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2016/01/18 17:49
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  • We can't rely on/trust/count on weather forecasts.

rely on... 「信頼する、頼みにする」 trust 「信用する」 count on 「頼る」 などの表現を使って表すのはいかがでしょう。 We can't really rely on weather forecasts. We shouldn't count on weather forecasts. などもいいでしょう。
  • Why are weather forecasts always wrong?

この文は、直訳すると 「天気予報ってなんでいつも間違ってるの?」 です。 (weather forecast = 天気予報、wrong = 間違い) 質問の形を取っていますが、実際に誰かに質問しているわけではなく、暗に「天気予報ってあてにならないよね」ということをほのめかす方法です。 天気予報では晴れだったのに、実際には雨に降られてしまって、 「ほんと、天気予報ってあてにならない!」 と不満を表したい場合、上記英訳のように言うといいでしょう。 質問の形にせずに、 Weather forecasts are always wrong! 「天気予報はいつも間違ってる」 Weather forecasts are never right! 「天気予報が正しいことがない」 と言ってもいいでしょう。 これら3つの文を言うときに、不満感たっぷりな口調で言えば、質問者さんのいう「迷惑」感が出ると思いますよ。
Sohei Kato 英語講師/TOEIC系ブロガー
  • The weather forecast is not very reliable .

  • You cannot rely on the weather forecast.

The sentences above mean that the weather forecast is not very reliable. Therefore you have some doubts about it. You think it is not 100% reliable.
The sentences above mean that the weather forecast is not very reliable. Therefore you have some doubts about it. You think it is not 100% reliable. 上記例文は、天気予報はあまりあてにならないという意味です。なので、天気予報に疑いを持っています。天気予報は、100%当たるわけではない、と思っています。Not reliable=あてにならない。Cannot rely on=あてにできない。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • inaccurate

  • not reliable

  • not very accurate

example "The weather forecasts are not very accurate." or "The forecast is not very reliable." or "Sometimes the weather forecast is very inaccurate."
"The weather forecasts are not very accurate." 天気予報は、全く正確ではない。  "The forecast is not very reliable."  天気予報は、全く信用ならない。 "Sometimes the weather forecast is very inaccurate." たまに、天気予報は全く正確ではない。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • They're notoriously unreliable!

Weather forecasts, all over the world, are famous for often being wrong. Especially here in the UK! To say that something is 'notorious' is to say that it is well known and famous for being bad or wrong. Unreliable is the opposite of being reliable. Unreliable means something or someone that you can not depend on, as it often fails its purpose.
世界中で、天気予報はよくはずれると有名です。特にイギリスです!  'notorious' とは、悪さをしたり、間違ったことをしたりしてよく知られているという意味です。 Unreliableは、 reliableの対義語です。 Unreliableは、信用できないものや人という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The weather forecasters usually get it wrong!

  • I never trust the weather forecast.

  • Most of the predictions are way out!

Any of the above will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The weather forecast is not accurate.

  • The weather forecast is not reliable.

Stating that the weather forecast is not accurate or reliable are simple ways to express that you can't rely on the weather forecast to be correct all of the time. Here is an example: The weather forecast is not accurate, it said that it was going to rain yesterday, but it didn't rain at all yesterday.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I don't believe the weather forecast is a reliable source.

  • I don't think the weather forecast is to be trusted.

We use "weather forecast" when we are referring to the weather prediction made by scientists. We say "reliable source" when we want to say that the information that they give is to be trusted. So in the first sentence when you say that you do not believe that the weather forecast is reliable, you are saying that you do not trust the weather predictions. The second sentence really just means the same as the first, just used different wording to get the same point across. Hope this helps! Thank you for your question.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • We can never rely on the forecast. It's so changeable

  • The weather forecasters are always wrong

In some countries, it is impossible to rely on the weather report. It is not very reliable because sometimes it changes very quickly without warning. Irish weather is famous for being like this. To rely on something or someone means to depend on something or someone with all your trust.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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