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2017/09/27 13:22
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  • working from home

  • working remotely

You can say where you are working from. For example if you working from home you can say "Today I am working from home." However working remotely doesn't mean you are specifically working from home but maybe from another country, you are just not in the office.
何処で[働いているか](と言うことが出来ます。 例えば、[在宅勤務](している場合 "Today I am working from home."(今日は在宅勤務しています)という事が出来ます。 しかし、"working remotely"とは、特に在宅勤務と言う意味ではありません、他の国で働いているという意味になり、オフィスにいませんと言う意味になります。 work from home = 家から働く = 在宅勤務 work remotely = リモートで働く = リモート勤務
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will be working from home remotely.

  • Today I am working from home remotely.

>I will be working from home remotely. >Today I am working from home remotely. .......................... Example 1 Friend: Will you be at the office tomorrow? You:I will be working from home remotely. ............................ Example 2 Friend:Hi, are you working from the office? You:Today I am working from home remotely. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
>I will be working from home remotely. 私は[家](からリモート勤務をします。 >Today I am working from home remotely. 今日は私は家からリモート勤務をします。 Example 1 例1 Friend: Will you be at the office tomorrow? 明日は[オフィス](にいる? You:I will be working from home remotely. 家からリモート勤務をするよ。 Example 2 例2 Friend:Hi, are you working from the office? オフィスで働くの? You:Today I am working from home remotely. 今日は私は家からリモート勤務だよ。 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I work from home

  • My work is home-based

"Hey Peter, what are you doing these days?" "Well, I quit my job in February and went self-employed." "Wow, that was a big move. How's it going?" "It's going really well! I work from home and have flexible hours." "It sounds like the ideal job! How does youir income compare with your previous job?" "I'm earning twice as much!" "That is soooo good!"
Hey Peter, what are you doing these days? やあ、ピーター、最近はどうしてる? Well, I quit my job in February and went self-employed. うん、2月に仕事を辞めて、自営業をしている。 Wow, that was a big move. How's it going? へぇ~、それは大変化だね。調子はどう? It's going really well! I work from home and have flexible hours. とても良いよ。家で働いているから、時間も自由だよ。 It sounds like the ideal job! How does youir income compare with your previous job? 理想的な仕事だね。前職と較べて、収入はどう? I'm earning twice as much! 2倍は稼いでいるよ。 "That is soooo good! それはスゴイ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I work from home.

  • I have a home-based job.

Home-based = used to describe people who work at home, instead of in an office in a company You can say : I work from home. I have a home-based job.
Home-based (自宅を拠点とした) オフィスや会社ではなく自宅で働く人のこと I work from home. 自宅で働いています I have a home-based job. 私は自宅を拠点とした仕事をしています。 と言えます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Work remotely.

  • Work from home.

  • Remote work

To work 'remotely' means to work from home and not need to go into the office. Remote work is becoming a lot more common due to advances in technology which allows us to make phone calls and send emails, from home, to all over the world. It is very easy to work from home provided you have a computer and an internet connection!
work remotely' は「在宅で勤務する」という意味です。 科学技術の発展により、自宅にいても世界中の人と電話や電子メールでつながることができるようになったため、在宅勤務をする人も増えています。 パソコンとインターネットさえあれば在宅勤務はたやすいものです!
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Remote working.

  • I am working remotly.

  • I am working from home today.

If you are not working form your office you can say you are working remotely. If you are working from your home that day you can say "I am working from home today." or "I am not in the office today."
オフィスで働いていないのならworking remotely と言えます。 特定の日に家で働いている場合は I am working from home today. 又は I am not in the office today. と言えます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Remote

  • Work from home

When you work without going to the office, you are working "remotely". You can also say that you "work from home".
会社に出勤しないで仕事をすることは、"to work remotely"(リモートで働く)といいます。 他に、"to work from home"(在宅勤務する)と言うこともできます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Today I am working from home

