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2016/11/18 00:31
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  • Partly cloudy

"Partly cloudy" is a common weather term when it is sunny and cloudy in a day or when part of the day is sunny and part of the day is cloudy. It can also be used when part of the sky is covered with clouds and the other part of the sky still has the sun shinning visibly. Eg: "it will be partly cloudy today" I hope this helps :)
“Partly cloudy”とは晴れ時々曇りという意味の一般的な気象用語です。空の大半が雲で覆われいても一部太陽が輝いて見える時にも使われることができます。例:”It will be partly cloudy today.”(今日は晴れ時々曇りでしょう) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。 例文としては、"The forecast for today is partly cloudy."(今日の天気予報は晴れのち曇りです)といった具体的な使用例があります。 この他にも、天気に関連するフレーズとして "Sunny intervals" や "Variable clouds" があります。これらも同様に晴れと曇りが交互に訪れる状況を表します。 "Sunny intervals"は「晴れ間」を指し、"Variable clouds" は雲が増減する状況を表します。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • We'll see sun, followed by clouds.

天気予報の「晴れのちくもり」は ★We'll see sun, followed by clouds. と言います。 We will see sunで「太陽を見るでしょう(つまり、晴れるでしょう)」 followed by cloudsで「雲に続かれる(つまり、のちに曇り)」 followという動詞は、「続く・追う」などの意味があるんです。 参考になりますように!
  • It is going to be sunny then it will get cloudy later.

Later means that after it has been sunny it will get cloudy.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Today will be partly cloudy.

  • Early morning it will be sunny. Then later the afternoon it will be slightly cloudy.

Today will be partly cloudy. partly cloudy is halfway sunny and halfway cloudy. This means that it is not fully sunny and not fully cloudy. slightly=partially or not fully This indicates that in the morning the sun will be out and the sky will be clear and later during the day the sun will be slightly covered with clouds.
-Today will be partly cloudy. (今日は部分的に曇りになるでしょう。) 半分は晴れ、半分は曇りです。 これは完全に晴れではなく、完全に曇ってもいないことを意味します。 -Early morning it will be sunny. Then later the afternoon it will be slightly cloudy. (早朝は晴れるでしょう。その後、午後遅くにはやや曇るでしょう。) Slightly(わずかに)=部分的にまたは不完全に これは午前中に太陽が出て空が明るくなり、日中は太陽が雲で少し覆われることを表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • "Today we'll be seeing some sunshine and then it will turn partly cloudy later on."

  • "Today there will be some sunshine, follwed by clouds later in the day."

These are some examples of typical weather announcements heard in America. Note: The term 'later on' means something that will happen at a specific time later in the day. E.g., "I think that later on today I might go meet my friend for a coffee." "Later on are you still planning on taking the bus home?" "I heard that it may rain today later on."
これらはアメリカで聞く典型的な天気予報の例です。 【注意】 この'later on'とはその日の特定の遅い時間の事です。 【例】 "I think that later on today I might go meet my friend for a coffee." (今日、後で友達とコーヒー飲みに行くかもしません) "Later on are you still planning on taking the bus home?" (後でバスに乗って家へ帰る予定ですか?) "I heard that it may rain today later on." (今日の遅い時間に雨が降ると聞きました)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • The day will start sunny and turn cloudier later.

  • It will be a bright start but clouds will form later in the day.

  • A sunny start will give way to more overcast conditions later in the day.

These are pretty typical announcements on the daily UK forecast. Clouds will form = clouds will start to appear Start of the day = sunrise
UKの天気予報ではよく使われるアナウンスメントです。 Clouds will form = 曇りがでてくるでしょう。 Start of the day = 夜明け。日の出。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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