a drowned rat = to be very wet, especially because you have been in heavy rain.
Soaked to the skin. Also, soaked through. Drenched, extremely wetは、土砂降りでびしょ濡れになっているということです。 例文 I'm soaked to the skin, びしょ濡れだ。 She fell in the stream and was soaked through. 彼女は嵐に遭って、ずぶ濡れだ。 このイディオムは、水が服にしみ込んで、びしょ濡れになっているということです。 To look like or feel like a drowned rat = 特に大雨に遭ってびしょ濡れになっているということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am soaking wet! It was raining cats and dogs this morning.

  • I am drenched to the bone!

  • I am wet and cold. It was raining so heavily and I did not have an umbrella.

I feel so uncomfortable in these clothes. They are dripping wet as I got caught in the heavy rain this morning. I'm as wet as a drowned rat! I need a change of clothing. I have to wring out my clothing. I am soaked to the bone!
その他の例です。 -I feel so uncomfortable in these clothes. They are dripping wet as I got caught in the heavy rain this morning. この服を着ているのは気分が悪い。 朝大雨にあたったので、水が滴り落ちている。 -I'm as wet as a drowned rat! I need a change of clothing. 私は濡れ鼠みたいに濡れてるよ! 服を替えなきゃ。 -I have to wring out my clothing. I am soaked to the bone! 私は服を絞る必要がある。 骨まで水に浸かっているよ! 
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • My clothes are soaked!

  • I'm soaked to the bone!

1. "Soaked" is a way to describe something as extremely wet. If you were just in heavy rain, then this is a great word to use to explain how wet your clothes are. 2. To say that you are "soaked to the bone" means that your clothing is so wet, that it is as if the wetness went through your clothes and your skin and to your bones! This phrase isn't literal, but it's definitely used to exaggerate how wet your clothing is, and it's a great phrase to know.
1. soakedは、びしょびしょにぬれていることを表します。大雨で服がぬれてしまった場合、これで説明できます。 2. soaked to the boneは、水が服や肌を通り越して骨(bone)まで達するかと思うくらいびしょびしょにぬれていることを表します。このフレーズは比喩で、服がぬれ具合を大げさに表します。是非覚えてください。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • My clothes are soaking wet from the heavy rain.

*My clothes are soaking wet from the heavy rain. When something is soaking wet it means that it is very wet. This means that the clothes have water still dripping from them. For example:" I need to changed my clothes because they are soaking wet."
*My clothes are soaking wet from the heavy rain. (豪雨で私の服はびしょぬれです) この"soaking wet"とは、びしょびしょに濡れるという意味です。 ここでは、水が滴れるほど服が濡れているという意味です。 例 " I need to changed my clothes because they are soaking wet." (服がびしょびしょに濡れてしまったので、服を着替えなくてはいけません)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My clothes are so wet right now all because of the heavy rain.

▪ My clothes are so wet right now all because of the heavy rain. Because=for the reason that "so wet" Means that it is very wet. This is telling the next person that your clothes are wet because it was raining. Example Friend: Why do you look so upset? You:My clothes are so wet right now all because of the heavy rain.
▪ My clothes are so wet right now all because of the heavy rain. Because=〜という理由で "so wet"はとても濡れていることを意味します。 これは、あなたの服が雨が降っていたので濡れているということを伝えています。 例文です。 Friend: Why do you look so upset? なんでそんなに怒っているの? You:My clothes are so wet right now all because of the heavy rain. 全て大雨のせいで私の服がびしょ濡れなんだよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The rain completely drenched my clothes!

  • It's raining cats and dogs out there that my clothes are completely soaked!

  • I was almost swimming in this rain! Look at how wet my clothes are!

Raining cats and dogs is an idiom used with heavy rain. Almost swimming in the rain also shows how heavy the rain is as if you've been in the ocean or sea. Soaked: means completely and utterly wet. Drenched: another way of saying so wet. All those sentences can be used to describe walking in heavy rain and are used by people in their every day lives. Hope this helps!
"Raining cats and dogs"は「大雨が降っている」という意味のイディオムです。"Almost swimming in the rain"も、まるで海の中にでもいるかのように大雨が降っている様子を表すフレーズです。"Soaked"はびしょ濡れ状態のこと。"Drenched"は類義語です。 これらの例文はすべて、土砂降りの雨の中を歩いている様子を表せる日常的なフレーズです。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • My clothes are soaked from the rain.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 My clothes are soaked from the rain. 「服が雨でびしょぬれです」 と表現できます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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