  • Today, I will be working remotely

  • Today, I will not be going into work but will be working from home

When you want to express that you will not be working at the office on a certain day but will be working from home (or on site); you may say it in the following ways: -Today I am working from home -Today, I will be working remotely -Today, I will not be going into work but will be working from home -Today, I will be doing some field work [this last point you would usually use when part of your job is to go outside the office. For example, journalists have to go out and find news stories. So they'd say they are doing "field work"]
その日はオフィスではなく、家から(または現場で)仕事をすることを伝えたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます: Today I am working from home (今日は家で働きます。) Today, I will be working remotely (今日はリモート勤務です。) Today, I will not be going into work but will be working from home (今日は出社せず、在宅勤務します。) Today, I will be doing some field work (今日は、現場で働きます。) [最後の文は普通、オフィスの外に行くことが仕事の一部となっている場合に使います。例えば、ジャーナリストは外に出て記事を探さなくてはなりません。ですから、「field work(現場作業)」という言葉を使います。]
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • working remotely

  • working from home

  • remote work

「リモート勤務」は、 "working remotely" "working from home" "remote work" という表現を使うことが出来ます。 "My boss encourages me to work remotely." 「上司はリモート勤務を推奨している。」 encourageは、「推進・奨励している」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Work from home.

To explain to someone that your job allows you to work from home then you could simple say " I work from home" or "My job allows me to work from home".
「私は在宅勤務をしています」は次のように言えます。 "I work from home"(私は在宅勤務をしています) "My job allows me to work from home"(私の仕事は在宅勤務ができる仕事です)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • To work from home

  • My work is based at home

To say to someone that you work from home you would simply say 'I work from home' You could also say that your work is based at home meaning it is carried out/done at home
在宅で働いていると伝えたいなら、シンプルに以下のように言えます: 'I work from home' (家で仕事をしています) 他に、'My work is based at home'と言うこともできます。家で仕事をしているという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My work is home-based

  • Today I am working from home

It is very simple to say. Usually, people use these phrases: 1) My work is home-based or 2) Today I am working from home
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。 たいていは次のようなフレーズが使われます。 1) My work is home-based(在宅の仕事をしています) 2) Today I am working from home(今日は自宅から仕事をします)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Remote work.

  • Work from home.

  • Online work.

When we work remotely we work from our own private space, we usually need to have our own equipment to do so and sometimes the company will provide what is needed. Remote work means that you are working out of the office. Online work is work done using the internet. Working from home means that you do all the work you need to from the comfort of your own home.
在宅勤務をする場合には、普通その前に設備を整える必要があります。場合によって、これは会社が提供してくれることもあります。 'Remote work' はオフィス以外で働くことをいいます。 'Online work' はインターネットを通じてする仕事をいいます。 'Working from home' は自宅で仕事をすることをいいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Virtual job

  • remote worker

Virtual job is a type of telecommuting where you are likely to be working from home or virtually. Virtual-Something done or seen on a computer.
Virtual job' は在宅勤務の一種です。自宅で勤務すること、バーチャルで働くことをいいます。
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • I have a home-based job.

  • I remotely work from home.

I have a home-based job. "Home-based" is a term native speakers often use. It simply means that it is a workplace away from the office. In this case, it is used to describe a job that allows you to work from your own home, instead of an office. I remotely work from home. "Remote" means that it is a distance away from the office. In simpler words, this means that the person does not work at an office, but rather from their own home.
I have a home-based job.(在宅の仕事をしています) "Home-based" はネイティブスピーカーがよく使う言葉です。これは「在宅の仕事」を表します。ここでは、「在宅の仕事をしている」と伝えています。 I remotely work from home.(在宅の仕事をしています) "Remote" は「会社から離れて」という意味です。「会社には行かず在宅で仕事をしている」と伝えています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • work remotely

  • telework

  • work from home

work remotely リモート勤務をする telework テレワークをする work from home 在宅勤務をする 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 「在宅」の場合は work from home のような言い方がよく見られます。 例: I work remotely from time to time. 私はたまにリモート勤務します。 I work from home most of the time. ほとんど在宅勤務をしています。
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