Sorry for keep asking
sorry to bother you again.
I'm sorry to bother you over and over. と言います。
over and over とは何度も何度ものことです。
Sorry that I am repeatedly asking you this over and over.
「(色々言って)邪魔をする/(邪魔になりそうなことを)色々いう」=bug you, bother you
"You won't come to Niigata this season, right? Sorry that I keep asking this to you over and over. I had such a great time last year, so this year, I am thinking of going to Hokkaido, if you won't be here (come to Niigata). "
最後の”if you won't be here"は(ここが新潟だとして)「(今年)君が来ないなら」という意味です。