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2017/09/18 12:10
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  • is Yokohama city part of Kanagawa prefecture?

英語では都道府県をすべてprefectureで表現しています そして市はcityです なのでis Yokohama city part of Kanagawa prefecture?になります
  • Is Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture?

Is Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture? This is a very straightforward question to ask. The word "is" is the present tense form of the verb "be". So the question asks if currently, right now, Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture.
Is Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture? これはすごくストレートな質問ですね。 isは三人称単数現在形で使われるbe動詞の変形です。 つまり、質問は現時点で、横浜は神奈川の一部なのかどうかを尋ねる文になります。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Which prefecture is Yokohoma in?

  • Which county is Plymouth, England in?

  • Which state is Los Angeles in?

Japan has prefectures, France has departments, the UK has counties and the United States has states and counties, Australia has states and territories, China has provinces. When you are explaining, it depends to whom you are explaining how best to explain it. For someone from the UK for example, you could say: "Japan is made up of prefectures rather than counties and Yokohoma is in Kanagawa prefecture."
地域の言い方として、日本はprefecture(県)、フランスはdepartments, UKはcounties、USはstates、オーストラリアはstateとterritoriesを、中国はprovincesを使います。 これを使うとき、その人がどこ出身なのかが問題になりますね。 もしUK出身に対していうのなら、 例えば、 "Japan is made up of prefectures rather than counties and Yokohoma is in Kanagawa prefecture." 日本は、UKのcountiesに対して、神奈川県横浜市というように県で構成されている。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Yokohama is in the Kanagawa district

  • Yokohama is part of the Kanagawa district

Both sentences are two ways to say the same thing. The key word here is "district". If you do not know your audience, "district" is a more general term. In North America, we do not say prefecture. The USA is divided into states and counties. Canada is divided into provinces and territories. In the UK it is divided into counties. In all, most every English speaking country has different terms to refer to political boundaries. Using "district" is a more neutral term you can use if you do not know your audience, or know how they call their political districts.
どちらの文も言っていることは同じです。 ここでのキーワードは、'district'(地域)です。相手のことを知らないのなら、'district'はより一般的な言葉です。北アメリカでは、'prefecture'(県)とは言いません。 アメリカは、'states'(州)と'counties'(郡)に分けられています。 カナダは、'states'(州)と'territories'(準州)に分けられています。 イギリスは、'counties'(州)に分けられています。 行政区画を表すのに使う言葉はほとんどの英語圏で異なります。 'district'はよりニュートラルな言葉なので、相手のことを知らないとき、相手の国で行政区画がどのように呼ばれているのか分からないときなど、使うことができます。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • Is Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture?

In Japan I understand that the land is divided into smaller areas called perfectures. In different countries these are called different things. In UK they are called Counties In America they are called States and Counties In Canada they are called Provinces and Territories If you were not sure what divisions of land are called in the country of which you're speaking, the word 'district' would be understood. 'In which district of the UK is Harrowgate?'
日本の国土は'prefectures'(県)と呼ばれる小さな地域に別れていますよね。国によってこれは違う名前で呼ばれます。 イギリスでは'Counties'と呼ばれます。 アメリカでは'States'や'Counties'と呼ばれます。 カナダでは'Provinces'や'Territories'と呼ばれます。 その国の区域がどのように呼ばれているのか分からない場合は、'district'が使えます。 'In which district of the UK is Harrowgate?' (ハロゲイトはイギリスのどの区域にありますか)
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Which Province/State/County/Prefecture is OO in?

  • Is OO in (Name of Province/State/County/Prefecture) ?

Which Province/State/County/Prefecture is (Name of place) in? This asks which part of the country the town/city is in? South Africa is divided into Provinces. England is divided into Counties. America is divided into states. Japan is divided into prefectures. Is (Name of the place) in (Name of Province/State/County/Prefecture) ?
Which Province/State/County/Prefecture is (Name of place) in? これは、その国のどこ出身なのか尋ねる言い方です。 南アフリカならprovinceで分かれますし、 イングランドならCountiesで分かれます。 アメリカはStatesで分かれます。 日本だとprefectures(県)で分かれてますね。 例 Is (Name of the place) in (Name of Province/State/County/Prefecture) ? (その場所の名前)は、・・・ですか?
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Is Yokohama in the Kanagawa prefecture?

If you want to know if a place is in a certain area then it is a very simple question you would just ask 'Is Yokohama in the Kanagawa prefecture?' the word 'is' means in the present tense so it refers to now or today
ある場所があるエリアの中にあるか知りたい時は、以下のようにとてもシンプルに尋ねることができます。 Is Yokohama in the Kanagawa prefecture? (横浜市は神奈川県ですか?) 「is」は現在形なので、現在のことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture?

県は英語では prefecture と言います。 単純な答えは "Is Yokohama (city) in Kanagawa prefecture?". 'City'は使わなくても大丈夫ですよ!
  • Is Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture?

  • Is (City/Town) in the (Prefecture/State/County/Province/District/Republic)?

  • Is Cape Town in the Western Cape/Province

Is Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture? In this answer, you are specifically asking if Yokahama city is in Kanagawa prefecture. Is (City/Town) in the (Prefecture/State/County/Province/District/Republic)? For (City/Town) you can choose which place you are referring to. (Prefecture/State/County/Province/District/Republic) These are all different names for countries' administrative divisions. For example: Japan is divided into 47 prefectures. South Africa is divided into 9 provinces. Australia has 6 states. An example of this sentence is: Is Cape Town in the Western Cape/Province?
Is Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture? 「横浜市は神奈川県ですか」 ここでは「横浜市は神奈川県ですか」と聞いています。 Is (City/Town) in the (Prefecture/State/County/Province/District/Republic)? 「(市/町)は(県/州/郡/州/地区/共和国)ですか」 (City/Town) に、好みの場所を入れます。 (Prefecture/State/County/Province/District/Republic) これらは全て国の行政区画です。 例えば: Japan is divided into 47 prefectures. 「日本は47都道府県に分かれています」 South Africa is divided into 9 provinces. 「南アフリカは九つの州に分かれています」 Australia has 6 states. 「オーストラリアには六つの州があります」 この文の例です: Is Cape Town in the Western Cape/Province? 「ケープタウンは西ケープ州ですか」
Arne DMM英会話講師
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