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2017/09/18 21:23
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  • walked around the university

この場合敷地内といった表現はあまり使いません。 英語では大学を歩いていると言うだけで敷地内にいることを前提とします 敷地内=on the premises ですがこちらはルール(禁煙)などを伝える場合につかわれます no smoking on the premisis
  • I walked around the campus.

  • I strolled along the school grounds.

  • We walked in the quadrangle.

When referring to the garden or school grounds, we often refer to it as a campus. You can also use "school grounds". Also, you can use the word "stroll" in place of walk.
学校のグラウンドや庭を指す時、campusと言います。 または、"school grounds"とも言います。 歩くという時は、 "stroll" と言ったりします。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I took a stroll around the campus

  • I walked around the college grounds

To stroll = walk in a leisurely way, saunter, amble, wander, meander, ramble, dawdle, promenade, walk, go for a walk, take a walk, roam, traipse, "I strolled around the city" Campus = Campus refers to the area attached to the educational establishment which may include sports and training grounds, pavements and roads, buildings for education or accommodation, parkland and flower gardens.
散歩する=楽しんで歩く 同義語 saunter, amble, wander, meander, ramble, dawdle, promenade, walk, go for a walk, take a walk, roam, traipse, "I strolled around the city" 街をブラッと歩いた。 キャンパスは、スポーツ、トレーニンググラウンド、歩道や道路、校舎、寮、公園や花が咲いた庭がある教育機関がある場所のことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I took a walk through my campus.

Since the question mainly concerns a word that can replace "the grounds of a college or university", the right word would be 'campus'. The noun 'campus' means the grounds and the buildings of a college or a university. If a student lives at the university where he/she is studying, you can say he/she lives on the campus. However, in this case, you walked through the campus. Grammatically, the word 'through' has been used as a preposition here. If you took a walk through the campus, it means that you entered the campus on one side and came out on the other side but not around it. So, you may say: I took a walk through my campus.
大学の敷地内ということについてなので、適した言葉はcampus(キャンパス)と言う言葉でしょう。 このキャンパスという単語は、大学の土地や建物のことを意味します。 所属する大学に住んでいる学生は、he/she lives on the campus.(彼または彼女はキャンパスに住んでいる)と言うことができます。 しかしながら、この質問の場合は、you walked through the campus.(あなたはキャンパスを通り抜けた。)と言います。 文法的には、throughという言葉は前置詞として使っています。 この例文の意味は、大学の敷地内を通り抜けたという意味で、中を回ったということではありません。 そのため、このように言うと良いでしょう。 例文 I took a walk through my campus. (私はキャンパスを通り抜けた。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I took a stroll around the university grounds

you can say 'university grounds' meaning 'grounds of the University'
university groundsということが出来ます。 意味は大学の敷地です。
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • I took a turn about the campus.

  • I strolled around the campus.

I took a turn about the campus: To take a turn about the campus means to take a walk around the area or the buildings of the college /university. I strolled around the campus: To stroll means to walk in a relaxed manner. A campus is the grounds of a university / college.
I took a turn about the campus. (大学の敷地を散歩しました) "take a turn about the campus" は、大学の敷地や建物を歩いて回ることを表します。 I strolled around the campus. (大学の敷地を散策しました) "stroll"(散策する)は、リラックスして散歩するという意味です。 "campus"とは大学の敷地の事を言います。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • campus

  • university grounds

Example sentences- 1. I live on campus and frequently take strolls around at night, it is very safe. 2. The university grounds are landscaped very beautifully, I try to walk around every day.
【例文】 1. I live on campus and frequently take strolls around at night, it is very safe. (私は大学の敷地内に住んでいて、よく夜に散歩をします、とても安全です) 2. The university grounds are landscaped very beautifully, I try to walk around every day. (大学敷地内はとてもきれいに庭が整備されていて、毎日歩くようにしています)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Campus

  • College grounds

  • Campus grounds

The property of a college is most commonly referred to as "campus". You can also say, "college grounds" or "campus grounds". Examples: I took a walk around campus last night to clear my head. I walked around the college grounds for exercise this morning. Yesterday, I took a walk through the campus grounds. Clear my head = stop worrying/thinking about something
大学の敷地を表す最も一般的な表現は "campus"(キャンパス)です。 また "college grounds" や "campus grounds"と言う事も出来ます。 【例文】 I took a walk around campus last night to clear my head. (頭をすっきりさせるために昨夜大学の敷地内を散歩しました) I walked around the college grounds for exercise this morning. (エクササイズするために、今朝大学の敷地を歩きました) Yesterday, I took a walk through the campus grounds. (昨日、大学の敷地を散歩しました) Clear my head = 何かを心配する/考える事を止める事です。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
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