世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/20 00:27
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  • Can I get some help over here?

直訳すると「こちらを手伝ってもらえますか?」という意味です。 店員さんになにかしてもらいたい時に使える非常に便利な言葉です。 Can I get some help?だけでも通じますが、”over here”を付けることに より、遠くにいる店員さんにこっちに来て欲しいという意味になります。
  • Can someone come to the register?

  • I'm ready to checkout now.

  • Excuse me, can you check me out?

If you are ready to pay and no one is there you can say, "Can someone come to the register?", "I'm ready to checkout now", "Excuse me, can you check me out?", "Can you call someone to come to the register?", "Can you call someone to check me out?", "Can you call someone to the checkout counter?", and "I am ready to checkout now, can you tell me which register I should go to?"
支払いをしようと思ったときに、そこに誰もいないなら、次のように言えます。 "Can someone come to the register?" (すみません、レジをお願いできますか) "I'm ready to checkout now" (支払いをしたいです) "Excuse me, can you check me out?" (すみません、お会計をお願いできますか) "Can you call someone to come to the register?" (誰かをレジに呼んで頂けますか) "Can you call someone to check me out?" (誰かをレジに呼んで頂けますか) "Can you call someone to the checkout counter?" (誰かをレジに呼んで頂けますか) "I am ready to checkout now, can you tell me which register I should go to?" (支払いをしたいです、どこのレジに行けば良いですか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Please help me to pay for my goods at the cash register.

  • Will someone please help me at the till?

If the cashier is somewhere else in the shop other than the cash register itself, and you have finished collecting whatever goods you want to buy, you definitely have to ask the staff member to help you pay for the goods at the cash register. The cash register is sometimes referred to as a 'till' which is also short for 'until'. So, you may say: Please help me to pay for my goods at the cash register. or Will someone please help me at the till?
買いたいものを見つけてレジに人がいない場合確かに誰かを呼ばなくてはいけませんね。 レジのことを ‘till’ ということがありますが、これは ‘until’を省略したものでもあります。したがって、回答例1か2の文章を使うといいでしょう。 Please help me to pay for my goods at the cash register.(レジでこれらの支払いをしたいと思います。) Will someone please help me at the till?(どなたかレジでの支払いをさせてくれませんか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am ready to pay.

You can say : "I am ready to pay." "Could you please help me, I want to pay." "I would like to pay." "Please help me at the till, I need to pay."
"I am ready to pay." 「支払いの用意が出来てます」 "Could you please help me, I want to pay." 「対応していただ けますか、支払いたいので」 "I would like to pay." 「支払いたいのですが」 "Please help me at the till, I need to pay." 「レジで対応して くれる、払わなきゃいけないから」
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to pay for these please?

  • Excuse me, could you help me at the till please?

When talking or trying to get someone's attention then 'excuse me' is a nice way to get them over to help you. We call the cash register a 'till' in the UK By adding please at the end it's a polite way of asking
人の注意を引くときには 'excuse me'(すみません)と言うと丁寧です。 イギリスではレジのことを 'till' と言います。 文末に 'please' を加えると丁寧になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I would like to pay"

  • "I am ready to pay"

  • "Can someone come to the register?"

If you are at a shop and you would like to buy something in that store, but no one is at the cash register and you need a staff member to serve you, you could say any of the following: "I would like to pay", "I am ready to pay" or "Can someone come to the register?". All three of these sentences adequately express that you need a staff member to assist you.
お店で支払いをしようと思ったときに、レジに誰もいなかったら、次のように言えます。 "I would like to pay"(支払いをしたいです) "I am ready to pay"(支払いをしたいです) "Can someone come to the register?"(誰かレジに来てもらえますか) 上記三つどれを使っても、店員に用があることを伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to pay for something. Can you assist me?

  • Where's the cashier?

Well if you are looking for someone to accept your payment, the first exampled sentence is great. However, a more direct approach may include the second example. A cashier should be there, right?
もし料金を受け取ってくれる人を探しているのなら、最初の例はすごく良いです。 二つ目の文はより直接的なアプローチです。"Cashier"(レジ係)はきっとそこにいるはずですよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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