世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/23 21:46
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  • Only I have a day off tomorrow.

  • I have a day off tomorrow, but my coworkers don't.

  • It's my turn to take a day off tomorrow.

「土日祝もあいているところで働いているので、交代で休みを取っています。私は休みの番だけど同僚は出勤日と言いたいです。 」 To explain the above, you can say, "We sometimes have to work on weekends, so it's my turn to take a day off tomorrow."
上記のことを説明するためには、 "We sometimes have to work on weekends, so it's my turn to take a day off tomorrow." 私たちは週末に働かないといけない時もある。 だから明日は私が休みを取る番だ。と 言うことが出来ます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I have a day off tomorrow, but not my co-worker.

1. I have a day off tomorrow, but not my co-worker. A "day off" means that it is a day that you will not be working or doing any activity that you normally do.
1. I have a day off tomorrow, but not my co-worker. "day off"とは、お仕事など普段行っていることが休みの日です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I have a day off tomorrow, but my colleague has to work.

  • My co-worker is at work tomorrow, but I have a day off. Lucky me!

I feel lucky to have a day off work tomorrow. Sadly, my workmate has to work. What bliss to have a day off work tomorrow! I feel sorry for my colleague though as she/he has to work.
I feel lucky to have a day off work tomorrow. Sadly, my workmate has to work. 明日休みが取れて幸運に思っています。 残念ながら私の同僚は働かないといけません。 What bliss to have a day off work tomorrow! I feel sorry for my colleague though as she/he has to work. 明日休めるなんてなんて恵まれているのでしょう。 明日働かないといけない同僚が気の毒です。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • A) I have the day off tomorrow.

  • B) I am off tomorrow but not my coworker/coworkers

A) I have the day off tomorrow. *I have-possess, own, or hold. Example-"he had a new car and a boat" *Day off -a day's holiday from work or school, on what would normally be a working day. Example-"it's her day off today" B) I am off tomorrow but not my co-worker/co-workers *Co-worker -a person with whom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level within an organization. "her strong work ethic and high standards have garnered respect and support from co-workers and employees alike" Co-worker (1) one Co-workers (2) two plural I hope this helps ! :-)
A) I have the day off tomorrow. *I have-持っている、所有している。 例 "he had a new car and a boat" 彼は新しい車とボートを持ってる。 *Day off -仕事や学校の休みの日 例 "it's her day off today" 今日は彼女休みだよ。 B) I am off tomorrow but not my co-worker/co-workers *Co-worker -同僚のこと "her strong work ethic and high standards have arnered respect and support from co-workers and employees alike" 彼女の強い職業倫理と質の高さは尊敬と指示を同僚や同じような従業員から得ている。 Co-worker (1) 単数 Co-workers (2) 複数 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I'm off work but have a replacement

  • I'm away tomorrow but Bob is taking my place

  • I'm taking a day off but have cover

It's great! You have a day off and have all the plans in place for a wonderful day! But your coworkers are panicking about all the extra work they wiull have to cover in your absence. You can easily put their minds to rest by telling them about the arrangement you have made for 'cover.' "I'm away tomorrow but Bob is taking my place."
それは素晴らしいですね。あなたは休日を取り、素晴らしい日のために色々と計画を立てていることでしょう。 でもあなたの同僚はあなたの休暇中にやらなければいけない追加の仕事でパニックになっているでしょう。 同僚に仕事をカバーしてもらうためにあなたがした配慮について話しをすることで彼らの気持ちを落ち着かせることが感嘆にできます。 "I'm away tomorrow but Bob is taking my place." 私は明日休みだけど、ボブが私の代わりをしてくれるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am the only one that is off tomorrow.

  • All my colleagues are working tomorrow but me.

▪I am the only one that is off tomorrow. This indicates that everyone at the company will be on duty as normal only you have the day off. ▪All my colleagues are working tomorrow but me. This indicates that it is a normal days work for everyone but you have the day off.
例文 ▪I am the only one that is off tomorrow. 私だけが明日休みです。 会社の人は皆いつも通り 仕事があるけど、自分だけが 休みだということです。 例文 ▪All my colleagues are working tomorrow but me. 私以外の同僚は全員明日仕事です。 明日はみんなはいつも通り仕事だが、 あなたは休みだということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • cover my shift...

  • I will be off tomorrow however a co-worker will cover my shift...

We may need "a stand in" or someone to "cover our duties when we are off work... Or " cover our shift" We often talk of working in Shifts...9am-5pm or 10am-4pm. Someone else will take over our responsibilities at work...and cover our shift:-D "I will be off tomorrow however a co-worker will cover my shift..."
We may need "a stand in" (代役)あるいは 仕事が休みのときに"cover our duties"(代わりに働いてくれる)人がいるかもしれません。 あるいは" cover our shift"(シフトをカバーして)くれる人がいるかもしれません。9am-5pm あるいは 10am-4pmと時間で働くことをとシフト制で働くと言います。 誰か仕事を変わってくれてシフトをカバーしてくれるでしょう。 例文: "I will be off tomorrow however a co-worker will cover my shift..."(明日私は休みですが、同僚が私のシフトをカバーします。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I have tomorrow off but my coworker will be working.

  • I have tomorrow of but my coworker still has to work.

These two phrases can be used to describe that we have the day off or we won't be working tomorrow while also explaining that our coworker will still be working. We can use the future tense with, "will," or we can use the auxiliary, "to have to," to express that its still obligatory for our coworker.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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