世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/09 10:43
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  • Can you ring me up?

Can you ring me up? お会計をお願いできますか? アメリカでよく使うフレーズです。 "me"ではなく、 Can you ring "these" up? が文法的に正しいと思いますが、話し言葉では Can you ring "me" up? が一般的になってしまっている気がします。 店員さんからは、 Let me ring you up. 会計しますね。 I'll ring those up over here. こちらのレジへどうぞ。 などと言うのをよく耳にしますね。 ちなみに、ring me up は「電話してね」という意味もあります。
  • Excuse me, I'm ready to pay now.

  • Excuse me, could someone come to the till so I can pay?

  • Can I pay for these now?

「すいません、レジお願いできますか?」= Excuse me, I'm ready to pay now. / Excuse me, could someone come to the till so I can pay? / Can I pay for these now? 様々な言い方がありますが、イギリス人の私は上記のフレーズを使うと思います^^ 直訳すると「もう払いたいんですが・・・」や「私が払えるために誰かがレジに来てくれる?」のような意味になります。
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Excuse me, i'm ready to pay now

  • Could i please pay for my shopping now

  • Could i please pay for these now

All are good ways to let the clerk know that you are ready to pay and need someone to help you do so.
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay, please?

  • Excuse me, can you help me? I’m waiting to pay.

There are several way in which you can get the cashier’s attention. The most polite forms will include the words ‘excuse me’ or ‘please’. To begin with, you could get their attention by waving and saying ‘excuse me’ or ‘hello?’ or ‘hi there’, and then continue with your request, e.g. ‘I want to pay’, or ‘can you help me, I have a question’.
レジ係の注意を引く言い方はいくつかあります。 「excuse me」や「please」を加えると丁寧な言い方になります。 まず始めに、手を振りながら「excuse me」「hello?」または「hi there」と言って店員の注意をひいてもいいです。それから以下のように要望を伝えます: I want to pay. (支払いをしたいです。) Can you help me? I have a question. (お願いできますか?質問があります。)
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • Could you take my payment please?

  • Any idea how I can pay for this please?

The first example sentence is a direct question while the second is really just a request for ideas about how to pay. The second example may appear to be a little sarcastic, although sarcasm may be well-deserved for the case of a shop with no cashier :-)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, I would like to pay for these, can you help me?

  • Where can I pay for this?

  • Can someone come to the register so I can pay?

It is easy to approach someone in a shop to ask to pay. Usually they are waiting eagerly for your payment, so most are quite quick to assist! You could approach someone who works in the store and ask any of the following: "Hi, I would like to pay for these, can you help me?" "Where can I pay for this?" - prompting the worker to assist you in either finding someone or showing you where to go and pay. "Can someone come to the register so I can pay?" I hope these expressions help.
お店で支払いをお願いするのは簡単です。大抵、店員は支払いを熱心に待っていますので、ほとんどの場合素早く対応してくれます! お店で働く人に近づいて下記のように聞けるでしょう。 "Hi, I would like to pay for these, can you help me?" (これを支払いたいのですが、いいですか?) "Where can I pay for this?" (どこでこれを支払えますか?) - 他の店員を見つけるかお金を支払う場所を教えるよう、促しています。 "Can someone come to the register so I can pay?" 支払いをしたいので誰かレジに来てくれませんか? これらの表現が役立つことを願います。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, could you help me please?

  • Could someone come to the registers please?

  • I need some help at the till.

There are a number of different ways you can refer to the point of payment, such as register, till or sales point. To be polite, address the staff member first by saying "excuse me". You could simply tell them what you need, "I would like to pay for my items" or "I need some help at the till" or you could ask them for the correct staff member to do so, "Could someone come to the registers, please?"
レジの言い方はいろいろあります。例えば、"register"、"till"、"sales point"など。 丁寧に、まずは、"excuse me"(すみません)と呼びかけましょう。そうしたら、シンプルに何をしたいのか伝えます: "I would like to pay for my items"(商品の支払いをしたいです) "I need some help at the till"(レジをお願いしたいです) あるいは、担当のスタッフを呼ぶこともできます: "Could someone come to the registers, please?"(どなたかレジに来てくれますか?)
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
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