世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/21 22:42
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  • Could you write the correct answers of Daily News in the chat box or lesson note? I want to review them later.

「正答」は「correct(正しい)answer」。 「type down」は、「(タイプして)書き留める、記録として残す」という意味です。 「review」は「復習する」。 Daily Newsとても勉強のしがいのある教材ですよね! チャットボックスやレッスンノートを使って復習されることを私も賛成です^^
Akane 英会話講師/通訳/バイリンガルMC
  • Can you please write the correct answer in the chat box so that I can review it later.

  • Can you write the answer in the lesson notes for me to review later please.

>▪Can you please write the correct answer in the chat box so that I can review it later. >This sentence is asking for the teacher to leave the correct answers in the chat box for you so that you can view it later. >▪Can you write the answer in the lesson notes for me to review later please. >This sentence is asking for the teacher to leave the answer in the lesson notes for you to view later after the lesson .................................
>▪Can you please write the correct answer in the chat box so that I can review it later. (後で復習できるように、チャットボックスに正しい解答を記入してください) >この表現は、後で復習をしたいので、チャットボックスに正解を記入してくださいと先生へお願いする表現です。 >▪Can you write the answer in the lesson notes for me to review later please. (私が後で復習するために、レッスンノートに正解を記入してください) >この表現は、後で復習をしたいので先生にレッスンノートへ正しい答えを記入して下さい、とお願いする意味になります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you write the correct answers in the chat box or the lesson notes so I can refer to them later.

  • Could you write the correct answers in the chat box or the lesson notes so I can go over them later.

When you refer to something later, you go over it again or try to see where you went wrong and can refer to it to make corrections. When you 'go over' something, you read through and again try to spot where you went wrong. You can also say "I want to look over them later".
後で何かを参照したい場合、見直しをしたり間違っていたところを確認したりします。 'go over'とは、再度読み直したり間違っていたところを確認する事です。 "I want to look over them later" (後で確認したいです) と言う事も出来ます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please write down the correct answers in the chat box/lesson note so that I can have a look later.

*Could you please write down the correct answers in the chat box/lesson note so that I can have a look later. This means you would like the teacher to write down when they correct you so that you can practice after.You can also have a small book that you can write new things that you learn so that you can always practice whenever you are free.
*Could you please write down the correct answers in the chat box/lesson note so that I can have a look later. (後で確認するために、正解をチャットボックスに書き込んでください) これは、練習したものの正しい答えを後で練習したいので書き込んでください、と言う意味です。 また、ノートなどに自分で書き込んでおくと、いつでも好きな時に練習することが出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please put the correct answers in the chat box for me?

  • I'd like to review the answers later if you would please let me have them.

It is not ncessary to mention the chat box as this is the normal way of sending material during online lessons: "I'd like to review the answers later if you would please let me have them." However, you could refer to the chat box in mid lesson so as to develop a routine with the teacher so that answers are automatically placed in the chat box as you proceed through the questions: "Would you please put the correct answers in the chat box for me?"
オンラインのレッスンでは教材を送ることは普通なので、チャットボックスのことを言う必要はありません。 例文 "I'd like to review the answers later if you would please let me have them." 答えを書いて頂けたら、あとで答えを復習したいです。 しかし質問がすすむにつれて、先生のルーティンとして答えをチャットボックスに自動的に書いてもらうために、チャットボックスについて言うことも出来ます。 例文 "Would you please put the correct answers in the chat box for me?" 私のためにチャットボックスに正しい答えを書いて頂けますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please write the correct answers to questions in the chat box.

  • Would you be able to write the correct answer in the chat box please?

  • I would appreciate if you could write the correct answer into the chat box.

Example sentence: 1. Could you please write the correct answers in the chat box for me to review later. 2. I would appreciate if you could please write the correct answer to questions in the chat box, so I can check them out later. 3. Can you kindly document the correct answer to questions in the chat box, so I can go through them after the lesson. Thanks.
例文 1. Could you please write the correct answers in the chat box for me to review later. 後で復習できるように、チャットボックスに正しい答えを書いて頂けませんか。 2. I would appreciate if you could please write the correct answer to questions in the chat box, so I can check them out later. チャットボックスに質問の正しい答えを書いて頂けたら幸いです。そうして頂けると後で確認することができます。 3. Can you kindly document the correct answer to questions in the chat box, so I can go through them after the lesson. Thanks. チャットボックスに質問の正しい答えを書いて頂けますか?そうすれば後で確認することができます。ありがとうございます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Can you put any corrections in the chat box please

  • Could you write the correct answer in the lesson notes so I can review later please

Can you put any. And,Could you write are both asking the teacher if they can enter anything that is incorrect into the chat box or lesson notes.
Can you put anyもCould you writeも、先生がチャットボックスやレッスンノートに入力してくれるか尋ねる表現です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Can you type the correct answer into the chat box please?

  • Can you put the correct answer into my lesson notes please?

  • I would like to review this later, can you type it for me?

Can you do me a favor and write the correct answer into the chat box. The correct answer- This means the right answer to the question. Chat box - skype chat box Lesson notes- The notes that you receive within 24 hours after the lesson. To ''review'' something means to read back over it, to study it.
Can you do me a favor and write the correct answer into the chat box? (チャットボックスに正答を書き込んでいただけますか) The correct answer - 質問に対する正しい答えという意味です。 Chat box - スカイプのチャットボックス Lesson notes - レッスンノート(レッスンの後24時間以内に受け取るメモ) 「review」は「復習する、おさらいする」という意味です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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